Life, Health & The Universe

Gratitude and Milestones: Celebrating Two Years of 'Life, Health, and the Universe' with Our Listener Community

Nadine Shaw Season 9 Episode 10

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Celebrating milestones often brings a swell of emotions, and as I, Nadine, hit the two-year mark with "Life, Health, and the Universe," the feeling is nothing short of joyous gratitude. 
Reflecting on the journey thus far, I find myself deeply thankful for your companionship, whether through sporadic listens or as part of the steadfast crew since the beginning. This special mini-episode is a tribute to you, the listeners who've made it possible to reach over a hundred episodes and thousands of downloads, creating a tapestry of stories that bind us in our quest to understand life's complexities and the vast universe we inhabit.

In this heartfelt episode, we not only celebrate the past two years but also honour the voices that have elevated our conversations. From the very first episode with Patty Sage to the insights of my latest guest, my Dad, Bob Burns, the diversity of our over 50 guests has spanned continents and a myriad of topics. 
Listen in as I share a roll call of these remarkable individuals as well as the recent  collaborative "Guide to Universal Living" series with Laverne Proctor, a wonderful evolution of our podcast's ethos. 
Join me in this reflection of interconnectedness and the power of shared stories.

Speaker 1:

Hello, hello, it's Nadine here and I'm here with this week's mini episode of Life, health and the Universe. We are in May and this is the first mini episode I've recorded for two months, because I've had a whole host of amazing guests on the podcast over the last four weeks, which has meant that I haven't needed to record a mini episode in between, which is quite fabulous. Anyway, what I wanted to do is actually talk to you very briefly today, as I always say at the beginning of a mini episode, about the podcast. Life, health and the Universe actually celebrated its second birthday on the 25th of March this year, so I have reached a two-year milestone with the podcast, and it couldn't be done without you, the listeners, showing up and taking the time to listen to these podcasts. I know it can sometimes be really hard to find the time to listen, and we find those little gaps in our day, I guess, depending on what we're doing, but I just wanted to say that I truly appreciate the time that you have taken to listen to the podcast, whether you've listened to just a handful or whether you've been with me right from the start two years ago, thank you. So what I'm going to do today is. I'm actually going to take some time just a few minutes, to tell you some of the things that the podcast has achieved over the last couple of years. It's pretty humble compared to what you hear from some people who podcast, but nevertheless it requires some acknowledgement, I think. And so here we go. So we're celebrating two years of Life, health and the Universe.

Speaker 1:

I've published 114 episodes so far and to date we have had 3,294 downloads. So downloads only show, I believe, the episodes that are actually downloaded. If they're listened to. They don't get recorded as being listened to, so that gives us some indication of people who have actually downloaded the episodes. But it's pretty significant to me. 3,294. So, thank you.

Speaker 1:

I've had 50 guests plus, I think, from Australia, the UK, the US and Canada so far. Oh, and I think I've had one from Germany. I may have had more than one from Germany, but definitely one and what I'm going to do next is I'm going to mention all of those guests, and then I'm going to mention all of those guests and then I'm going to talk to you about some of the topics that we've covered in the podcast. So I'm going to. Basically, I went through the podcast and I wrote a list of all of the different guests that I'd had right from the beginning, so we're going to start from the top Sage, wendy Tabat, darren Shaw, peter Gillian, belinda Melilu, robin Simpson, angela Council, georgina Baker, jay Harvey-Yin, jules Ann, carol Parr, sue Ellen Tompkins, erica Webb, laurie Curran, sarah Rusbach, alison Wheeler, virginia Wells, elizabeth Bond, jenny Knox, sarah Kanata almost halfway Michelle Pritchard, lisa MacDonald, chandra Moran or Chandra, sorry Becky Cohen, susie Daphnis, veronica Amaya, christy Smith, chelsea Webster, tiffany Cowley and Tom Palladino, ryan Hassan, fiona Redding, vicky Dean, posey Upshaw, adam Stanecki, anthony Harcher, dr Joy Hussain, andy Bryant, waveney Ayskoff, victoria Kobilski, michael Hildebrandt, michael Rubino, brett Bowman, carol Zuki, susan Salander, jewel Sargent, mark Rodriguez, bindi Robertson, bob Burns that was the most recent one, that was my dad I've had a guest panel and Laverne Proctor, who I'm currently also doing a series within Life, health and the Universe called Guide to Universal Living.

Speaker 1:

So that's a collaboration that has come out of the podcast as well. Now I wanted to share with you some of the topics that are being covered. The podcast is called Life, health and the Universe because there are so many. We're so connected and interconnected and over my life I've realized these interconnectedness, the interconnectedness of all things, even more when it does come to life, when it does come to health, when it does come to the universe, and so we basically can cover anything we want when we're on this podcast and we have.

Speaker 1:

We've had lots of different topics, so let's get started. We've talked motherhood, crossfit, menopause, habits, longevity, journaling, women in business. We've heard personal stories. We've talked regenerative farming, reiki, personal coaching, having healthy homes, following our dreams. We've talked about human behavior, self-care and self-kindness, somatics, grey area, drinking and quitting alcohol, female empowerment, decluttering movement, writing, mature age, motherhood. We've talked about burnout. We've covered human design, healing trauma. We've had a guest talking about scalar light, mindset, homeschooling, fast fashion. The list goes on.

Speaker 1:

I'm nearly there Breath, work, breathing. I've done some book reviews. We've talked sauna, bathing, healthy feet, aromatherapy, making music, overcoming health issues. We've talked about natural health, and we've had some natural health practitioners, esoteric wisdom, sleep, life coaching, women's health. We've had authors. We've talked aesthetics, climate change, intermittent fasting and happiness. There's probably a few more topics thrown in there, but they are some of the ones that you can find on the podcast.

Speaker 1:

So, as I said, I just wanted to say a big thank you to you, the listeners, for taking the time to listen to the podcast, whether it's been a lot or a little, every bit counts and, as you can now see or hear, as well as those just before I go on, as well as those 50 guests and I've already got a whole bunch more scheduled to record in the next few weeks, heading into season 10. I've done a whole bunch of mini episodes as well, just with some insights and snippets based on my own personal experiences, my personal journey and also my areas of expertise in habits and health and personal coaching. So, as I said, 50 guests so far, with a whole bunch more already scheduled for the next season, and I'd love to ask you for your help If we have these amazing people with amazing stories and amazing expertise and we want to get their message out there more. If you've listened to an episode and you've liked it, I would really, really love it if you could do one of the following things, or maybe both Share it with a friend who you think might like it too, or even just share it in your socials. That would be amazing. Another thing you could do is leave a review or rate it on whatever platform you're using. So the main platform is actually the main platform that the podcast is being downloaded on so far is apple. Otherwise people are going directly through buzzsprout, which is the, the platform that I use for the podcast. But you can rate on Apple or Spotify. No doubt you can rate on those other um platforms as well.

Speaker 1:

Um, but if you could do that, one of those two things or both, if you can find the time to literally click that little button to share an episode or rate it by giving it a star review if you've liked it, I guess if you don't like it, I should probably take it on the chin. And if you want to rate me badly, then go for it. What can I say? Hopefully you won't, but yeah, we've got, we've had all of these amazing guests. I want to get their stories, their messages, their expertise shared with as many people as possible. So if you can help me do that, I would really appreciate that little bit of time that it takes for you to do that.

Speaker 1:

And, as I mentioned earlier, life, health and the universe because we're all connected and those small things that we think might be insignificant can mean the most to many of us. And supporting one another in our endeavors is one of the most beautiful things we can do, and we're fortunate enough in the times that we live to be connected through things like the podcast, through things like social media, and if we can support each other in those areas by sharing the message, clicking the like button, giving it a heart, whatever it might be, rating it on Apple, all of those things can really help to support the people that you have in those online communities. So I'm not going to tell you what topics we have coming up in the coming weeks, but I've got some exciting guests. I'm really looking forward to speaking with them and sharing those with you over the coming weeks. Thank, thank you so much again for listening and I'll speak to you next week. Bye for now.