Life, Health & The Universe

Part 4 Guide To Universal Living: Meditation - Transcending Emotional Barriers for a Journey of Self-Healing

Nadine Shaw

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Have you ever felt walled in by your own emotions, trapped in cycles of negativity that feel impossible to break? Join us on a transformative journey where we harness the power of meditation and energy work to scale those walls and step into a landscape of self-healing. Discover the profound impact of self-awareness on our thought patterns and emotions, opening doorways to positive mental pathways. We dive into the heart of Transference Healing, decoding the enigmatic language of deep-seated emotional pain and trauma. It's an intimate exploration of how to untangle the past's tight grip and steer clear of emotional blockages that can shadow our future. We don't just talk about healing; we practice it, guiding you through a meditation that channels purity and peace into every fiber of your being.

The second act of our soulful symphony guides you through a potent visualization exercise, a panacea for the aches of challenging relationships. Picture this: you and another, each encased in your own serene, blue bubble, as we illuminate the space between with a compassionate, healing white light. Watch as the cords that bind you in negativity are symbolically severed, freeing you both with the power of unconditional love. And just before we part ways, we'll ground you back to earth, leaving you feeling secure and steadfast. This session isn't just a fleeting encounter with inner peace; it's an empowering embrace of a more harmonious existence. Join us and let the metamorphosis begin.

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Music By Artist: Andrew Forrest  CD: Essence Track: Part 1

Speaker 1:

Hello, this is part four. This is the meditation section to transcending emotional barriers for a journey of self-healing podcast, so I hope you enjoy it. We need to navigate through the complexities of how we're feeling, and when we can become aware of what we're replaying in our mind, we can start to forge new pathways and shift the way we're thinking and feeling and we can actually work with energy tools to dissolve old thought patterns or feelings or belief systems. So the aim is to do this as much as possible within the moment. So when you catch yourself in a cycle of downward, negative self-talk or negative projection towards another, when we can catch ourselves in that moment and we have some energy tools to work with, we can start to break free from chains of repetition of negative thoughts and feelings, emotional responses that hold us in a karmic cycle of experiences. But it takes consistent practice and a bit like an onion the more we practice, the more the layers of the onion peel away, till we find in ourselves that we reach a point where, you know, the pure essence of us starts to shine through more. What this looks like is that we hold a healthier sense of self, we have greater peace and harmony and a healthier view of the world. We start to create a new sense of being, a new starting point with more co-creative flow. I find basically more of a positive state of being and the reason why I work with energy and specifically I work with Transference Healing is because you can really support this process of clearing and create a more rapid process of dissolving old emotional pain, and we call this decoding. So by working with energy and working on our energy body, we're effectively decoding deeply held emotional pain, old memories, charged emotions and trauma from the past. So, whether it's from past events in this lifetime or, you know, trauma or pain from a previous life, and by working in this way you can move through your processes faster and not get caught up in a process and potentially get stuck in a negative process for days or even weeks, and for some this negative process can go on for months or years.

Speaker 1:

So when you're working with an energy system like Transmits Healing, you're working to clear emotional pain held deep within your patterning and you're clearing the possibility of a build-up of pain that creates blocks from everyday life experiences, karmic relationships and the like. So clearing your energy on a regular basis before it builds into something else is a really good reason to work with energy. But if you found that you have actually got a buildup of pain and it's actually manifested in the physical in some way it could be a physical symptom or emotional state of being you can still work with energy to support the release of that build-up. And we mentioned decoding old patterning on the DNA level. When you're working to clear through the DNA level of your patterning you're transmuting this old pain and clearing at the core of your being. So the knock-on effect of clearing internally is to release yourself from karmic cycles in your life. You know that Ferris wheel effect, that basically you're continuously playing out either an experience or a pattern of behavior in your life. So working with energy you can basically release that cycle. So an energy system like Transference, healing supports a consistent level of clearing in your body would otherwise have manifested into the physical. So you're effectively preventatively caring for yourself. But working with energy you can really stabilize your energy and stabilize your emotions and how you might be feeling on a given day if you've been impacted by something within the day. But it also can really balance and ground you, especially when you're feeling challenged and you've got a lot of challenges playing out in your life. So the more emotional pain you can clear, the more you will naturally create positive experiences in all aspects of your life, the more peace and harmony you'll feel, not only internally but in all your relationships. So I've just pulled together a few procedures that we work with in Transference Healing. But these procedures, although I've created a meditation with them, you can work with them standalone in the moment in your daily life. But the meditation is there for you if you want to listen to it. As often as you like, you can sit back and listen to this or, as I said, you can basically work individually with procedures during the day.

Speaker 1:

So close your eyes and let your mind be free of any preoccupation and let go of past days, events and let go of what you need to do later and let go of what you need to do later. So surrender and let go of any attachments from past days, events and bring your mind into your heart center. Feel the weight of your body on your chair, the clothes against your skin, the play of air on your face and hands, and focus on your breath, but allow the exhale to be natural. Find a rhythm of breathing that feels natural to you Now bring your attention to the base of your feet and visualize a pure frequency of white light building within your earth star six inches beneath your feet. Now, with the inhale, draw upon this pure frequency of light beneath your feet and bring it up through the body and, through the exhale, release it through the crown. So you're effectively creating a flow of energy up through the base of your three feet, up through the crown, working with the exhale of the breath. Now, with the next inhale, feel this pure white frequency of light building and building and flowing beautifully through the crown of your head through the exhale.

Speaker 1:

With the next inhale, sense, feel or see this pure frequency of light being absorbed from the soul essence of your being and out into your cellular level of your body, moving through the subtle level body and through the exhale you're releasing up through the crown anything that no longer serves you. So this pure frequency of light is continuing to build and build from the soul level through to the cellular level of your being, into every organ and organ system, filling your whole body with a pure frequency of white light. Keep working with the exhale to move this white light and anything that is being released out through the crown of your head. Now, with the next inhale, this pure white light is moving out from the physical plane of your being, out to your auric field and with each exhale it's moving anything that no longer serves you and releasing it up through the crown of your head. As you absorb this pure word light, sense, feel or see yourself surrendering even further, releasing anything that no longer serves you. Sense, feel or see yourself surrendering even further, releasing anything that no longer serves you out through the crown. And as you absorb this white light, feel it, stabilize your energy field and lift your frequency into higher vibration. Through, cocooned by this light, left, feeling protected and safe.

Speaker 1:

As you bring your attention back to the base of your feet, this white light that's been manifesting within the Earth star six inches beneath your feet, is now changing to a violet light.

Speaker 1:

So as the white light moves to a violet light flame of color, the inhale of your breath, you're now absorbing this violet light up through your feet, up through the body and through the exhale.

Speaker 1:

This violet light is moving up through the crown. So visualize violet flames of light weaving through the body and up through the crown, but then extending it out into your auric field, being absorbed by your auric field. The exhale is releasing and moving this energy through the crown. Now, with the next inhale of the breath, this violet light is being absorbed down to the soul level of your being and out into every single cell, dissolving and transmuting old pain, trauma, grief or any other emotion you are feeling and, through the exhale, releasing and moving this old pain and energy through the crown of your head, it's being released out into the universe. So keep working with the inhale on the exhale of the breath to absorb this violet light and release all pain through the crown. Through the exhale of the breath, sense, feel or see yourself dissolving any thought, feeling, emotion. This caused you pain and transmute it into the light through the crown of your head. Keep working with the breath and the exhale to surrender and let go of anything that no longer serves you.

Speaker 1:

Now this violet light is dropping away and a blue bubble of light is forming around you and connected to your blue bubble by a silver cord is another blue bubble. So sense, feel or see yourself inside this blue bubble of light and visualize another blue bubble connected to your blue bubble by a silver cord. Now place someone in that other blue bubble that you may be challenged by currently in your life and it can be more than one person, but whoever comes to mind. Place them in that other blue bubble bubble and imagine this beautiful healing white light comes up through their blue bubble, that they're absorbing this beautiful healing light and as they're absorbing this healing light within their blue bubble, you too are absorbing healing energy within your blue bubble and you're both releasing whatever you need to release in relation to each other that is no longer serving you.

Speaker 1:

Now imagine a silver sword or a silver pair of scissors severing the silver cord between your blue bubble and the other blue bubble and as the silver cord is severed, the other blue bubble is being released into the light.

Speaker 1:

Released into the light and, like a helium balloon, just visualize this other blue bubble drifting higher and higher until you can no longer see the other blue bubble. Bring your attention back to you and your blue bubble and all you feel is unconditional love and compassion towards yourself and the other person or persons in the other blue bubble. Now visualize your blue bubble dropping away and just bring white light up through your body, like before, so you feel suspended within the light and feel safe and protected. Now ground yourself back into the earth by visualizing a silver line of force from the base of each foot connecting six inches beneath your feet to your to your earth star. So visualize a silver line of force from the base of each foot connecting down into your earth star, six inches beneath your feet, grounding you back into the earth. And, when you are ready, open your eyes.