Life, Health & The Universe

Part 3 Guide To Universal Living: Working with The Dragon Power Procedure

Nadine Shaw Season 9

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Do you feel like you're constantly battling energetic exhaustion or find yourself mired in power struggles? In our latest episode, we unpack the potent Dragon Power healing procedure, a profound practice designed to rejuvenate your spirit and fortify your inner strength. As we guide you through the specifics of this transformative technique, you'll learn how to wield the power of intention to ensure that the energy you cultivate serves your highest good, creating an unbreakable bond with your higher self.

Dive into the sacred realm of spiritual symbols as we discuss the Dragon Power symbol, intimately connected to the heart chakra and its role in energetic protection. Our step-by-step instruction will teach you to activate this powerful emblem, forming a shield around you that wards off negativity and aligns you with the divine. We don't just leave you with these tools; we also share insights from Alexis Cartwright's "Beyond Doorways" and preview Laverne's exclusive content in upcoming Instagram posts to further aid your journey.
Let this episode be the catalyst for your ascension and a testament to the healing power of intention and visualisation.

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Music By Artist: Andrew Forrest  CD: Essence Track: Part 2

Speaker 1:


Speaker 1:

Dragon power is a very popular transplants healing procedure and we work with it a lot, and it's great to use when you're generally feeling depleted, whether it's physically, emotionally or energetically, because it creates a resourcing process. So the more you work with dragon power, the more you will sense and feel a resourcing process triggering for you. The second reason that dragon power is a really useful tool to work with right now is it's good when you feel you're being drawn into a power play or situation with conflict, but generally feeling under attack, physically or otherwise, and so in those situations it's really important that we can hold a sense of self In transplants healing. We call this holding our light. So it's great if you're feeling projection, feeling under attack or being drawn into a power play, as mentioned Now for those who are further down a spiritual path of empowerment, this procedure is very supportive of tapping into divine will. So divine will is really about supporting you to not only hold that sense of self but stay true to your heart and strengthening that connection to the higher self and working more from the higher self than the ego. So whatever reason you find yourself wanting to work with this procedure, as mentioned, whether it's feeling depleted or well, feeling impacted by your environment a lot going on, bit of projection, few power plays or you find yourself in a spiritual initiation and really need to hold that sense of self but also surrender to divine will. This procedure will cover you for these three main things and the great thing is you can actually practice it multiple times a day. So, depending on what's going on, you might actually find yourself drawing this procedure energetically into your energy field more than once. So don't be surprised if you catch yourself doing that.

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But something I mentioned during the main podcast that is really important when working with this procedure is really your intention. It's really important that you're working with the right intention and that you're only using this procedure because you know you're feeling under attack and you want to feel protection aspect of energy coming through, or you know you find that there's a power play going on and so really you want to work from a place of humility and integrity versus seeking to use it to attack another. So just be aware that this procedure is really important, that you're not performing it with a negative intention. It has an energetic force behind it and it will reflect and bounce back to you if your intention isn't actually in the right place. But you know it's really important that if you have any questions about this procedure or any topic that I cover over time, just feel free to reach out to me at wwwcurronspectorcom. You can leave a message on the contact form or you could schedule a call and we can connect by phone or Zoom.

Speaker 1:

Now, one of the things I find really useful before performing this procedure is just find a quiet space where you will not be interrupted. Okay, because what you really want to try and do before you draw this energy procedure is to try and come into a state of stillness as best as you can, and one approach that works well is really by taking the approach of closing your eyes. You know, focus on your breath and release any tension in the mind or body through the breath and then bring your mind into your heart center and really set your intention that you're connecting with your heart chakra and that you're really coming from a place of unconditional love. It's useful also to ask that any thoughts or feelings that are coming up to be released into the light, and you simply do that by stating I release any thoughts or feelings that are arising and I release them into the light. So everything is about intention. When you're working with energy, you know it's about setting your intention and the energy will follow your intention.

Speaker 1:

Now, once you feel settled and you are ready to perform the Dragon Power procedure on yourself you can neither open your eyes at this time or keep them closed whatever feels right for you, but the procedure is as follows. It's very straightforward and you just follow these simple steps. So the first most important thing is when you're drawing this procedure energetically into your body, you're visualizing a silver frequency of light. So each step of the way you are working with a silver frequency of light. The other key thing is you know it's all about intention and it's often useful to use your hand when you're trying to draw energetically something into your energy field. So I suggest you either use your left hand or right hand, whichever is most natural for you, and you point your hand towards your body and you're actually pointing it towards your heart chakra, which is situated at the center of your chest. So as you draw this procedure, which I'm going to walk you through, your hand is pointing inward and it's centered around the heart chakra.

Speaker 1:

So the first step of this procedure is drawing a cross over the heart chakra, and the way that you do this is drawing a vertical line top to bottom over the heart chakra, then drawing a horizontal line across your heart chakra, forming the cross symbol. Then you do this drawing from the left side to the right side. So once you've drawn a silver cross over the heart chakra, you then draw, in the silver frequency of light, a circle over the heart chakra clockwise. And once you've drawn a circle over the heart chakra, you now draw a heart shape symbol over the heart chakra within the circle, again in a silver frequency of light. And once you've drawn the heart shape symbol, you then draw another cross, again over the heart chakra, but this time you draw this symbol three times, one after the other, again in a silver frequency of light, and the vertical line running top to bottom across the heart chakra and then a horizontal line from left to right forming a cross symbol. So basically it's a cross over the heart, a circle around the heart, a heart symbol over the heart and three crosses.

Speaker 1:

And when you have completed this, basically you've activated what we call the dragon power symbol and this will be now activated over the heart chakra and this will activate a whole resourcing process energetically and also provide this beautiful protective shield, like a shield of energy around you and will support you to surrender more to divine will. And the more you run this you'll find, the more it will work for you and the more powerful it will become and the more magic you'll experience through that process. Now, once you've drawn these silver dragon power symbol, it's good to finish by visualising a beautiful white light coming up through your earth star, which is six inches beneath your feet. So you're simply just bringing a beautiful white light up through the base of your feet, from the earth star, up through the body, up through the crown and then out through the outer reaches of your auric field.

Speaker 1:

And then it's always good to complete energetic procedures, especially when you're working with transverse healing, by grounding yourself back into the earth. You're visualizing or drawing a silver line of force from the base of each foot and then meeting six inches beneath your feet to into your earth star and you can run that as much as you feel and that basically grounds you and just strengthens your connection to the earth. To give yourself a couple of minutes after running this procedure and just supporting the light to come through, and again I can say you can run that procedure as often as you feel guided to and, importantly, you can find out more information about not only this procedure and how to run this procedure in chapter nine of Beyond Always, publication written by Alexis Cartwright. But if you check out my Instagram, which is Laverne, underscore Chiron, underscore Spectra, I will be posting some information around Dragonpower and the visual aids to this procedure on my Instagram account, so look out for that.