Life, Health & The Universe

Erin Lucero: Soul Alchemy - Turning Grief Into Wisdom

Nadine Shaw Season 9 Episode 13

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When Erin Lucero's world turned upside down after the loss of her mother, it wasn't just grief that she confronted; it was the call of her true destiny.
In a revealing heart-to-heart, Erin takes us through her profound metamorphosis from an established architect to a beacon of healing and self-discovery.
As her voice warmly fills the room, she speaks of the courage it took to embrace her roles as a yoga instructor, shamanic healer, and author, and the importance of fostering a nurturing community in the wake of such a life-altering transition.

Imagine a world where career changes aren't just accepted, but celebrated as a vital part of our evolution. That's the landscape Erin and I traverse as we discuss the societal shifts reshaping our approach to career and purpose. We reflect on the delicate act of balancing passion with practicality, and how the support of loved ones and counselling can guide us through the rapids of radical vocational shifts. Erin's journey serves as a to inspire anyone standing at the crossroads of their dreams and life's necessities.

The conversation culminates with an exploration into the shamanic practices that have guided Erin's healing journey, a testament to the idea that our soul's purpose is inscribed in the very fabric of our being. She opens up about the power of self-reflection in the face of personal crisis and the transformative impact of shamanic energy healing on emotional and spiritual wounds. Erin's story isn't just one of loss and change; it's a celebration of authenticity, love, and the prosperity that flourishes when we align our lives with our deepest truths.

Find Erin here

Erin's book, Ayni, can be found here

Speaker 1:

Hello, hello. It's Nadine here, and I'm here with this week's episode of Life, health and the Universe, and this week I'm joined by Erin Lucero. Welcome, erin, all the way from.

Speaker 2:

I am from Denver, Colorado.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I had it on the tip of my tongue, so let me do a very quick intro of you, erin. We've only known each other for a short while, so I've just got a quick intro and then I'm going to hand over to you and then we'll get stuck into our conversation. So, erin, you describe yourself as a big ball of love. That's a nice description. So we're here to chat all about you and the things that you do today, but you've gone from 20 years as an architect and then and I love this you shifted, and I love that you said shifted instead of pivoted, because everyone pivots you know, that's not my favorite word me neither.

Speaker 1:

So you shifted to become a yoga instructor, I believe a shamanic healer. I don't even know how to pronounce that. Is it shamanic, shamanic?

Speaker 2:

you know, I think it's a bit like tomato tomato. Yeah, okay, shamanic, I shamanic. You know, I think it's a bit like tomato tomato.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay, shamanic, I'll just say it quickly, and you're also an author, but I'm pretty sure there's other things in there that I haven't included. So welcome, and I'm going to hand over to you to fill in those gaps, and then we'll get started.

Speaker 2:

The gaps. Yeah Well, first of all, thanks for having me. It's been so much fun meeting you. I'll give a little intro. Nadine and I are doing the Gene Key Pearl Retreat with Richard Rudd right now and we had a blast meeting each other in one of the breakout rooms and we're like, oh, we're meant to know each other.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I, I was, well, I'm still, an architect. We never stopped being what we are. We just shift sometimes. And so, yes, I'm a trained architect and I was building buildings and making spaces for people and I had, as is often the case, kind of those big pivotal moments in your life where you're like, am I really living to my highest purpose? And that, for me, came when my mother passed away three years ago and that that created this big shift. And that was one of the shifts that I'm I probably am still going through, because we're always evolving and growing. But, yeah, what I've?

Speaker 2:

I stepped away from my job as an architect and I stepped into last year. I really got into writing books. I wrote four and now pausing that for a minute, taking a breath and feeling into shamanism as a practice, building communities, working on kind of holding space for people in that, creating a loving community and support system for people through shamanism, which you know, we can talk about a little bit more, about what that word means, because that's a big, a big umbrella of a word. Uh, and yeah, I love yoga. I did yoga, I've done yoga for 16, 17, 18 years, something like that, and I um started teaching, uh during covid as something for my friends who, when everything disappeared, I'm like well, let's meet outside. So I started teaching that and I really enjoy sharing those practices with people. So, yeah, I did a pretty big shift into trying to align my inner self with my outer self. Wow, and that's where I'm still heading.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's so cool. I um, I didn't realize because we've only just met right, so I didn't realize that that shift was actually quite so. It's been quite recent. Like you say, you've written four books. You're like, well, she must have been doing this for a while and you're like, no, just knock them off.

Speaker 2:

Last year, my life seems to be on the like, the exponential trajectory instead of the linear one that's okay.

Speaker 1:

I reckon that's cool, it's great, I love it and I do. You know what? I love that, and I don't know whether it's, maybe it's I'm assuming we're kind of around the same same sort of age bracket. But what you know, as we were growing up well, certainly for me it was there was a real belief that you know you, you grow up and what are you going to be when you grow up. For you it was an architect, I wanted to be an actress, so that one got poo-pooed, um, but I studied in a theater, um, you know, I went to school and did all of the things.

Speaker 1:

But there was this mentality that once you've got a job, that's who you are and that's what you do for the rest of your life. But that's really changing and I love that. I love that for me, I love that for you, I love that for our kids. It's like you know what, what you don't have to do the same thing for the rest of your life. You can try different things, um, and I don't know how accepted that is, but it feels like it. It's definitely changing.

Speaker 2:

I think it is. It is changing, but yeah, it is, it's slow. It's a little bit like I mean, if you do make a big shift, you definitely get a lot of strange looks right. You also get a lot of wow.

Speaker 2:

I wish I was brave enough to do that yes yes, like that, that you are so courageous, you're doing something that I could never do. And then you ask them well, why not? Yeah, and that you know, I think that that that why not is the thing that really keeps people back from their dreams. Because you're right, you're absolutely right, we were grown, we were grown into like be a vocation, be a job, do be a job, because it's like that job becomes you, your identity. You know, I had a friend once who says why is it that whenever we meet a person at a party, we say what do you do? What do you do? Not? Who are you? Yeah, Not what. What?

Speaker 1:

makes your heart sing.

Speaker 2:

But what do you do to? Who are you? Yeah, not what. What makes your heart sing? But what do you do? To make money? Yeah, that's, yeah, oh, you know that's. The whole reason you're on this planet is to make money, to live some kind of material dream. And then you know die and you know no yeah, it's, it's interesting, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

but yeah, like you say, it's shifting. Before we get into, like, some of the things that you've done and that you're currently doing, especially the, the shamanic, would you say, shamanic teaching, healing- like so I would say it's so.

Speaker 2:

I did a six month course in shamanic energy medicine, shamanic energy healing.

Speaker 2:

So, yes, I was trained to do energy healing through the shamanic practices from Peru and we can talk about that more like what that is is yeah um but I think that, on a bigger perspective, when we when what I feel into shamanism shamanism is is a big umbrella of any earth-based, um spiritual practice that you know, shaman is from siberia, it's just a word, a siberian word, but there are lots of different practices all over the world that are more about relating to the earth as our, you know, as our mother, as as a connection, and shamanism is about feeling back into that connection with our brothers and sisters, the plants, the animals, the stars, the, the soil, and feeling into that there is a world beyond that which we can see with our eyes, okay, and so that, as a kind of concept, I'm really tuning into and trying to explore, and how we can not necessarily me go around doing energy healings for people, but how we as a society can start reconnecting with the earth, with each other, with, with our neighbors and how we can come back into that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, our connections a little bit funky, so if I pull a funny face like I had a little bit of a frozen moment there, it seems it's all right it was on my end so I can.

Speaker 2:

Uh, we'll just keep it, just if I need to okay, sorry about that, um, yeah, cool.

Speaker 1:

So, um, I love all of those things. Um, yeah, it's a, it's a massive topic and it's really easy, isn't it, to kind of be, uh, the architect, which almost feels like you know the the thing that us humans do we grow up and we go to school and we get a job and all of those things that I said before, and then that, and then that it shouldn't be a polar opposite, but it almost feels like a polar opposite to reconnect with all of the things, like where we came from essentially. And, yeah, I guess we kind of pigeonhole ourselves, don't we? Into, um, yeah, into one part of who we are as humans, how we've, uh, don't know, you might argue again, we might argue that it's not really evolving what we've done to ourselves anyway, yes, so, yeah, I love all of that evolution is an interesting word, right definitely it's like yeah, I could contemplate yes, I often say to um, like I think humans are basically too smart for their own good, like we've done all of these things.

Speaker 1:

But you know, often we go 10 years down the track oh yeah, that was a good idea. Back then it's like, because I've come from the health and fitness industry, you know, it's like we've gone through this whole process of working more, um, convenience food, sleeping less, like all of these things, in order to do the things. And then, like 10 years on, we go oh, that wasn't such a bad idea. Actually, that's causing x, y and z in our health and really we should be doing all of the things that we used to do hundreds of years ago yes yeah so over complicated yeah, yes yes, yes, yes.

Speaker 1:

I'd love to know, before we go deeper, what was the? What has the response been to you? Did you kind of just like hang up your architect badge?

Speaker 2:

Hat Badge yes.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so and go. I'm'm gonna be a shamanic healer in in some ways.

Speaker 2:

yes, I did. I mean I, I turned in my resignation and left my job. And I think that the people in my office, you know, know, my coworkers kind of knew that I was unhappy, that I didn't feel fulfilled in what I was doing. So they weren't, they were supportive, they weren't terribly surprised because and I explained it to them it's not that I went, you know, it's not that I went from, let's say, analytical to woo, you know like, oh, because I still am the same person, yeah, but I just I felt and I think that they could really see it like I didn't feel satisfied in what I was doing.

Speaker 2:

I didn't feel that what I was building and what we were doing in that particular office and unfortunately, I would say, kind of across the industry, because it's so focused on money and not humanity that it wasn't in alignment with, like, making the world a better place. It wasn't doing what, or at least I wasn't able to affect positive change within my position and I needed to step back. And that's what I kind of gave. I told them I'm like you can say that I'm quitting, you can say I'm doing a sabbatical, I don't really care what label you put it on, but I need to step back and kind of reprioritize myself.

Speaker 1:

wow, so that's what I did, yeah and how did how did that go down with your?

Speaker 2:

other half. Yeah, and I think you know it was a little bit hard for my husband. He was like you're doing what, like? What are we doing with this? And I did have I had some money in savings to kind of you know, allow me financially to do this. But it was definitely a bit of a shock. But he's very supportive and he's he's always been supportive. I mean he, he, uh, while he's not into like the whole shaman thing a ton, he, he still will come out and do fire ceremonies with me and like he's very intuitive as well and he, he can like sense stuff and so it works pretty good, yeah but it was definitely a bit of a, thing, oh you're gonna yeah, because I'm always curious about that.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I know that it's not necessarily that our partners are unsupportive, but if it, it can, it can. If you make a radical shift, it can still like, I'm still yeah, I'm just curious to find out, like what, what happens sometimes so, yeah, I think, um, you know, radical shifts are there.

Speaker 2:

They put challenges on a marriage and I think that, um, you know, we, we, well, I changed a lot, I have changed a lot in the last two or three years, and so it was.

Speaker 2:

We actually went to counseling for four or five months just to try and figure out how to communicate through those changes, because it was like what had been stasis for I mean, we got married in 2006 and what have been, you know, status quo for many, many years Suddenly it was like I'm a different person, I'm kind of speaking a different language, I have different priorities, and it was a big shift. And I think it took both of us wanting to commit to trying to find out how to navigate through that for us to get through it. And I think we're still working through it, because I'm still changing and shifting and figuring out like, where am I going to land, you know, from a, you know monetary, you know we kind of have to make money at some point. How does, how does my passion turn into, you know, something that can support? And so, yeah, we're still sorting it out. But that's life, that is evolution.

Speaker 1:

Totally, that is evolution.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that's really interesting actually because you mentioned money versus humanity and I mean, I think you're talking about humanity on a grander scale, but like you're a human and it's like what, what do? What do we actually need as humans? Like we need, um, like you said, community connection, and like they're the things that probably are like when we, when we nut it out, the things that are most important to us, but but we focus often on money, while it feels and it can feel like, well, we don't really have much choice yeah, yeah, and I, but I think that there are ways and I'm still filling into them.

Speaker 2:

Um, and I I think that probably in the next you know, if we check back in in about six months, I'll probably have like the thing coalesce, but like there are ways for us to bring money and humanity back together. Yeah, like there's a story that the patriarchy and capitalism and you know this world that we've lived in has torn them apart, because they've told us that that we need to disregard humanity and disregard what is good for the earth and disregard all these things, and that the board members rule, rule and you know, the dollar rules. But I think it's, I think it's BS, it's just a story and that you know, what I learned in shamanism is that we are told stories and we can either choose to accept them or we can let them go, and we can, you know, just peel them off of us like a skin and unpeel that story until we start to find our, you know, true essence. Yeah, and, and our true essence says that our prosperity and our humanity can be combined.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, so six months you're going to have the answers so six months you're gonna have the answers with someone, but it's still very uh. It's in the works, so I can't. I can't try. Yeah, that's fair enough.

Speaker 1:

No, we'll get you back on the here in. Yeah, we, we will with the big reveal the big reveal.

Speaker 2:

But you know, I'll tell you, nadine, like one of the big things as kind of talking about this like that is, though I can say that is the basis of what I wrote my book about, okay was us finding that harmony and prosperity within ourselves and to really kind of just get rid of this whole idea of scarcity and that like we can't have abundance and the poverty mindset, especially when it comes to spirituality, because I think one of the reasons that a lot of healers or people that are spiritual, like we have this poverty mindset that is like you aren't allowed to be prosperous and help other people I don't know where that came from, but it's like a mindset that is in our society and what like what that was one of the impetus of this book was like that we don't need to have this scarcity, poverty mindset around ourselves.

Speaker 1:

And you know that's what we're learning about in the gene keys right, yeah yeah, prosperity yeah, so I've spoken to the um the listeners about uh, a little bit about the gene keys, and it has popped up in um a couple of conversations I've had with other guests. So erin and I are both uh following a gene keys um program, online program called the pearl retreat, and it's um about prosperity. Um and yeah, basically shifting our mindsets. A lot of it is shifting our mindsets, or you can't help but shift your mindset um around prosperity. Like it isn't actually about money. And when I wrote down um, I haven't got it in front of me, but some of the things that I wrote down about prosperity, like when I think about it, like what does it mean for me, like money, didn't come into it you know, what are the things that are important in my life were like my yeah home, like and being with my family and community food, you know um.

Speaker 1:

Sovereignty was really important one for me um you know, not having, not having someone else control what we do, but the prosperity it was like. What does it feel like? And I just think it feels to me like flow, but not just flow of money, but flow of abundance, like in love, in relationships, in like with nature. Like that, to me, is like prospering because you can see a person with um, you know who's wealthy with you, know has financial wealth. But if they're not healthy to me, they're not healthy to me, they're not prospering.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so so, yeah, yeah, and that's that's just. That's the paradigm shift that needs to happen. Is the the idea of what, why we're here on this planet, why what we're here to achieve is to be prosperous. But what does that word mean Really? Really, it means exactly what you're saying not how much money you can accumulate, but like how full of health and love and the all of those riches, yeah yeah, yeah, it's interesting, it's a, it's a.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it's a long game as well, isn't it? I've done a little bit of, you know, just reading, watching videos, different people that I've sort of follow online and that sort of thing, and obviously the Gene Keys approach as well. Um, what was I going to say? What? Um, what? Something that's kind of popped up is like we're actually that, this idea that we've actually chosen the body that we incarnate into, but the human experience that we're having right now and so, you know, karma comes into that dharma, you know being exactly where you are right now to learn the lessons but but that we've actually we have chosen this particular experience and for it to unfold in this particular way, which I think is a really interesting and kind of reassuring concept. What do you feel about that?

Speaker 2:

um, what do you, what do you feel about that? I, I think it is. It is spot on. It's like and now the the, you know, having gone into a shamanic path, I do a lot of like meditations and journeys and kind of going into the other realm and sort of feeling into where my this, this moment of my soul is, where, where that is in in terms of its bigger incarnation. I don't know that I want to get into the idea of different incarnations or past lives, because I think that's a whole other topic it does feel like my soul your like, at least, and I can only speak for my soul.

Speaker 2:

It does feel like my soul chose to be here and and that everyone it has met is there to teach it a lesson that I'm here to learn from all of my relationships and that I am here to to do things and that one of the biggest things that I'm here to learn in life is to try and let go of the fears that I have that prevent me from being me. Yeah, and that is that's the we were talking about. Evolution. I would love, I was excited to talk about this.

Speaker 2:

This is the unlearning, this is the you know devolving, because you're really trying to come back into your, your essence, your yourself, so that you can express that person that you were meant to be, that you, just because of karma, because of ancestral wounds, because of fears, because of societal conditioning, you don't feel like you can step into it. But there's all these opportunities along the way, there's all these people we meet, you know like, oh, I meet this amazing person, nadine, and we have this beautiful conversation because these are all supposed to happen, yes, and all of these moments are here to help us come into who we are.

Speaker 1:

And I really do believe that and I feel like that, like I feel that as a truth, not just as a an idea, that like an opinion, it feels right to me, yeah, yeah, I agree, and I'm, and I'm really also like I don't know what words to use for it but like being much more aware of when I see those things that bug me. I'm starting to see, like how that's part that's me, like, yeah, like what is that in that person or that situation that bugs me is like where do I do that or where have I not healed from that? And like that idea of um, yeah, it it reflecting back something that I actually need to focus on and that that that's not a bad thing. Yeah, in fact it's, yeah, it's part of that um process of healing and understanding and accepting others and ourselves.

Speaker 1:

But one thing I also um along this journey, like because we we often say you know that there is often that idea of you know these things coming into our lives for those reasons, for us to you know, look at ourselves and how we react. But I think we also need to remind ourselves that when we meet other beautiful people, they're also a reflection of who we are. Um, yeah, so it can be easy to kind of focus on the, the darker side or, you know that, trying to fix what's broken or what's wrong with me, but it's about like, yeah, seeing seeing the beauty in all of those things. I think I went off on a tangent there yeah no, it's, it's perfect.

Speaker 2:

I mean, that was part of my um. You know the, the teachings that I learned when I was doing my shamanic course, you know, are very tied to Carl Jung and the shadow work. And one of you know, if you're familiar, which I think everyone at this point probably has heard of Carl Jung and shadows. But what you're saying is very true. Like everything that everyone we meet, our whole reality almost, is a projection of ourselves, because it's how we see the world around us, it's our lens and it's our shadows and, yes, they're all mirrors and it's our shadows and, yes, they're all mirrors. So, you know, if, if there's something in my husband that annoys me, that's my shadow.

Speaker 2:

If there's something in my husband that I'm, um, you know, really respecting and think is an amazing trait, that's also my shadow because, like our heroes and our villains, are the pieces of us that we maybe haven't figured out, that we have within us, because they're triggering us in some way. And I think that's where real healing comes in is just stepping back and like letting you yeah, like you said, to give, give space to both the fact that, yeah, we have some wounds that we'd rather not face, or some you know that, that we all have a little devil inside of us, but we all have an angel inside of us too, and that's it. That's a pretty, pretty powerful, empowering thing to feel into if we want to think about, you know, empowering us as humans to start to shift how we think about it, like, just feel into that, to our amazing traits, to the things that make us wonderful and powerful in a in a loving way, not powerful in like a dictator way yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, cool.

Speaker 1:

I'm just thinking of um. There was a couple of things there, but I would love to um, I would love to hear more about that shift that you went through. Like you mentioned that you lost your mum um three years ago, so that must be. It must have been an extremely difficult time, and probably still is. Um, yeah, oh, how do you? Was that when you began to realize that life was worth like your purpose? Was that the? That was like the, the moment.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was the big, that was the big crisis that that made me step back and think about you know, what was I doing with my life? Did I feel that I was doing everything, or was?

Speaker 2:

I and a lot of it was my mom, um was very healthy and then she suddenly, you know, got sick with cancer. So it was like pretty sudden, yeah and um, so it was very shocking. It was shocking, uh, in a lot of ways and ways. And then she was, she went in for like the beginning of her treatment. She was having some radiation and then that led to like this massive artery exploding and she was in the hospital like almost dying, like right after treatment started, so it was like even more like it was like even more like it was just like I mean just very shocking.

Speaker 2:

and so those those kind of things, though they shake you up and I mean we talk about how everything happens for part of your soul plan like these things are really important too, even though they're very stressful. And, as I was in my stressful work where I'm like trying to balance people who need me and they're on my phone all the time and I'm trying to have zoom meetings with my coworkers and with these contractors and my mom is like in hospice and I'm still somehow supposed to put my work as a higher priority than my mom who's dying, it's like what is wrong with this world? This is not the world that that I want to live in, that any of us should live in. None of us should be living in this world that continues to prioritize like what we perceive as important over what's really important.

Speaker 2:

you, know love and life and family and and all the things that you were saying earlier about that feel like prosperity. So, yeah, that was that was the big shift, and I think that's when I decided to go, like I was doing my yoga and deeper meditations, and I just felt that I really needed to go inside and to start learning more about what was inside of me, um, to figure out how I could realign um with what, what was like the bigger purpose in my life. And so I think that did lead me into to shamanism, because it's a very um, it's a very quick and deep way to get to your inner self, like, if you want to really dive in and find out what's on the other side of the veil, go down that road.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of like tempting, but a bit scary at the same time.

Speaker 2:

It's. You know, I had done yoga for many years and, um, um, actually my teacher is is, uh, australian, and I went to India with her and it's a very soft practice. It's very powerful but it's very soft. It's kind of like water and the the shamanic practices are like fire. But if you need to, if you need big shifts, if you're feeling that the world just is is not right and you want to shed a whole bunch of the past or fears or traumas, it's a very good way to to really dive in and to do it wow, it's really interesting, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

like I was talking about, like, how, um, you know opportunities have changed for us and that you don't have to stick with the same thing for the rest of your life, but also there seems to be this big shift towards like healing trauma, and like people are much more aware of these parts of themselves that need healing. Um and um, like it took me a while to sort of grasp what all that meant, and it's been, you know, part of my process. It's just like you know, if you understand more and more about what that means, um, but how that healing is almost like an essential part of then being able to get back to that loving. What did you refer to yourself as being? That big ball of love, big ball of love.

Speaker 2:

Big ball of love. Yeah, that's in planning skills.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, that we need to go through. It's almost like we need to go through it, but it's hard, right? It requires some what did I say? Curiosity to start with, and then some determination and some bravery. Yeah, lots of courage, Courage yeah, lots of courage, but it's almost like facing that stuff is almost like an essential part of being able to move to the next step, although it kind of comes in layers, doesn't it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think it's spirals, it's like or onion layers or you know.

Speaker 1:

but yes, there's, there's, yeah so it's not like you can't, it's not like you have to do all of the work in inverted commas before you can feel the you know, feel the love. Let's just say keep it simple Like yeah, it does kind of shift, doesn't it? It's like you get these like little pockets of feedback where things just start to feel better, or you realize, oh, I didn't get triggered by that experience. Even though like you weren't deliberately focusing on that thing. You're like oh, oh, I'm not as angry anymore.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's yeah, it's an interesting what I think one of the the gifts if I can be so bold is to say that that that I've been given in this whole process of healing people. People have come to me for healing and have come to me with traumas or just feeling bad, just, or sad or just hurt. You know just heavy is. You know you come in, your heart has been closed down because the world just doesn't care or doesn't. You know, and and and I and they and they come and they're just kind of afraid and kind of scared and what I do is first make them feel held, make them feel that they are held by. Not maybe they didn't have a great mother and father, maybe they did, or maybe it doesn't even matter, but that the world is holding us, that that the earth is holding us, that the stars are holding us, you know the astrology of the planets is holding us and that we are loved. You know, if you believe in a creator, that the creator is holding us and then in that love and that support, starting to look at one of your fears or looking at one of your wounds with that kind of lens of love is a little less scary.

Speaker 2:

So that's kind of how I try and approach it and I think it's a much more feminine approach than like when I learned shamanism it was, it is. It was like kind of the I did the four winds, but Dr Alberto Villota was amazing, but it's a masculine approach, even though it is a very, a very feminine. You know, all shamanism is much more feminine but it is masculine, it is fire, and so I am trying to bring in more of that nurturing, you know, earth and water and and just kind of holding people so that it isn't quite so kind of like Richard Rudd. He's just very soft and I think that helps people feel that facing their traumas and healing so that they can find love and joy in their life isn't such a daunting task. Because it shouldn't. It shouldn't have to be no.

Speaker 1:

No, so let's get finally get a little bit deeper into what shamanic healing is, or shamanic medicine and like what. Yeah, so what is it? And then you know what would one expect to experience when they come for healing, healing session. Okay, is it talking or is it ritualistic?

Speaker 2:

a bit of both. Sure, and I can, I will talk about so, like I was just saying. So I learned the shamanic energy medicine, yeah, um, as developed by dr albert tobyalba and the Four Winds, which are based on the Peruvian shamans, the Quechua, the Andean people, the caros of that area. So if you were to ask what a healing from a Native American tribe looks like, it would probably be different, but I think that from a energy healing that is somewhat universal, right, so this is an energy healing, so it's not entirely unlike reiki, but reiki is, let's say, from japan. So that's a different tradition, different technique. For my healing is person comes in um, either in person or on the zoom, because energy healing does work uh, remotely, like you don't have to be in the same physical space as a person. Yeah, um, you, you kind of, first of all it's just intuitive listening. It's that what? What is first of all, what is the person struggling with, and then what is behind that thing, and so that's part of I mean, I think that you know they, shamanism teaches that there's this sort of world beyond what we can see, and so as you begin to feel into that, that beyond realm, you can start to understand what is beyond what their words are. And then the idea is that our let's say, our traumas, our wounds, all have little energetic imprints within our body and especially within the chakra system, our body and especially within the the chakra system, and that they, because our mind and our body and our memories like we're just this big energetic connected being so, they will go. So let's say you have, um, a big trauma around something that happened in your childhood and that trauma you just can't seem to get into a good relationship with a man or a woman because that keeps repeating itself. It's this repeating pattern story and it lives in your body now.

Speaker 2:

And so that energy before you can need, before you can start shifting your perspective, you just got to clear that energy. So for starters it's just finding where that energy lives in the chakra system and then bringing intention into that, healing and clearing that system out. And then you, you clear the negative, the heavy I don't like to use the word negative, let's say heavy energy. Give it to the fire, give it to the earth, let it mulch, and you bring in nice, clean, clear, golden light from the universe and just fill that chakra system and then your systems start working smoothly, you're lighter, you're a little bit more open, more open, and then if you can start doing your own personal work you know, as as the client on on creating new habits and new patterns, then you're you're kind of cleared and you can have a big shift. So that's the sort of the guts of a shamanic energy healing.

Speaker 2:

But beyond, behind it, is this acknowledgement that there is spirit working, that there is the ancestors, that there is these sort of higher powers that are working.

Speaker 2:

And when you open up to them, when you open that healing system up, then bigger shifts can happen within, within your whole trajectory, and that's a little bit harder to explain.

Speaker 2:

But that's where the miracles and the magic really happen. When you're like, okay, well, I came in for this, this like little thing, but now it's, the created is cascade, and now my heart is open and I'm full of love and grace has descended on me and I'm like, wow, because that can happen, like those things happen, because the world is this beautiful, benevolent place that wants to bring joy and grace and love back into your system. That you have been feeling I'm not saying you need, I'm like talking about like the big you. It's like we've been feeling like we're just this, like small, disempowered, sad thing, and the world is like, no, you're amazing, you are beautiful, you are radiant light, and like when that can come back in in in one of my healing sessions and like that downloads back into that person and they feel that and they're like oh, and I'm like yay, oh, my god that sounds amazing.

Speaker 1:

does it last like? Do they continue to feel like that or is there still an ongoing like?

Speaker 2:

That depends on the person that depends on the person.

Speaker 1:

Like just take over, can't it? Like you'd have these amazing experiences, but but like if you don't kind of stay connected with them? Like little by little, the old habits can start to. They can sneak back.

Speaker 2:

That's yeah, that is the truth. Like we can have these glimpses of our own perfection and this happened to me, you know, for many, many years. During yoga, you have a meditation and you start to experience this, but if you do not make shifts in your life to align with that, you will go back to being that, like what you were before. And yes, so there are. There are people that I have seen that take that into, like they say, okay, I am going to make changes in my life to align with, like, I am going to get rid of that toxic relationship that isn't serving me. I am going to do these things.

Speaker 2:

And then there are people that are really addicted to their story of suffering and they aren't ready to make those changes and I can't control, excuse me, if that person is going to or not, but I can give them the potential and at least show them that it's out there, yeah, and maybe hopefully give, give people the tools to keep, like you were saying, to keep reconnecting and to to ask spirit and ask the universe to help bring in that prosperity. Because this is what I believe is that when you shine out as who you are, when you are prosperity, when you are love, when you are joy, those things will reflect back to you. Just like you were saying, when we mirror the people, like we attract what we are, we don't attract, like we don't manifest by saying, oh, I want a shiny red car. Oh, and you say that to yourself every morning and then the shiny red car appears. You would you manifest it by just being full of whatever it is that you want to be.

Speaker 1:

If you want to be prosperous, you should feel prosperous yeah, and I one thing I've noticed recently, like, obviously, um, spending more time and they say that you're the sum of the people that you spend the most time with. Right, when you see someone who is living as themselves, authentically, in a loving way. Because I think that when people you know, for example on social media, when someone's bagging someone else out, that's probably not them being authentic, like there's probably a whole bunch of wounding stuff and fear that's going, yeah, that's coming out of their mouth. When you see someone who is embodying these kind of principles in their life, there's nothing about them that you can't like. Even if they say something that you don't necessarily agree with or understand, they don't say it because they want to tell you that that's what you should be. Or you know there's I don't know, there's just and and you feel like I mean Richard Rudd is a perfect example.

Speaker 1:

When he talks to people, he talks to them as another human being. He doesn't talk to them as Richard Rudd, who's written these amazing books and doing all these amazing things in the world. He's not like up on his pedestal things in the world and he's not like up on his pedestal um, you can really see that he's like just connected to whoever he's talking to, and um, yes, it's. Uh. I've gone off on another tangent, erin um, I love tangents.

Speaker 2:

They're beautiful things to go on.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's so beautiful yeah, I can't remember what I was saying anyway, but anyway, we're talking about authentic people, yes, or that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it just just being and that kind of healing, I guess. Yeah, yeah, there's nothing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's nothing you don't like because we have that. That's where I was going with it. We, we kind of have this fear, or I certainly do personally. What will people think of me?

Speaker 2:

if I do this.

Speaker 1:

But when you're doing the things, when you're being who you're being authentically for want of a better word you know we hear a lot of that be your authentic self business but like if you're deeply being your authentic self, like without any of that kind of negative self-talk, when you're going from a place of love, people feel it regardless of what you're saying. You're not offensive, you're not out to hurt anyone or be better than anyone. You're just like living who you want to be, which I think probably back right at the beginning of our conversation, was something that you talked about.

Speaker 2:

right, that you weren't, didn't feel, yeah, wrong, you were being yourself well, I think that what you were saying just really hit on a really nice point. A little little bumble over here Like this, this idea of like this authentic self that doesn't feel authentic because it's from like a wound or it's. It's like I'm afraid to be myself, but I'm going to go out and like be myself with like kind of gritted teeth or you know, and just like and it's. I think it's like that's our ego really getting getting involved in the situation instead of just our heart, like leading from our heart, will just show us the way. And then the and that's.

Speaker 2:

I tell a lot of people that like I'm, like I don't really trust my mind, and they're like, really, and I'm like, yeah, my mind is, is it's a problem, it's it's good for doing math and yeah, driving a car, but from in terms of being our authentic self or feeling into what my sole purpose is or what I should talk to Nadine about in the podcast, no, it won't do me much good. Like my heart is going to guide me into what feels right. And that's when you said going to guide me into what feels right.

Speaker 1:

And that's when you said, like it's about being with love, because that's you're just radiating who you are and who you are, who we all are, is love and joy and connection yeah, and when you do see those things in others and you think, oh, wow, that person's amazing, you, you kind of yeah, that that they're part of who you are as well. So I think that's a really good reminder. Um, but also when we don't feel, you know, if we worry, you know, come off the podcast, for example, and we're worried about did I say the right thing? Oh, I went off on a tangent. You know the, you know my the mind, to listen with love as well and compassion for yourself, that like there's a part of you. That that's, you know, for whatever reason.

Speaker 2:

Um, feeling those feelings, yeah, um, yeah, and they're valid and and the tangents that we go on are because we were supposed to go on them. You know, like that is the flow. The flow just goes where it goes and you know, every once in a while we have to come back and look at our watch or say, oh my, how have we been talking for an hour? But um, that's, that's the beauty of being in the flow, and this is something that that, as I've released a lot of my conditioning and given myself this opportunity to do a shift and to step back, it's just fundamentally changed how I approach the world. So even like, okay, you know, I need to make some money. I'm going to start doing some architecture again. I'm going to do, you know, some, some stuff. I'm going to do it in a totally different way than I would have three years ago.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And that's what's important is that we I have shifted into how I look at the world and how I flow with the world and how I show up in the world. And so then, no matter what we do whether I do shamanic healing or write a book or design a building, it doesn't matter what we do a podcast and being an actress it matters how we do it, how we show up. That's what's important. Like that, we're showing up in love and light and compassion and kindness. That's it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. And, as you said, wherever you are right now, you're exactly where you're meant to be. So, even if you think it's going to be a certain way and it doesn't turn out the way that or it leads in a completely different direction, it's like you did this thing to get to that next place.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's a great perspective to have and yeah like you said, it's uh feels like truth. We have going back to the time, we have reached an hour, but you've had, you've given us so many words of wisdom and I know that you're um, well, the, the magic word in this episode has absolutely been love. Um, but do you have anything that you just to put you on the spot, really anything? Anything that you would like to close the conversation with a message to the listeners, like anything?

Speaker 2:

final thoughts. Final thoughts if I could leave one thought with all of your listeners, it would be take a moment each day to feel into your heart and to feel into love and joy and gratitude for both of those. And if you aren't finding that, if you're, if you're lost and are not feeling any of those words, then maybe go sit outside for a minute until you can feel it, because it's everywhere around you, it's in all the breath.

Speaker 1:

It's just about reconnecting with it yeah, that's beautiful, great advice and maybe get a shamanic healing from you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah check out my book. Can I show you my book?

Speaker 1:

yeah, please how cool finding love balance and harmony for ourselves for ourselves, for the world right and where can we get hold of that? We'll put links in the notes you can get it on amazon right, okay yeah okay, great, we'll. We'll put that in the notes. Um, yeah, and also, if uh, your website, I'll pop in the notes as well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah, and obviously yes, if I can ever provide healings for anyone or help anyway, please check out my, my website and we can connect and all of the things. So thank you for having me and I hope we'll talk again.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I hope so too. What are we? The room 70 girls yeah, I love it thanks so much, nadine. Thank you so much for joining us. Have a great rest of your day evening evening.

Speaker 2:

Yep, it's uh 7 30 pm here. Oh wow, yeah, my day's just almost lunchtime, now perfect thanks, I really appreciate your time. Bye, yes, bye.