Life, Health & The Universe

Part 5 Guide To Universal Living: Weaving The Essence of Spirituality Into The Fabric of Daily Life

Nadine Shaw Season 9 Episode 12

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Have you ever sensed a thread connecting your personal growth to a collective awakening?
This week we take you through the intricate tapestry of modern spirituality. We share stories and insights on how the quest for harmony transcends traditional boundaries, encouraging a journey towards self-discovery and unity.
You'll hear about embracing everything from meditation to the simplicity of a shared smile, and how these practices weave spirituality into the very fabric of our daily lives.

Awakening to a spiritual balance is less about grand gestures and more about nurturing our intuitive selves and emotional intelligence.
This episode unpacks the delicate interplay between intuition and reasoning, and how it can lead to a more harmonious existence.
We discuss the impact of our own inner peace on the world, the importance of recognising the good around us, and how we can foster community support. Through personal anecdotes and reflections, we invite you to explore the vast landscape of spirituality as a path of compassion and mindful leadership.

In this conversation, we uncover the transformative power of spiritual practices that range from yoga to the arts, and how they help us navigate life's challenges. We delve into the art of maintaining calm in the face of stress and the importance of gratitude, even in the smallest of moments.

Join us as we contemplate the broader implications of spirituality – not confined to beliefs or rituals but as a force that unites and uplifts us all, every single day.

Book a call with Laverne here

Ask Laverne a Question

Speaker 1:

Hello, hello, it's Nadine here, and I'm here with this week's episode of Life, health and the Universe, and it's week three of the month. Jeez, it flies around, doesn't it? So we're here, we're joined with Laverne for our Guide to Universal Living and we're up to part five. So, without further ado, hello Laverne, hello Nadine I'm trying to deepen my voice because every time I start this show, I seem to go a bit squeaky on you, and I'll share this. Nadine and I have a quick chat before we start the show, and I said I keep working through my Chiron. Each time I come on the show. I'm a Chiron and Pisces, and so it's really interesting. Every time I join this show, my throat plays up, so I'm smiling at myself as I join this, a guide to universal living.

Speaker 1:

So today we're actually going to be talking about my perception of spirituality in the 21st century and, nadine, welcome you interjecting with that as I take us on a bit of a journey of how I see spirituality in the 21st century, because, you know, to me spirituality means different things for different people, for different people, and different people are experiencing their spirituality in a different way. But now more than ever, there is an awakening on the planet We've touched on this in previous shows and there's this real awakening process as we awaken individually and collectively. It's sometimes hard to navigate and know how we can help ourselves and make sense of it all. But I want to preface this by stating it really doesn't matter what landscape you live in, what experiences are your trials, your tribulations, your faith, your belief system, your religion, if any. The true essence of spirituality is a universal principle of teachings and it goes beyond religion, it goes beyond politics and it goes beyond politics and it goes beyond gender, and really it's a journey of self-discovery of who we are and who we see ourselves as. And then it's a journey of understanding that we are all connected. And more and more I love the fact that so many people are talking to, and more and more I love the fact that so many people are talking to. You know, we are all connected, we are all part of the whole, we are all one For each of us. That definition of journey of spirituality and coming to a state of oneness. For some they may still struggle with that when they see how humans, we respond to each other in daily life, but my belief system believes that we are one and that we are on a journey of self-discovery of ourselves and each other and it's that reconnection with ourself and it's our reconnection with each other and, beyond this reality, any barriers that we might feel towards spirituality are more likely to drop away. So it's really well, where do we begin? You know where do we begin this conversation?

Speaker 1:

And, um, it was something you said in a text to me. I said, oh yeah, I hadn't really thought about taking that approach because I wasn't going to take the approach. And she said you really should talk about your own journey, laverne. And you know, sort of I changed tact after you sent that text because when I look back and reflect back on my own personal journey over the last 34 years, you know there will be aspects to it Some may find it resonates for them and where someone else is on the journey of their own path of understanding what spirituality means for them.

Speaker 1:

But interestingly, before I do that, I stumbled on I don't know if you heard of Sat Guru. He's an Indian spiritual teacher and he's quite prominent on Instagram and there was something I stumbled on that really sort of resonated for me. I thought I like this, I'm going to introduce this into this particular podcast, and he said something along the lines that what truly ties us all together is one common thread, and he went on to say that that is we all want to be happy, we all want to be healthy, we want to care, be careful, we want loving relationships with equality, and we want love, peace, joy and purpose. And then he went on to say which I found even more interesting, overriding all these things, we all want balance. And he said when balance is experienced in our body, we call this health and wellness. When balance is experienced in our mind, we call this peace and joy. When balance is experienced in our emotions, we call this love and compassion. And when balance is experienced in our energy and consciousness, we call this blissfulness and ecstasy. And balance is experienced in the world around us and we experience balance in our connection to it. We call this unity. And it sort of really resonated for me a lot and I thought well, that's a really simple way of experiencing spirituality and actually working towards these levels of balance. So it felt like it really, in some ways, it encapsulated my own journey and it was beautifully summarized in a few lines.

Speaker 1:

So, from my personal perspective and my spiritual journey, from an early age I was interested in finding natural ways to maintain a sense of inner balance, good health and well-being. So I went on exploration through meditation, creative visualizations. I was working with affirmations in my late teens and twenties which really helped me find inner balance. And then, over time, I had a desire to dig deeper because, you know, I was starting to experience myself and my relationship with the world differently. So I really wanted to to take the next step in my life and explore philosophy and I explored parapsychology, which is metaphysics. I started to explore energy tools to deepen my understanding of myself and the world around me and I even actually embarked on I started a degree in holistic kinesiology and halfway through that I was sort of in my early 30s at this point. It was through that journey, or my journey to that point, that I then found Transference Healing. But I also want to mention actually, you know, sport actually played a really big part in my life and that really supported my balance and finding equilibrium, because it's from this point that we are able to experience more that inner peace and state of harmony.

Speaker 1:

But as I travel through you know my journey and, as I said, I got to the point that I was studying holistic kinesiology. It was at that point I found myself asking bigger questions like who am I, why am I here, what is my purpose? And it was during this period of my life that I found Transcendence Healing and I knew immediately I needed to learn about it, which took me on a massive trajectory of my personal and spiritual growth through the practice of transplants healing. So my spiritual journey led me to this point today, where we are. You know, you and I talk about different things and I really see myself today as a global advocate, yes, of Transference Healing, because I am a 19-year veteran of the energy system and I now find myself in a position that I support others in their spiritual awakening and, you know, their pursuit of self-healing and self-mastery.

Speaker 1:

So, you know, if you asked me 10, 20, 30 years ago what I'd be doing today, I definitely didn't think I'd be doing this. You know, I definitely didn't think I'd be, you know, compelled to talk about spirituality, compelled to show other people ways that they can self-heal and self-master and support people through their awakening process. There's no way I would have seen myself in this position. But, um, you can see, it was a very steady, gradual journey. I didn't suddenly wake up one night from a bang on the head and decided this is what I needed to do. It was a very natural journey. Can I ask you?

Speaker 1:

So, when I was talking, when we were messaging, and I said I think it would be really good for the listeners to hear more about you, I think I want, I would love, if you're open to it, to hear about the other side of Laverne, because I think that for many people and I probably would include, would have included myself in this I you kind of have a picture of what spiritual people are and probably what you do now. Right, that's the picture that people have. So, yes, you've had this massive journey over a period of time and it's been a process and, depending on what's happening in our lives, things click and you're like now I get it right, what people have been saying or what I've heard, but often I think maybe this was just my experience previously you have people who are spiritual, who do the sorts of things that you do transference, healing, you know, using crystals, reading, reading horoscopes, doing all of those things and you have everyone else, but you were the everyone else as well. You worked in corporate. So what I would love to hear is like, because I think, well, just because I want to know what it was like, but also like, how did you make that shift? Like that's a big change, right? How do people respond to you? I just think, well, take us back to when you were working in the corporate world. What? Well, you know, I still see myself in the business world.

Speaker 1:

Um, in many ways, you know, um, I think the key connection point of understanding needs to be more along the lines when you say, okay, you know, in your late teens, early 20s, you were meditating, you were working with affirmations. I was working through that process. You know I was. You know, in those days I was working in the hotel industry, right? So really, it was more of a compelling. Well, I want to go into my workplace, the best version of myself, and so I can be in service to people, albeit in a hotel front office desk, you know, greeting people as they checked into the hotel, as the example. You know, I just wanted to be the best version of myself and the way that I found myself doing that is through meditating, through working with affirmations and so that I would whatever, you know, uh, emotions were coming up.

Speaker 1:

For me, you know, as we go through our growing pains, through our 20s, trying to identify who we are in our 20s and identify who we are in our 30s and identify who we are in our 40s, just really the compelling thing was I just wanted to be a really good human being, I wanted to be in service. I feel to try and cut to the chase, you don't have to do what I'm doing. You can do these things in parallel, because anything you do and I've touched on and what I'm going to be talking about, which feeds into your question on a whole nother level and gives a perspective of what spirituality looks like in the 21st century and this is what we should, all you know, get behind was really I just wanted to be the best human being I could possibly be, be in service. And being in service doesn't have to be doing.

Speaker 1:

What I do through the podcast series and my private practice you know I do work in the business world still is to find what that spiritual essence of self is in one's own life. And if you're in the business world is, how can I apply that to my job, to my role, to the people I connect with in the business. You know, if I'm a leader in the business and I touched on this in one of the podcasts, I think it may have been the very first one we ever did together I don't have to be professing. You know, spirituality in the context of energy and consciousness. If I'm a leader in the business world and I have really got a strong connection with myself and that connection out into my team, to me that's an act of spirituality. Whatever that journey is and I'm going to be talking about different examples shortly we can all do that.

Speaker 1:

It's not all about everyone. Moving out of the business world and becoming spiritual teachers is about being where you are in the world. You know, whether you're an architect, ceo, salesperson, admin person, whatever role you're playing in in the world is how can I be in service in within that role? And I'm going to talk to that in more detail. Okay, because I believe people awaken to their spirituality in their own time and when they are ready to take the next step, they'll step more into what spirituality means for them. Now we've talked about my journey, so it's really important that we don't compare ourselves with others and well, the verb must be more spiritual because she's doing these things. I'm less spiritual because I'm in the corporate world. Well, I'm hoping this podcast will poo-poo that.

Speaker 1:

I'm also a firm believer that we can express and experience our spirituality in many ways. So there's not one way, there's not one path. We must find our spirituality in a way that resonates for us. So what does that look like you? For me, I see acts of spirituality everywhere, all the time. So my journey is an example of quite a practical practical in many ways in terms of approach.

Speaker 1:

But my perspective of spirituality in the 21st century is broader than we generally would associate what spirituality is, because we often associate spirituality, as you know, visiting a physical place of worship, you know, such as a church, basilica, mosque, temple or similar, we often associate with spirituality and the type of work that I'm doing. But more than ever, there's a practice of spirituality that we can find outside these traditional houses of worship. And it's interesting, it was only the other day I stumbled on a quote by Rumi and he said I looked in the temples, the churches and mosques. I found the divine within me. So you know, let me give some examples of how I see the practice of spirituality in the 21st century and one of the most fundamental ones that I see regularly is acts of kindness.

Speaker 1:

You know, these acts of kindness, to me, are the best act of spirituality, or spiritual practice, because acts of kindness tend to be spontaneous, don't they? They're in the moment and they're, in that moment, acts of compassion towards another human being. So if that's not spirituality, I don't know what is is when you see an opportunity to offer an act of kindness, then to me you're practicing spirituality. An aspect, an essence of spirituality is, you know, compassion towards another human being. You know, because it's not premeditated, that it's pure, it's an instinctual act of love and this is an attribute of the highest teachings for attainment we can bestow ourselves. So when I look at examples of active kindness, it could be simply helping an elderly person across the road, or it could be a gesture of a smile or kind word when you see a stranger or someone you know that is struggling in their life, and that kind word can lift that person's human spirit just when they really need it, need it.

Speaker 1:

And you know, I guess the bigger version of acts of kindness is when we you know, when we see a catastrophe going on in the world, how quickly you see humanity, a sense of humanity that wants to reach out and help another in some way. You know, to me it's very compelling attributes for me of what spirituality really is. So when I see these actions around me, to me they are subtle, often they go unnoticed, often they're unacknowledged if that's a word, I think so but for me they are absolutely essences of spirituality and what spirituality teaches. So, beyond the simple act of kindness that we can all practice in daily life, and if that's all we do, to me we're contributing to the world and humanity were contributing to the world and humanity. But you can see other acts of spirituality in daily rituals. You know I talked about meditation, yoga, martial arts. You know you could name a whole host of different modalities. These are spiritual acts. People that do these things are more conscious of this. But whether you're more mainstream in any of these areas, what the human nature is doing is really accessing their inner nature and they're looking at how they respond to life and they're using yoga practice or martial arts or meditation to support that process of clearing of whatever that you know is coming up for them. And, and you know, these practices are beautiful ways to to work through what we need to work through.

Speaker 1:

You know I sit in nature and I'm in awe of the earth and the natural beauty that surrounds us. And when I do, I'm often reminded of the amazing human beings who are conservationists of our planet. And you know they're not only protecting the planet and aspects of the planet, it's about protecting flora, it's about protecting the animal kingdom. So we're a greater example of spirituality. And whilst most of us aren't, you know, actively conservationists, you know we don't go out and do that for a living. You know it reminds me that we can all play our own part in that, no matter how small. And for me it would be going into my garden and nurturing my garden and creating beauty and nurturing the soil and feeding the soil so the plants can grow. And if I don't have a garden, well, it might be that I've got some potted plants around the house and nurturing nature through that way.

Speaker 1:

But you know we walk through life and more and more we're becoming more conscious about the impact we have on the planet, which we are connected to. We are part of the planet, the planet is part of us. So we all have a way that we can contribute by just being conscious. Well, what is my imprint on the planet as I walk my path, and it could be simply the products we buy. You know, making sure we pick up our rubbish and dealt with in the most effective way. So when we connect with Mother Earth, when we connect with nature nature supporting us in coming into balance, the way we support nature in our activities are are truly, in my mind, acts of spirituality, because you know, it's important part of of our state of being. And so, you know, when we connect with nature, most people may not realize that we're consciously or unconsciously connecting with Mother Earth. We're connecting with Gaia, we're connecting to the goddess aspect of spiritual teachings, which is a whole podcast in itself, which hopefully I'll get to at some point. So, whether we're conscious of some of the actions and activities we are participating in, you know we all can play our part.

Speaker 1:

Um, you know there are many people that love rituals and ceremony. You know of all types and forms. You know inch that really tap into ancient teachings. You know there are shamans. You know that really tap into ancient teachings. You know there are shamans. You know our indigenous communities and the way they work with the earth, connecting with the earth and nature. You know there are many people that like to go on a journey to connect with sacred sites. There are a whole group of people that like to preserve sacred sites of all kinds and you know that hold a very beautiful spiritual symbolism and ancient wisdom that they acknowledge and, you know, support and nurture. So again, to me this is another example of spirituality.

Speaker 1:

So, to finish my story and you know, come full circle as I went on my own spiritual journey to this point, it's been incredible. You know it's been an incredible journey and you know I've practiced what I've experienced and learned. You know, whether I was in the business world or not, in the business world, I still practiced those principal teachings, let's call it that. You know whether it's through meditation, you know firming what I want, invocation through prayer, and that supported my journey through business life as well as where I am today. So where I'm at in my spiritual journey is that. You know, from this point on, it's really about a continuation, really, of everything I've experienced and the continuation of self-discovery. And you know you've heard me talk about.

Speaker 1:

You know I'm compelled to learn more about the high tensions of spirituality. I feel very compelled to learn more about self-healing and self-mastery within my mind, body, soul and spirit. I feel compelled at this point of my spiritual journey to learn about the multi-dimensional aspect of myself, and even inter-dimensional aspect of myself, but really learning about my divinity, you know, these are the higher teachings and the higher expressions of spirituality that we can all journey towards if we feel compelled to. And so what that looks like for me on a practical level today is, you know, on a day-to-day level, it's a continuous learning about energy and consciousness and how that plays out in daily life. It's a learning about alchemy, you know, and how I create alchemy in my body and consciousness, you know.

Speaker 1:

For me, it's about learning about the goddess and the spiritual teachings of the goddess, which is really coming to the forefront now more than ever. It's about learning about the psyche and how the psyche plays its part in our spiritual ascension, or my spiritual ascension. And so for me, it's now about strengthening my connection to spirit beyond this reality. It's about my connection to the universe, and the way I do this is through my practice of surrendering to my higher self, you know, so that I can connect more and more to my divine essence. And that takes me on a journey of embodying my divine self while here on earth, you know that's where I'm at in my journey. While here on earth, you know that's where I'm at in my journey, but that wasn't where my intention or understanding of what I was trying to achieve when I set out 40 years ago. This is where I am currently. This is a very compelling spiritual practice for me, but not everyone feels drawn to that. So it's about what aspect of spiritual experience can each of us create for ourselves that resonates for ourselves. That truly, you know, is an essence of spirituality. That then takes that person on their own journey of exploring what spirituality is for them. So, while I continue on my path, you know it's about for me, about embodying my divine gifts and talents, is about being a pure instrument of light, which for a lot of people might make no sense at all and it's about supporting others to on their path, becoming more empowered in a way that resonates for them so that they can embody their light.

Speaker 1:

I feel like in our relationship together, I'm a. I feel like I'm a translator, you know, definitely, um. So like I try, and I'm trying to sort of take some of the things you're saying like, again, I've written down 700 million things and we won't be able to go into all of them today, but they there. But what I try and do is take some of the things that you're saying and then translate them into kind of um, everyday language, because I still feel like, although you know, hopefully the listeners they've taken in the last few episodes that we've done together, but there's still some lingo right, there's language that might not resonate, I guess. I mean even the word spirituality and I know you've gone into, you know spent time right then explaining what it means for you and how it can be presented to us on an everyday level. And yeah, I think it's like from what you said. You know, when it's like that, it's being kind, like as humans, we are kind.

Speaker 1:

So there's so one thing I would love to talk about not quite yet, because there's a couple of things I want to say is like what do you think has happened? Where have we gone wrong? How have we gone wrong so far away from that kindness element that's taken us out of balance? It's taken us out of balance. That spirituality is actually what we're trying to say with spirituality when we talk about it and you know you're talking about ascension and awakening. It's like the awakening for me is the absolute necessity that we need to get back into balance, because we're talking about yes, we are, we are living. This is Guide to Universal Living. We are living as a planetary community, right, because we're connected in so many ways, has its gifts, but it also has its um downfalls. So we talk, there's these words that come up and, if I can try and kind of string it all together, we're out of balance. And one of the reasons we're out of balance is because of these are words that are coming up more and more trauma.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we need to heal ourselves, we need to understand what's triggering us. We need to do that as individuals and I think even from a health perspective, like taking care of our bodies, can help us take. That's a spiritual practice, right? Because when we take care of our bodies, we have clarity of mind, we can become more aware as individuals about the elements of ourselves that we need to heal. That's individual, but we are each a fragment of the whole, and so when you hear that phrase, I am whole. It's not just about us, it's like I am part of a whole. So there's this need to get back into balance. So we're awakening, we are having a realization. And this is part of our spiritual, the part of the spirituality it's like innate in us. It's within us that we are awakening because we need to heal, and when we heal us we heal the whole, and the whole isn't just people, it's the planet. So, let's, can we do you have other stuff that you've got that you want to cover off on? Or can we kind of let's, let's, let's go down that path? And I, I touched on um, I sort of more expressed it from uh, the goddess teachings, what?

Speaker 1:

When we descended as a world community, we went on the exploration on a whole nother level, disconnected to our higher aspect of self. When you say that, do you like, as we become sorry, more of a global community with technology and that sort of stuff, is that what sorry? Is that what the original dissension happened in Atlantean times? Yeah, I'm talking about eons, okay, so when we became disconnected, we disconnected from spirit and higher aspect of herself, right, that innate ability of connection and intuition, and then there's levels of that into the psyche to respond to what is going on around us. So we started playing out more of the masculine principle, the, the masculine aspect of self, and through that process. We were out of balance because we weren't working with the feminine principle and this is a whole podcast in itself.

Speaker 1:

Through that process you know that created a whole lot of experiences over many, many eons of time we were no longer able to heal in the moment. We'd forgotten that ability which is part of the feminine principle ability to heal in the self, tune into ourselves and know what we needed in the moment to clear. That aspect of self got lost. So when we talk about balance, where we are today is we are being woken up, so to speak, to the feminine aspect, the feminine principle, and through that process, bring back into balance our masculine and feminine aspects of self. So bring those two into balance masculine and feminine aspects of self. So bring those two into balance. And so the types of things we talk about is, well you know, working with the intuition.

Speaker 1:

So, rather than just acting on the rational mind and saying, oh, I've got to do this before we act on something, how we bring the feminine aspect of self back into balance is we say, we go in and we tune and say, well, does this feel right? Should I be taking this step? Should I be going that direction or that direction. So because we lost that, we got more, more down the path of disunity, disconnection, and then that played out in so many ways which we don't have time to really talk about. You know, really the awakening process is awakening to the feminine aspect of self, which is not about male, female. The feminine principle, the goddess teachings of coming back to working with um, our ability and tapping into our ability to heal whatever is rising for us and come back into balance through that process and working with energy and tapping into nature and the elements of nature and elements of the universe, is the practice of the feminine way, the goddess teachings, right, which we don't have a huge amount of time to talk to.

Speaker 1:

So I'm not sure if I answered your question. I sort of went off on a tangent because it's quite a big question and I guess the topic, yeah, that when, that, when we I mean we see a whole bunch of stuff going on on the planet now and we do have a lot more exposure to all of that stuff because of the internet, because of, you know, that global community, um, but does it come out of um fear? Yeah, so the rational mind, it tends to be where we play out fear, because we're working from the rational mind. We're so working what's happening in right in front of us. We can't truly see a way forward other than through. You know the way we tend to respond to things in the world today.

Speaker 1:

So the awakening process is in support. Say, well, if I can find balance in myself because it starts with a self you mentioned that and really come to that point of stillness and balance within and then responding from that, well, all the things that are happening in the world wouldn't be happening, would they right? So we lost that connection with the self on that level. But we're all reconnecting to that Now. The polarity of that is obviously, yes, we're seeing a lot of chaos, we're seeing a lot of trauma being released. The polarity opposite to that is people saying I don't want that, I don't want that, what can I do for myself? That supports the stabilizing and balancing of that. You know polarity and it really, as I say from a spiritual perspective, it really starts with the self will come back into balance with yourself.

Speaker 1:

Keep clearing within yourself whatever is coming up for you, practice your connection and understanding your connection with other people through simple acts and simple activities and we touched on those things, the balancing and then ascension of the planet, and then the dissolving of the negative activities that seem to to be, you know, leading the way. I think it's really important. We, we only hear about all the negative stuff, don't we? Yeah, and I like to came to balance and say, well, there's a polarity, there's a polarity right. So if there's that much negativity that we think we're seeing or perceiving, the polarity opposite is also occurring and we need to seek that out. There's as much beauty, there is much kindness, there is much good will going on in the world in balance with that. But we don't see that.

Speaker 1:

So my intention today was to say what can we do as a human race, what can we do as a global community? That is simple, that is bite-sized pieces, you know, bite-sized pieces that is practical and feel. Well, I am building my own sense of spirituality and what it means for me, and there's a way that I can do that. And you know I've given some examples of just a simple of act of kindness nurturing the garden, nurturing your neighbor, looking after your neighbor, you know, working on yourself, which we've sort of covered. We're covering more in different podcasts. You know we've sort of talked I wanted to look at it from a different angle today to say what are the simple things I can do in my own journey of understanding who I am.

Speaker 1:

And it's through that natural evolution process and I've used my own journey of understanding who I am and it's through that natural evolution process and I've used my own spiritual journey as an example the step changes we can make, and through that process we just naturally open up. And then, you know, as we become ready, we see or seek something more right. And so where I am at in my personal journey, millions of other people are on the same understanding is I'm now looking at it more from a higher perspective and how can I support others in their process? And there is no. You know, it doesn't matter where that person is in their journey because it's a simple act that we do day to day. It's the acts of kindness, it's the nurturing of the garden, it's the being the conservationist, it's the doing sacred practices on sacred land. You know, it's the being the naturopath, it's being the ceo that's so connected with the self that they then lead their team around them into you know, amazing experiences of what that business can create.

Speaker 1:

You know, um, it's how we, how we apply our spirituality that takes us on the path of our next step and what we're ready to receive or embark on. And so really, uh, for me, is about the session is really about trying to recognize, well, where are we on the path and there's many ways that we can express our spirituality, you know and finding what resonates for the individual and that they continue on their path. Because it doesn't matter how small a role we play. If everyone on the planet walked out of their front door tomorrow and recognized there was someone that was in need of help, no matter how small, we are creating a shift, aren't we? We're creating a positive shift. We're supporting our, not only our own ascension, but the ascension of the planet through that practice. So if we guided to pick up meditation or we're guided to to experience yoga, we're all playing our part to support the ascension process of the planet, you know. So, whatever part we can play daily will lead us on our ascension path and will open us up, support our own awakening process.

Speaker 1:

And whilst you know someone like myself well, you know I'm experiencing it or seeking to experience it on a whole. Nother level right, so there, but there's no right or wrong. There is no right or wrong. So, really, spirituality in the 21st century, we can recognize that we all have our part to play, and it's really start stems from know, creating that inner balance, and then our connection with another human being, and then whatever other practices we choose, and that just takes us on a continued journey, doesn't it? Yeah, I think what, uh, something that's really standing out for me in what you're saying and just that's been sort of standing out for me as I go on my own journey, is that there's a temptation almost to go into that spiritual world and not come out. Do you know what I mean? Because there's so much shit going on, like I'm just happy over here doing my thing, um, but one thing that's really um stood out for. You've been saying, and I think that probably, as if you like, depending on the depth, that you go into a spiritual practice or, like you know, delve into spirituality in whatever modality that is, I think it's probably part of the process that you kind of go out there.

Speaker 1:

But when we're learning, there's a, there's an important aspect where we need to bring it back in to the 3d and we yes, we have, like you've talked about the fifth dimension and and. But currently we are living in the third and we yes, we can, you know, have practices that help us to access those other dimensions. Um, and, guys, if you haven't listened to that one, go back and check that one out. Um, fifth dimensional, uh, living in a fifth dimensional reality. I think the episode was called um. But we are living like humans, so let's not forget about those everyday practices that we can do, let's, and we don't. You don't, I mean, you've chosen to um, make transference, healing, your spiritual practice and your job. Yeah, right, um, we don't all have to do that, no, but we can, and we don't have to tell everyone about what we're doing or what we're, you know, if we are meditating and that sort of thing, like you said.

Speaker 1:

But bringing it back into that everyday experience, um, that in our day, yeah, in our daily lives, like those things that we can do that will help us become better humans, um to so that we can, uh, I mean, nadine, imagine. So you're right, and I guess my underlying message is it doesn't matter what path we walk and how we walk that path If our main objective is to find that inner balance, that peace, harmony, joy, harmony, joy and really tap into that pure essence of who we all already are. You can't be anything else but other and connect out into world that way. So it really does start with the self and all you do is try and keep refining yourself. And, yes, we've talked about in other podcasts about clearing all pain, but that whole refinement in the self, and you know, if we were choosing to meditate and everyone on the planet was meditating and even you know we all recognize okay, I might run a few energy procedures because that's supporting me on a whole other level Imagine everyone on the planet know doing that how different the experience it would already be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but you know, it's the simple little acts that we all do each day that will support us to move and evolve from, you know, the third dimensional experiences and we're living. Yes, that, then, that's supporting the whole to ascend, isn't it? We're supporting the whole. So it's our, each of our parts that we can play in that. And really, you know, the highest spiritual point of teaching is really coming into a state of unity with them. But coming into a state of unity with each other, yeah, and when the planet and everyone on it hits that point, that's when we'll be truly living like the next golden age, you know. So, really, that's the journey we're on, and so, for me, it's about accepting that we all have our journey and experiencing our spirituality in different ways, but really coming back to that point of, you know, balance within and balance perspective towards others, and allowing each other to express themselves in their own unique way, that we can find a way to come back into unity.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, one thing that I've um found really quite well it can be quite confronting, but quite helpful as well is this idea of um, what we see in other people is what we have in ourselves, and therefore, you know, if you're, if people I guess if you're being, um taken care of, people are being kind to you, then that's a reflection of how you are in the world. When there's someone who behaves in a certain way and it might not be, you know, for another person, it might mean nothing, but if we are triggered by it, if we get a response whatever that is, whether it's you know, anger or I don't know whatever that emotion is that we get a response. Whatever that is, whether it's you know, anger or I don't know what, whatever that emotion is that we get we respond to in another. Or it might be you know the way someone looks or the way they behave at the shops, or you know in a traffic jam, or it might be someone in in a close relationship. If there's something that bugs you, then it's something that we need to look at in ourselves and dig around and go what is it? And actually that's a reflection of what we're projecting out, right, they're reflecting it back to us and that's a point of consciousness that if, through some of the things I've spoken about meditation, yoga and similar right supports that process and consciousness to then take us on a whole new journey of, okay, well, this person is, um, reflecting something. Maybe it's something I need to refine in myself, but also it's an opportunity to say, well, that person's, you know, struggling right now and I need to hold a level of compassion and, you know, one could maybe reflect back in a point in time in your life that that, yeah, I was that person, or maybe I still am that person, maybe I still haven't, yeah, still haven't absolutely, that's absolutely holds true, but it's it's recognizing you know, we're all on this journey trying to navigate through life and it's recognizing in the moment. Well, okay. Yes, there's something I need to look at myself, but how am I going to respond to that? I'm still going to respond from a place of kindness, um, because that's what they need to right now. Yeah, this.

Speaker 1:

So these are simple, and I say simple practices. Obviously, when we're triggered, you've really got to hold in that moment, especially if it's triggering you in a way. But these are practices that support our process of coming into a state of balance and oneness within which then reflects out into the world. As you say, if we're all doing it, we're all really consciously working in that way, then we would see that in the world sooner, wouldn't we? Yeah, it's kind of interesting when you do think of that idea of like us being all parts of this one whole thing. What happens in our day to can be also be a reflection of what's happening in the bigger picture. Right, when there's negative stuff, that that goes on, all positive stuff, um, and what we see, what we focus our attention on as well.

Speaker 1:

I had a um experience the other day. So I was driving and I had a car behind me that was really impatient um, it's just a, just a um, something I noticed really impatient, like wanted to get past me. We're on a windy road, I was behind a truck and, um, they couldn't get tried to overtake on the inside, like just, and I was completely calm and I was like this shit works, man. You could see what was playing out, but I could also see that I've in the past that would have brought up a whole bunch of anger and you know, kind of, yeah, shaking my fist and I was like, oh well, that part, that anger thing's gone. That's good. And not only that. Nadine, you could probably look back at your younger years and say, oh yeah, I've done that and once you may not do that anymore. It might have been, there might have been a time. Yeah, yeah, but also, it's an opportunity. Okay, this person may be having a really bad day. I'm just gonna pull to one side and let them oh well, I did, I did that, yeah, I did so.

Speaker 1:

You know there's lots of aspects to everyday life. You know, uh, we, that we've. We say, well, these are the types of tools to work with. The all the podcasts are there and will continue to be there. It's really drawing back to right here, right now.

Speaker 1:

What's my spiritual practice? Is it yoga, is it meditation? And there's a whole stream of amazing. Is it sound therapy? You know color therapy, is it? You know art there? You know whatever it is for a person, because if that's supporting that person to come more into their true but any, whatever the practice is, is an act of spirituality. Really, that's where I'm trying to come from.

Speaker 1:

And so whoever listens to this and says, well, I don't go to a church or I don't run energy or anything, oh, I'm a real lover of nature and I participate in cleaning up the local environment, I like to do that, or I am a conservationist. What I'm trying to say is it's so easy to look about all the negative stuff going on in the world around us. There's so much. There's a polarity opposite of equal, of really, really good stuff going on in the world, and that's where we should put our energy and say, oh well, that's, you know, I can do that, that's how I can contribute. You know, in my daily life, you know, and what I can participate in that resonates with me and that just takes that person on their journey right of opening up. You know what, where that takes them, you know, and it's all perfect.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, one uh, really simple practice which is very effective is gratitude, absolutely, um, we haven't done it for a while. I should bring it back, but as a family, because I think, you know, let's not forget. Like we can do things for the stranger, we can, you know, have try and be thoughtful for the person who's angry in the car or whatever, but let's start with people that we're actually in relationship with every day. Not forget about our kids and our partners and, um, you know, other family, um, so we used to sit around the dinner table and after dinner we would uh say three things that we were grateful for and, uh, it makes you think about the good things in your life and what gives you joy. Right, and it's been proven to rewire your brain, and that is an act, if you ask me, that's an act of spirituality.

Speaker 1:

Yes, absolutely, starts with the self, the family. Yeah, gratitude. Brilliant example and so easy, um, have you got anything else you'd like to add before we close? For today we've sort of meandered to my summary. So I think we should all look at ourselves and our lives and celebrate, no matter how small a gesture, action, deed, word that we find ourselves doing in any given day, and we should celebrate. Well, this is a thread that supports spirituality in the 21st century, and we can recognize that in the moment, and the more we all do that, the more we move forward and get to that point of community unity. But we're heading in that direction, so that's the good news. You know, we can play our part in getting there sooner, can't we? Yep, and co-creating that unity, consciousness on the planet. Great, I'm trying to think. If there's anything else I want to close with, I think I'll close with just a couple of things.

Speaker 1:

So you know, I think previously I thought that spirituality, when someone would say, are you spiritual, I would think do you believe in God or do you have a spiritual practice? You know, do you say prayers or whatever? That was kind of what I thought, and I have a different um connection with it now, um, which I won't necessarily, I'm not going to go into, but for the listeners out there who might feel the same way, I just wanted to kind of say there's some things that you might say in your everyday life that probably show that you have. Well, we all are spiritual, whether you use that word or not, but there are things that can happen in our everyday lives where we go God, it was such a coincidence or it was real, it was a real synchronicity, or feel like I've known you before. Have we met deja vu?

Speaker 1:

Um, you know some of the sayings we say, oh, it's all part of life's rich tapestry. You know whatever it is? Um, I think that they're kind of like inklings, that you know a gut feeling, oh, I just knew. Or, yeah, they're all inklings, aren't they? That we have got the spirit in spirit inside us? Yeah, and just to capstone that, spirituality is a journey.

Speaker 1:

So you're you've got going away with a different impression of spirituality in the 21st century, but spirituality is a journey, right, and as our own spirituality unfolds, it leads us to a new understanding and I think, from my perspective, we're all on the journey and we're all walking our path, and we're doing it in different ways, and that's leading us to higher teachings of spirituality and we're doing it in a way that resonates for us is what we should be celebrating. Yep, same same, but different, right? Yeah, absolutely great. Thank you, laverne. Everyone, I hope that you've enjoyed this, um, part five of guide to universal living, um, and it's giving you some things to ponder about spirituality. Great, okay, laverne, until next time. Talk to you soon, nadine. Thanks a lot, bye.