Life, Health & The Universe

Part 4 Guide To Universal Living: Transcending Emotional Barriers for a Journey of Self-Healing

Nadine Shaw Season 9 Episode 8

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Ever find yourself caught in an emotional loop, where past traumas hamper your present? This week's episode, with the return of our treasured guest Laverne Proctor, promises to shed light on the shadows of our emotional baggage. As we navigate through the complexities of our feelings, our conversation seeks to unearth the profound effects our emotional histories have on our day-to-day lives.
Together, we acknowledge the swift passage of time and the impact of celestial shifts, while sharing personal experiences that reveal our own emotional vulnerabilities. It’s a journey towards recognising the cyclical patterns that inhibit our growth and the self-awareness needed to break free from them.

Transitioning from awareness to action, the episode becomes an enlightening guide to breaking the chains of repetitive emotional responses. Laverne helps map out the steps necessary to forge new pathways for personal development. We explore how belief systems born from our emotional responses can create self-fulfilling prophecies, particularly in relationships, and discuss strategies to dismantle these patterns. This segment is about equipping you with the knowledge to turn self-awareness into transformative change, blending the psychological with the practical to pave the way for a new reality.

Finally, we embrace the world of energy healing and its potent role in the harmonisation of our physical and emotional selves. We venture into the science behind energy work, demystifying its principles and reinforcing its credibility as a complementary healing practice. As we dissect the synergy between traditional medicine and this ancient art, we aim to inspire you to unlock your innate healing capabilities. The conversation culminates with an introspective look at the complexities of letting go, the spiritual liberation it offers, and the potential expansion that awaits on the other side. Join us for an episode that not only provides profound insights but also practical tools for emotional healing and self-discovery.

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Speaker 1:

hello, hello, it's Nadine here and I'm here with this week's episode of life, health and the universe. And it's the third Friday of the month, which means that we are joined by our guide for today, laverne Proctor, as we delve into part four of our series guide to universal living. Hey, liven, good to see. You can't believe how quickly the month flies by before we're here again. I know they're coming around fast and this year already is getting away from us. I can't believe we're about to move into. Well, we're moving through april. I know, I know it's crazy. Um, yes, we are just going to get stuck straight in.

Speaker 1:

I last uh month we um covered dragon power, which is one of the transference, healing uh processes, procedures. Um and um, I kind of had a read up and I've had some experience with that this month. I messaged you yesterday and said going to give me any clues? Yeah, I forgot to send you a text. That's fine. It's like you can pretty much guarantee that I'm going to have some questions, whatever we talk about, because you know, I like to know all of the things and you've got lots of things that you need to share with us. And so you gave me a clue, but I'm not going to give it away. I'll let you reveal what it is that we're going to be covering off on today.

Speaker 1:

So, for listeners, before we go any further, if you haven't checked out the previous episodes, or as part of the series, we've done one, two, three so far, each supported with a guided meditation. Go back and check those out. You'll find them. They're colored purple instead of the sort of uh, bluey color that um used for the other episodes. And, um, yeah, go check them out, I think they can. You can pretty much listen to them in any order, whatever kind of tickles your fancy, I reckon. Yeah, I think that's true. I wasn't sure when we set on this journey together, I wasn't sure how it was all going to play out. So, yeah, I think, really, people can listen to them in whatever order they stumble on them or whatever order they're drawn to. So, definitely, you know there is absolute linkages and subtle overlaps. But, yes, I think you're safe to say that would be absolutely fine.

Speaker 1:

I have to um say I feel it's a weird. I feel a bit weird today. Just um, I think there's a bit of planetary stuff going on and I don't know enerically, I just feel a little bit hairy fairy, so hopefully I can stay focused. But please excuse me, yeah, I mean, we've just had an eclipse, yes, yes. So there's huge frequencies of light hitting the planet and I think what's happening for you, nadine, you're getting more and more sensitive to energy and you're sensing and feeling that more and you're more conscious about your body and your energy field, and that's why you're noticing and becoming more aware of that. Yeah, there's also a solar eclipse coming up this month. I think that's right. It's going to go across Texas yeah, pretty amazing to Texas. Yeah, pretty amazing to watch, yeah, on TV.

Speaker 1:

So I guess I mean that's a good lead in, to be honest, because you feeling that you might have noticed certain emotions arising right, and particularly in the last week. I don't know. You know, because I work with energy, I find it can be quite intense. You know, because I work with energy, I find it can be quite intense. But we're going to be discussing something very close to my heart and a bigger part of my conscious practice in daily life.

Speaker 1:

But I'd like to preface first by stating as human beings, much of our existence is spent navigating the complexities of our emotions. You know, from joy to sorrow, from love to anger, and so our emotional landscape actually shapes every aspect of our lives. So if you think about that for a moment, how many times in a day or a week, a month, you have found yourself caught in the grip of past hurts or replaying so the same scene or same experience in your mind repeatedly? We've all been trapped in this maze of our emotional pain and as human beings, we spend most of our lives trying to resolve something, either in ourselves or resolve something in our life. So, really, the context today is exploring that and, you know, just delving into that a bit more. And how do we work with that and what types of things could we be doing to support ourselves through that emotional turmoil that comes through, you know, daily. Naturally, it comes up daily. Really, you could think about an experience that happened yesterday or last week and you might catch yourself this morning or last night reflecting back on that, and you might continue to reflect back on that because it had quite an energetic impact on you, and that's the type of thing I'm talking about and that's the context, really, of you know, today's topic. Cool, okay, yeah, go on.

Speaker 1:

Can I just kind of quickly jump in? Interestingly, I think, like when you said that. You know, we replay those things in our head. Joe Dispenza, who many people, I'm sure listening will have heard of if haven't look him up, he's amazing. Um says that 95 percent of our thoughts are the same thoughts that we had yesterday, day before, the day before, the day before, and they just become habitual, correct, really amazing. And jo Dispenza is amazing and he really articulates exactly what I've just stated. You've done a great job of speaking to that on another level, and that's really what today's about. How do we start breaking that down? Okay, yeah, so that's beautiful, nadine, thanks for that input.

Speaker 1:

So this emotional pain could have been from an experience that happened last week. Some of the emotional wounds we are carrying may have occurred in early childhood and have laid hidden for years, or it could be an emotional wound we have brought through from a previous life or previous lives, but these wounds essentially keep us in a Ferris wheel of a reality that may not be serving us or supporting us from reaching our full potential in this lifetime, in this lifetime. So, if we think about that for a moment, when we want to improve something in our life, when we want to make positive change, whatever that is for us. Most people know these days it starts with a self. I mean, there's so much information out there, isn't there, that if you want to change something, start with the self. Look in the mirror, you know.

Speaker 1:

But really that's about becoming self-aware, being aware of how we're thinking, how we're feeling, what our perceptions are, our belief systems. They all play a critical part in determining what we need to change. Because if we observe our thoughts, if it's continuously something negative, especially if we're negative towards ourselves and putting ourselves down and whether it's around self-worth or I'm not good enough, well that's a good place to become very aware of what's coming up for us and to observe that and then decide well, do I want to change that? So it's our self-awareness and it's our ability to go inward. Do that self-check. That enables us to get clear on what do we need to change internally to support the change we seek in our reality and in our environment?

Speaker 1:

And energetically and spiritually speaking, we say that our external world is just simply a reflection of our internal world and I think that's quite a well known statement to you know, there's so much information available to people. It would be hard to find someone that may not be aware? Yes, my thoughts do impact my reality. So if we want to fix something, we need to go internally, and if we can go internally, internally, this will support a change in our external world positively if we choose to work through something. So it's that whole inner work that we do is a key, and the more inner work we do, the more positively that ripples out into our reality and our environment and the experiences we have. So it's, you know, why is this a good practice? You know there's so many books out there that talk about, you know, observing the self and so forth. Why is this really a good practice? And why should we choose to try and say, all right, I'm going to look at myself in the mirror, I'm going to ask what I need to change and I'm really going to get honest with myself, how I'm thinking and feeling.

Speaker 1:

Because when we recognize our unresolved issues of past hurt and emotional pain in our hearts, our minds, our soul level impacts our reality and in turn, that impacts our relationship. It impacts our health and our ability to grow, not only personally but spiritually, and achieve the goals we want to achieve in our life. You know, you think we become more motivated to change something, wouldn't you? You think, yeah, that's motivation enough, just acknowledging and understanding that's enough. But it's surprising, and it's interesting the statistics you have just referenced. It is surprising, even when we know this, still, as humans, we choose to hold onto something and not change it and to continue to play out an emotion from an experience that happened, whether it was months ago, years ago, or a pattern that we brought in into this lifetime to ideally clear in this lifetime. You know how much time. And you know you've just stated Joe Dispenser has confirmed that's what we do, this is how we spend our days.

Speaker 1:

So the negative impact of not changing. Well, first of all, I call it the Ferris wheel effect. In our reality, you know the mouse on the wheel who's running, you know he's in the cage, he's got this wheel and he's running on this ferris wheel and he's going nowhere. You see he's just running and running, running and the ferris wheel continues to spin and he's just running and but standing still, really. So we replay certain emotional states of being, you know patterns of behavior and responses like that Ferris wheel type analogy.

Speaker 1:

And then we're left wondering. You know, we walk through life and we're left wondering well, why do certain things keep happening to us, or why aren't things changing for us? And what I mean by that is under the influence of how we feel emotionally. We, you know, we're creating dynamics that play out, that continually play out that didn't need to play out, but because we're, our mindset is in an old thought pattern or still in an experience that happened in the past. We're playing that experience out in a new situation, but we may have not needed to play it out, okay, it may not have had to play out the way that it does. So we continue to develop dynamics that don't just serve us, but they basically create our experiences and continue to create similar experiences and patterns of experiences in our life. And it's all because we're unable to resolve an old emotion that happened in the past and we bring that emotion into a new situation. That may be a completely different scenario, but we bring that old emotion to that situation. It's very interesting.

Speaker 1:

I've been. Is this an okay time to jump in Laverne? Of course I've been. Is this an okay time to to jump in Laverne? Um, yeah, because, um, well, there's a few I've written 700 things or down already that we could talk about, um, that have popped up. But one thing that I think when you say that we, you know, we keep, we continue with those old patterns and this is something that, since I've kind of been been doing this kind of you know work, um, and becoming more aware of patterns and behavior, that we create beliefs around an emotion, right so, and and it's potentially we, we recreate an experience that didn't actually happen, but it's just our perception of what happened, and that's where that mirror thing comes in, right, it's like we that's actually how we responded to it there comes the emotional part of it, part of it, but, yeah, that we actually create beliefs and then we start to behave in a way that affirms that belief, so that I can then go see. That happened as well. This is proof that what I believe is true.

Speaker 1:

Let me give you a really sort of an example. So someone's been unlucky in love yeah, okay, and they've always been unlucky in love and then, finally, they meet the person that they fall in love with, things start to change, everything's going the right way, they get married, have you know, and, and they're happy. But this person doesn't believe that they're lovable because of something that happened a long, long time ago, and so they'll start to do things and to the outside eye it can be quite obvious they'll start to do things like, um, change their behavior, um, do things that are out of the ordinary, that their partner doesn't recognize. It's almost like pushing the buttons to see do they really love me? Or, and, if you know, if things start going pear-shaped, they can go I'm not lovable. See, I knew it is that. Does that is that kind of a? I mean, that was a very beautiful scenario. That was a beautiful um scenario and um, an experiential example.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, so we're basically not only are we building new beliefs or negative beliefs about something that happened at some point in the life or it could be. We've come in with that and we naturally are that from the starting point. Basically, these are knee-jerk reactions, right? So they're old response patterns from unresolved emotions and, as you've stated, effectively we create repetitive experiences and outcomes in our life, creating that Ferris wheel existence, and this has like a significant impact, as you've noted, in our life experiences and our potential. What could we have created, you know, without going into an old emotional response pattern? You know, we could have created a completely different experience, completely new path and new reality through that process. So your example is a really good example. So we get left feeling stuck and we cannot break that pattern of experience to move forward.

Speaker 1:

So that whole self awareness, having the strength and reserve and courage to really go in as that first point of call and observe well, why are these situations playing out? What is it about me? How am I responding? What am I doing that is potentially fueling my experiences and continued similar experiences. So the way we run our emotions significantly impacts everything in our life and our reality, and we often hear the phrase on social media we are the creators, we are the co-creators of our life, and Buddha said one of my favorite spiritual teachers with our thoughts we create our world, and this is so true.

Speaker 1:

So we spend much of our time responding to new situations using old strategies, old patterns of behavior and we are wondering why nothing changes and if that's not bad enough. You know we keep living same experiences. Well, people are beginning to realize more and more and there's more and more information out there, which is fantastic that if we don't clear these old emotions and we continue to hold negative or toxic emotions, our emotional state of being becomes magnified and stress builds in our mind and our body. So we're impacted. You know we can be impacted in the physical. Something will build um in the physical and manifest in the physical or psychologically. We become imbalanced. You know, and you know there's there's a scale of that. You know people, yeah, just slightly psychologically imbalanced, or you know there's a scale of that. You know people, yeah, just slightly psychologically imbalanced, or you know the extreme of that. And there's people with physical symptoms. You know little symptoms through to. You know life-threatening. You know physical symptoms, symptoms.

Speaker 1:

So the reason why we should probably pay a bit more attention and not only become self-aware internally, but start to to make a decision I really want to change something. So wanting to change something that's going on and break a pattern really is the next step, after first being aware of, well, what's going on here, okay. So wanting to change and really having the drive to want to change something is step two. And then the third step really is about, well, well, okay, so I recognize I have this pattern and secondly, I really want to change it. The first step is recognizing when a situation or circumstance plays out in my life, knowing and or observing internally what is going on, what is my state of mind what is my state of being right in this moment as I step into this experience or situation or circumstance, recognizing well, I'm feeling a bit off today, or I'm feeling a bit of anger today, or I'm feeling my self-worth is pretty low Okay, well, getting to a point of acceptance and self-love around that and unconditioned so okay.

Speaker 1:

Well, getting to a point of acceptance and self-love around that and unconditioned so okay. Well, that's how I'm feeling. So I just need to be more conscious how I respond today to people or situations, because I'm feeling more vulnerable today. Something's coming up for me and I'm feeling vulnerable and I just need to pay attention that if someone says something that could trigger that emotion and fuel that emotion, I'm not going to go into an eugenic reaction, I'm not going to go into an old pattern of response Okay. So that's really step number three. So just catching ourselves and stopping a situation of replaying an old hurt and then externalizing that hurt okay.

Speaker 1:

So, rather than getting stuck in a cycle of unresolved pain and knee-jerk patterns and responses, we're effectively choosing to accept well, I'm feeling, I'm pretty feeling off today, but I'm not, I'm seeing a situation. I'm just not going to respond in an old way, and when we do that, what we're actually doing is we're actually supporting a clearing process. Okay, because we're sort of starting to break down or starting to break through a pattern. We're breaking through a trigger response, we're breaking through a habit, we're breaking through a behavior, we're breaking through a belief. You know that isn't serving us. You know that isn't serving us, and we're choosing, in that moment, to respond differently. And when we do this, whether we realize it or not, we're really empowering ourselves. In that moment, we're mastering in ourselves in that moment, and we're actually making positive step change to start creating new experiences. So the more we do that because you can't.

Speaker 1:

If you've got a deep-seated pattern, you know, if you really got a low sense of worth, you're not going to dissolve that. In one experience of hey, I chose not to respond differently, I held my sense of self in that situation. You have to keep working at it. It's like a nun. You have to keep peeling away and peeling away, especially if it's a big emotional pain or trauma. But in making those changes in responses, you are absolutely breaking that down and you're supporting that change. So what we ultimately really want to achieve, though, is to dissolve that emotional pain held deep within us, right, that creates that negative pattern.

Speaker 1:

And it sounds easy. But if it was that easy, joe Dispenza wouldn't be doing all of his workshops, running all his workshops. But what was that? What was the percentage? 95, 95, right, if it was that easy. So it's about being unconditional. You know, understanding. Well, this is the way I'm feeling, this is, and something that keeps coming up and you know I'm just going to keep chipping away. So you really have to have the mindset of just keep chipping away, right, um, and each time you find your situation, just chip away and chip away, and chip away and just practice the steps that I've outlined so far.

Speaker 1:

But, to be honest, where we are on the planet right now and we touched on this in the Fifth Dimensional Consciousness podcast you know we're really at a point of an evolutionary process, whether we're conscious of this or not. You know, I talked about how the planet is shifting and changing and lifting its vibration and frequency and we're connected to the planet, changing and lifting its vibration and frequency, and we're connected to the planet. So we're being pushed to shift and change in our frequency and vibration and, more than ever, there are light codes, which was a great intro from your perspective saying you know, I'm feeling a bit lightheaded and something going on, these light codes that are coming through that is supporting the planet to keep lifting in vibration is also supporting us to lift in our vibration. But in order that we can lift our vibration, we have to let go of old stuff. We need to let go of negative feelings, thoughts you know that aren't serving us, or negative projections on someone else, because you can't be in a higher frequency, you can't hold a higher vibration if you've got this negative self-talk and negative projection going out into the world.

Speaker 1:

And we're all being pushed right now, whether we like it or not, to release and let go of stuff that no longer serves us. So, whether we like it or not, we can come struggling. You know we can be dragged along the road or we can say look, you know, I'm at a point in our evolutionary process I really need to work through something in myself. It's not serving me and it's not going to support my evolutionary process and, whether you think in that regard or not, it's not going to support your daily life and your experiences and what that creates for you. So the sooner we all get on the bandwagon and just, you know, gently look at ourselves and start finding strategies to support ourself, to clear, the sooner we will find the synchronicity of life. You know life just flows more. We're not getting caught upronicity of life. You know life just flows more. We're not getting caught up in the reeds. You know we're just flowing, going with the flow of life, and you know that's creating more positive experiences, even though there's a lot of chaos still going on around the world. You know we can sort of stabilize ourselves through that process.

Speaker 1:

But the reason why I bring up the fifth dimensional aspect and the frequencies that are hitting the planet more than ever before, if we stepped out of our comfort zone and started working more energetically with ourselves and finding energy tools to support our process and support other strategies we're working with, because there are lots of strategies we can work with. But energy and working with energy that anyone can do, anyone can learn some energy procedures, but starting to shift our mindset that we're more than a physical body. You know and I think I touched on that really, in essence, we're just energy in mass form. I think I even said that. You know we're a hologram. You know the planet is a hologram. Science has stated this we are holographic, which makes us quite malleable.

Speaker 1:

Really, if we look at ourselves in that way, that well, if our thoughts and feelings creates a block in our energy field, which, if we keep thinking that, it then builds and builds and then becomes more mass in our body and then creates a physical block and symptom, then you know you're more open to thinking about okay, well, I'll give you know, an energy system a go, but, more importantly, empower yourself to learn an energy system or energy procedures to support yourself, not being reliant on anyone. But it's always good to experience. Well, what, what does that look like? What does that feel like? And you know this is why I work with Transference Healing, not only for myself to keep clearing my own patterning in myself and supporting clients, but somehow, you know, in my psyche.

Speaker 1:

You know, 20 years ago I knew working with energy was going to be important part of my life and it doesn't matter what you do for a living. To be honest, you know you don't have to be, you know, an energy practitioner. It's really trying to throw out the gauntlet to people out of all the other strategies that we can learn and all the self-help tools that are out there. If there was a time to really say, well, I'm going to learn a few energy procedures for myself, it would be now, yeah, okay. So that's really why I work with energy and it's definitely something you you know it doesn't have to be transmits healing if people don't resonate with transmits healing. But obviously I work with transmits healing and I know that it supports people and I know it can create rapid process of change.

Speaker 1:

And I think the key difference when you're working energetically on the body versus you you know observing our thought patterns, working with meditation, going to therapy, talking it out they're all important. You know going to the gym and releasing how we're feeling through the gym you know those are all important things. But when you're working with energy and tapping into your own body's energetic system, you can create a more rapid process of change. Okay, energy for yourself is you can dissolve old emotional pain through the energy body and that creates a decoding process where deeply held memories are cleared and then through that process we lift our vibration and we we can dissolve something so quite significant over time. And we know we've done it, we know we've cleared in ourself because suddenly whatever we were creating in our life that was negative, we know we've dissolved it, when we no longer are playing that out or there's no emotional charge when we find ourselves in a situation. So you know, really my charter is to get people to experience energy but, most importantly, get empowered for themselves to work on that level of their being, outside all the other strategies.

Speaker 1:

And it just so happens that I work with transference, healing, um, because I know how powerful it is and I know it works okay and I've seen people clear major trauma. Can I? Um, I'm gonna be a translator because I think, as I think I say every week, sometimes people might think, whoa, don't know if that's true, right, so let's just put this into perspective, uh, it, or a perspective that might be, um might make more. I'm not saying it doesn't make sense, but you know, people, we forget when we're in these circles that sometimes people outside of these circles might just think this is just a whole bunch of woo, woo. I say I think I say this every week, every time we talk. That's okay, but here's the translation, but here's the translation.

Speaker 1:

So you talked about energy blocks and you talked about how they get stuck in the body and how the energy doesn't flow properly, right, and we know that this is true. If you think about it from a health perspective, right, even when you're stressed, you get tense and your muscles go hard. Right, that is energy being stored in the body not flowing. Our heart starts working harder, we get blood pressure, we don't breathe properly. These are all places where the energy is being blocked right, and these things start to build and they can cause all sorts of health implications. In fact, a guest that um recently had on, we were talking about how we store memories and emotions in the body and if we don't remove them, they can cause um serious illness.

Speaker 1:

Um, so when we're talking about energy, that's, that's the reality of it, that's our human reality of it. Right, that's what the energy is, and we are energy, like it's been proven. Our heart needs electricity. We've got electricity in our bodies to keep us alive. So we are energy. We live in a, in a magnetic field. That's also, you know, proof, we've had proof of that. So, like, energy is not this kind of made up fancy thing. Yes, we are becoming more aware of its power, because previously, well, you know, as if you look at the recent times of human evolution, probably even over the last.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I don't know, historically, the last 100, 150, 200 years, medicine has been the thing right and we've gone. How can we use medicine to make us better because we're getting sick? But now we have these other modalities that are coming through, like transference healing, um, that are allowing us to work on that energetic level with the same healing benefits, in fact better healing benefits. And I'm certainly not going to, I'm not going to go. You know everyone. Give up your medic medicine. That's not, that's not for me to say. People could, but people need to make informed decisions, they need to try new things, um. Well, you know, we have so much, so much more information now, um, and uh, yeah, I feel like it's putting, putting, putting these things back into our own hands as well, using our intuition, using like, like we're powerful beings and I think that we've had that kind of I don't know dampened down. We're not encouraged to tap into that stuff.

Speaker 1:

It's all been very 3d, hasn't it? Yeah, and and it basically we had the knowledge and we had the power to do all the things I just mentioned working with energy and clearing blocks and clearing deep, deep rooted um cellular memory. Back in the lantian numerian times, we were doing that and then, you know, we started to play with things and we started to decide well, you know, let's create this medicine over here and over time, we became disconnected to our inner knowledge and wisdom. So we've been through a massive cycle of dissension and experiential lives working with medicine and there will always be a place for medicine. But medicine will evolve and how we use let's call it western medicine term, western medicine, it'll always be a place for it and that's going to evolve.

Speaker 1:

But really what's happening is now we're all awakening to the fact that we do have more power within us. We do have the ability to energetically work with ourselves and we just need to understand well, I'm using the term work with some energy procedures to create that for ourselves. Okay, so really it's about everyone's going through awakening process and there's millions and millions and millions of people that work energetically on themselves not necessarily, you know, practitioners or teachers. They're already tapping into that understanding and I think the key difference really is, as you say, it's not about not taking your medicine. It's saying well, that's treating a symptom. Taking your medicine, it's saying well, that's treating a symptom.

Speaker 1:

When you're working energetically, you're really tapping in to the core, the deep level core of what really is, is creating whatever. You know the emotion or you know the belief, and you're tapping in on that level and you're resolving and dissolving it and transmuting it. Yeah, root level, and that's really the difference. But the other key factor is being becoming more open to working with energy, and I always preface this is not about me building a client base of you know lots of people coming to have energy healing sessions. People need to experience it. To say, light bulb moment oh my God, that was amazing. How do I learn to do that?

Speaker 1:

For to then say I now have had an experience of how working with energy can support my life and support positive change, support clearing whatever I need to clear, and often it's so subconscious we don't even know what we're clearing and that's perfect, as it is to say well, I'm going to step in and I'm going to empower myself. I'm going to pick up some energy tools as another strategy in addition to all the other things I do in my life and I'm going to start working in this way. Right, so really, this is where my passion is to make more people aware of. You are more than capable of doing this for yourself. And it's not about changing certain you know things you're doing. It's about adding to that and working with yourself on a whole another level.

Speaker 1:

Because, nadine, I'm sure in your life and everything you've done and all the work you've done on yourself, you could probably find something in your life you think, wow, I used to feel this way about this situation, I used to have this feeling come up, but it's gone, it's cleared, right. Yeah, it's cleared. And I'll use the analogy. You know, I've had situations. There might be someone in my life that really triggers me, right? Someone in my life that really triggers me, right? So what do I do? I go inward and I reflect on well, you know, do I do that too?

Speaker 1:

And if I'm not doing whatever that person's doing that triggers me, maybe I did that in a previous life and I've worked through that, so I might have a bit more unconditional love towards the person. I felt they really, you know, they're really annoying me or they're not resonating with me or creating a trigger. But then the next thing I do is run energy on myself to clear whatever that karmic, pain or relationship is with that other person. And when I've come through a process and found, wow, I can be with that person now and I'm not triggered by them. There's a real positive emotion and wisdom that bursts by saying, suddenly I don't have to go through my life being triggered by other people.

Speaker 1:

If I, you know, if I find there is someone that triggers me and I just keep working on myself and keep clearing, clearing, clearing, at some point I can meet that person and they might not become my best friend, but I can be with that person and feel I can have a conversation and it's just like a normal conversation. I'm not like ready to. I guess that is like a perfect example of flow, right, the relationship. There's something that's stuck, the energy's stuck, and so you go in, you do the process and you, um, dissolve that energy or you release that energy and so when you see them again, there's more flow, right, because you're not holding. Yeah, so you can kind of just like and you would never be fussed about it and guess what the magic that creates.

Speaker 1:

So I, I, I say to people you've got, if you run energy on yourself and you keep working yourself and you keep clearing and clearing and you step back into a situation with someone you just don't resonate with, they really get your back up, but you can clear something. You step back into them. You have changed. Well, you don't think that other person doesn't feel that Because your response to them has changed. Yeah, guess what you might actually find, and I can hand on heart, confirm they, their response to you also changes and whatever dynamic was going on between you dissolves and once you might never be like best, bestest, closest friends.

Speaker 1:

You can walk into those relationships with ease and grace and have a harmonious interaction, which means you're not depleting energy to a situation and you're able to hold, you know, your vibration and, as you say, walk through life with more ease and grace and harmony and peace. And that's really where we all want to get to, isn't it? We all want to just have a peaceful, harmonious life that flows and then an ideal we want to get on with everyone. We want everyone to get on with us, you know. So these are like the types of wisdoms that when we truly work on ourselves generally, when we choose to start looking outside the square, thinking outside the box and maybe practicing some energy procedures on ourselves, we really, really create situations where wisdom births, because situations dissolve and suddenly we feel liberated, not only in that relation, but liberated in ourselves, we free ourselves up, we free our energy up and suddenly we're not playing out something in our mind about someone or something.

Speaker 1:

You know, we've truly transmuted that and transformed to that and through that process, our vibration of our body and consciousness lifts and we feel lighter. We all want to feel light, don't we? We feel more positive. We all want to feel more positive. We don't want to get stuck down in negativity, do we? And from a spiritual perspective, you know, we're supporting our evolution into a higher state of being, right and consciousness.

Speaker 1:

And what does that look like? Well, if I'm not getting caught up in negative thoughts and feelings towards someone else because they've triggered me and I'm just generally walking through life and harmoniously, I'm releasing whatever I need to release in relation to someone else and, more importantly, in relation to what's coming up for me regarding that, then we're really supporting a more unconditional state of being and more compassion. Because even if we don't resonate with someone and we've cleared the fuel of whatever dynamic was playing out, we can feel more unconditional love, not only towards ourself but towards other people, and we can feel more compassion when we see someone else playing something else. Yeah, I used to be there but I dissolved that you can feel where that person is in their journey and you can hold that more state of unconditional way of being and really, from a humanity perspective, that's really where we're all being pushed towards. You know, getting back to that high Lemurian life consciousness where we're healing ourselves in the moment and we're living in harmony with everything. You know, that's really where we're driving at. Yeah, yeah, wow.

Speaker 1:

So it's all about healing the self, isn't it? And through healing the self create, we're creating a new reality, we're creating new experiences and then good things keep coming our way. But the bonus really is when we, the more we work on ourselves, the more we lift our vibration, the more we hold a higher state of consciousness and higher levels of perception and understanding On a universal level. When we heal ourselves, we are actually contributing to humanity's collective evolution and healing that's taking place right now. So the more people and there's hundreds of millions of people that are doing this but imagine if there were, you know, another hundred or millions more people on the planet, or everyone on the planet really working on themselves, really clearing their own self-worth or pain, imagine what the environment and world we'd be living in. You know, we could create that tomorrow if we were all doing this right and millions of people are and holding a vibration for the planet and for other people.

Speaker 1:

But that's why I'm really passionate about energy, because it's a really important tool right now for everyone to really work in clear. And you can really work in clear at a rapid rate, deep levels of patterning, you know. You can really work through pain and energy blocks that are forming in the body and work through symptomatic pain that's already, you know, taken hold. And the knock-on effect of that is by clearing internally and releasing ourselves from karmic cycles in our life, that Ferris wheel we start to co-create, create. We start to co-create, create the intention or reality that we are striving to create. That for most of us, we're stuck in that Ferris wheel, reliving old patterns versus stepping out of that Ferris wheel and starting to create on a whole new level. And energy now is playing an important role in that because we really need to clear so much and working energetically can can support that process to clear faster. Yeah, I think it's really important. Well, a lot.

Speaker 1:

All of the things you've said are really important and like I could probably talk to you all day, um, but some things that popped up just then are like that um time, and there are layers, so like it does take time, but the starting point is that awareness. Right, it's like just the being curious about why did that happen, or what was I thinking Like, and just sort of trying to become more aware of what is going on, because I think that some people focus their attention so externally that they're just not practiced in going internal. Or, like you know, we have the I'm, I'm in there all the time, so I can't imagine what it would be not like not to, but building an awareness of what's going on is is really important. But, um, I wanted to sort of just um, and before you say the next step, yeah, and then wanting to change, yeah, yeah, being being aware, seeing something, well, that's not quite a great trade. Maybe you know there's an opportunity to refine an aspect of myself, but then wanting to change it, right, yes, definitely, um, and I was just, I was just thinking when you were talking about like that, yeah, the layers and there's, it's a process and all of us, you know, all of a sudden you'll kind of feel like you're, you take those leaps and then you think that you're there and then you realize actually that was just like the outer surface, but I was.

Speaker 1:

It was, um, I can't think of specifically, uh, an example, but I do know that personally, I've had points where I've it's been like there's actually a fear I'll say fear of letting go of a certain thought or feeling or something, because that's mine, you know, it's who I am and what would I be without that. Or I don't know how to be something different. So that's, yeah, a really interesting. Just on that, you triggered a thought for me many, many years ago when I really started to want to earnestly clear my own patterning. I remember driving in my car thinking, oh, but I don't know if I want to let that go. Yes, I, and it was quite an a light bulb moment. Well, how interesting that I want to let it go, but a part of me doesn't want to let it go, just hanging on, hanging on, and I can't remember the specific thing it was and I'm sorry that I can't because it would have been intriguing to analyze it. But I just recall thinking but I like seemingly playing out this pattern or this emotion, and now I have the option to clear it. So what you said.

Speaker 1:

There is one of the reasons why so many people don't change yeah, because they actually quite like something, you know, they're quite attached to it. A drama, they like drama playing out, they like creating drama, because if there was no drama, well, maybe I'd be bored. What am I going to, you know? Do, yeah, yeah, you know. So that's a very good point.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so, and I think that that's a kind of like a personal observation where it's like, you know, be aware that that might happen when you do go in happened to me when I really wanted to ramp up and think I want to clear these patterns of behavior. They're not serving me. I want to change that. That's not going to help me evolve spiritually, and you know my spiritual path, that I've chosen to go on consciously, and I just, yeah, I just thought, well, how bizarre is that part of me doesn't want to let that go. Yeah, I think it's like, um, you know, if it's, if it's associated with other people and our response to them, and then, well, if I let that go, then maybe that means that I have to forgive them, and then I, you know, does that mean that I was wrong and they were right? You know there's all of that stuff and you're like, come on that.

Speaker 1:

But while you were speaking, just that moment, what it? What it's actually dawned on me as we were just talking. There is what we're healing, ultimately, when we're choosing to let go an identity, of a feeling towards someone else, is what we're actually doing is dissolving our disconnection from spirit ultimately, because what we're actually doing is dissolving an aspect of our identity because we think, well, no, I'm different to that person over there. So there's this aspect of we're clearing an identity that we think is important to us. But, more importantly, what's really underlying that? We're clearing our ultimate disconnection to spirit Because, to be honest, we're all connected, we all are one ultimately, but we're playing at different consciousness in human form and we're all playing a different part, so to speak.

Speaker 1:

And if you go back to that part in uh that you started with about how our relationships with people can mirror what's actually going on for us, that's a perfect example, right, I don't want to let that go. But it's like, well, you know, that relationship is mirroring back something that you still need to work on. If you feel that way about it, correct, they're kind of like the gifts, aren't they, those things that do trigger you because they're like oh, here we go, what's that all about? I think that's probably a good point as well. Is that those things that do make us feel uncomfortable or aggravated? You know, if someone pushes our buttons, they're the places that we need to go in and go.

Speaker 1:

Where did that come from? Why do I actually feel like that? Yeah, and I think the other thing is in on a, in a, on a human level, we like a sense of identity, don't we? Yes, you know, our ego is our identity. So if, if we're unraveling so many aspects of self, that then that you and I feel almost one. Well, our ego wants to identify. Well, no, I'm different to you, you know. So it really comes back to that spiritual essence of you know, we are ultimately one and we're on that journey back to become one as such, and our ego quite likes playing out, you know, drama, reality, and I'm more important than you, or you're more important than me, or whatever. So it's the ego aspect we're actually breaking down as part of that process, as well as the patterns and pain we've experienced past life, this life, that create that identity we associate with. So where does this leave us.

Speaker 1:

Well, we talked about being aware, with a big, long journey into self-exploration. Well, being aware, then choosing. Well, I say I want that over there, I want that as part of my reality. Well, if we want that over there, whatever that is, that could be simply peace, harmony, you know, positive relationship. Was there something in myself I have to change? Or could be to do with self-worth, you know, let's use that as the example identifying. Well, I'm don't feel I'm worthy. So then, breaking that down with strategies that you know we're using already.

Speaker 1:

But I guess you know, part of today was for me to throw out the gauntlet and say, yeah, you've got to start thinking outside the square, You've got to start integrating more with a fifth-dimensional consciousness and reality that we are in and the way that you do that is starting to see yourself as energy consciousness in mass form. It sounds a bit less sexy, doesn't it? And that you have the ability to change anything you want and create anything you want. But it really starts with you have to dissolve this old pattern, old beliefs, old thought patterns, and you have to clear it on the deepest level of your energy system, dna level, subatomic level. And the only way you can do it and the most rapid way you can do that is by working with energy. And I really feel I want to throw the gauntlet out at people and say you've got to start giving it a go.

Speaker 1:

And you know, know, I put my transplants healing hat. I know transplants healing hat works and whether you know someone wants to, you know, call me and ask me more about those types of things. Or you know there's a whole host of transplants healing practitioner teachers around the world. You know, know, you can go to the official website and find someone in your geography. But I mean, we all work remotely. But just give it a go.

Speaker 1:

If you've got something in your life really playing out and it's really painful and you're really trying to create change and you're feeling stuck, give I'm sayingplants healing hack, give transplants healing a go. I know it will support you to create the real change you're seeking. And it all starts from the subconscious level of your being and energetically, and then thought is into your physical, the way you feel emotionally, and then that repels that into your external reality. Yeah so, yeah. So I guess I'm saying to people give energy system. I'd love people to give transplants healing go. I'm available, but we have, you know, teacher practitioners around the world and and that's my message today If you really want to change something we've talked about the process Empower yourself to run energy on yourself and give it a go, because now more than ever, the universe is supporting people to work on that level and really get to that point where we're remembering, we can move comfortably through this evolution that we're going through.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. We don't have to struggle through what's going on in lives. We can clear something faster by working in this new way and, by the way, we were all doing it in the Murian Lentus times. We just went into a dissension process and forgot, okay, and now the universe is pushing. So well, we let you play, we've let you play with medicine and tinkering with this and tinkering that now we're bringing you back full circle and we're waking you up to remind you you have everything within you. You just need the knowledge and tools and procedures to start supporting yourself and empowering yourself to self-heal and clear whatever you need to clear to create the life you want to create.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, um, I think that obviously um do. Do we have any? That's kind of like a close right closing message. Um, so we're going to put your link into the notes, as we always do um and I think also the, the um dragon power procedure that we shared. You, you had a um, a procedure that you took people through um in a recording that supported last month's um.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to be giving some more free. Yeah, I'm gonna. That's a perfect example of energy, like absolutely, absolutely. And so what I'm trying to do yeah, absolutely. So to keep breaking down people's perception about, oh, running, I can't run energy on myself. I can't do that. You, you're special if you can do that over there. We all have that ability. You just need to have the knowledge. So, to keep breaking down perceptions on what running energy means, today I'm going to be providing, in a separate recording, some more transplants, healing procedures to work with, right, so now people are starting to build a kit bag of energy procedures they can work with in their own life, and I'll also explain well why would you use this one over this one.

Speaker 1:

And if you listen to the Dragon Power separate recording, I do a bit of preamble why you would use it, but we talk about it in length in the main podcast recording. I will be providing some more transplants, healing procedures, right, yeah. And so all I'm saying to people it's free, got, it's not no one's charging you for this, it's free. Why wouldn't you give this a go? Why wouldn't you, if you've got questions, pick up the phone or send an email, ask questions that are most relevant to you and your circumstance, and I can walk you through well what this is, how you can support your own process, and let me give you some tools to support that and I'll give a free consultation around that. And then the next step beyond that is well, have an experience. Find someone myself or someone. Have an experience, or you might be working with an energy healer. Already outside transmits healing, you know. Keep having those experiences and honestly see how it takes you through a big shift and change and transformation over time, if not immediately. Some people can make profound shifts in one session because they're so ready for it. So, yes, so the recording will give people some additional energy tools to work with. Right, perfect.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, laverne, for another very insightful um guide to universal living episode. I'm looking forward to part five. So lovely to work with you, nadine. Yeah, it's a pleasure. You always ask the good questions. It's funny. I don't know what my next content's going to be until like the night before, day before I'm doing this session, and in the last couple of days it's become very clear what I'm going to be covering in the next session, which I'm not going to touch on right now, but that's how it's working for me. I don't know what I'm going to be covering until, literally, as I'm just about to record a current topic. Yeah, great, and that's how it's playing out. I like that. And that's not only exciting for me. It really means I'm tapping in creatively what's relevant right now.

Speaker 1:

The right listeners will find this podcast and hopefully they'll test the theory of what we talk about on these podcasts. You know, when you test something, you really shouldn't poo poo something, should you? You've got to test the theory, you've got to test should you? You've got to test it. You've got to test it. You've got to test it and then discern from yourself, discern from your own wisdom.

Speaker 1:

Well, did that resonate for me? Well, that procedure didn't, for whatever reason. But oh, I'm glad I listened to that and practiced that procedure over there, because that worked for me and that resonated for me. So I'm going to run with that, that tool. Yeah, that's really. All I'm trying to do is create different experiences for people and find what works for one person may not work for another and something else might work for that person. That didn't work for that won't work for that other person, so to speak. We know what you mean, all right. Well, I look forward to whatever. Whatever comes your way in next month's episode. Thanks, laverne. Thank you, love your work. See you next time. Love your work to self-love. Thank you. Mutual love, mutual love, sharing it around. Bye for now.