Life, Health & The Universe

Part 6 Guide To Universal Living: Mastering Structural and Psychological Balance In A Changing World

Nadine Shaw Season 10 Episode 3

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Can you imagine a world where balancing your masculine and feminine energies leads to physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness? It's not just a dream; it's the key to navigating the earth changes as our planet shifts into the fifth dimension.
We're talking about a profound transformation that starts from within.
By honouring our intuitive feminine aspects alongside our masculine energies, we can support our evolutionary process and achieve a higher state of consciousness.

Our special focus is on the Transference Healing energetic process, specifically the Earth and Body Magnetic Grid Alignment from Transference Healing. We discuss how aligning with the Earth's electromagnetic shifts, as highlighted in Alexis Cartwright’s "Beyond Doorways, the Mysteries Revealed," can promote continual ascension and overall balance.  These practices help you connect with the global grid's energy and maintain emotional and spiritual equilibrium.

**At the 26 minute mark, Laverne begins to talk us through The Earth & Body Magnetic Grid Alignment Procedure.  As you begin the procedure and draw the silver diamond around your body, slowly say in your mind's eye;

"I ask for the lines of my electromagnetic body to respond to the Earth's geometric grid. I now come into a state of balance"

Finally, we delve into the interconnectedness of physical and energetic imbalances and offer practical advice on maintaining well-being amidst global changes. By understanding the influence of natural phenomena on our energy fields and leveraging specific energetic alignment procedures, we can prevent physical symptoms and support our central nervous system and brain function. We’ll guide you in selecting procedures for self-growth and maintaining a balanced state, reinforcing the power of intention in these practices. Join us to empower your journey towards balance and ascension.

Reference:  Beyond Doorwarys The Mysteries Revealed, Author Alexis Cartwright; Earth & Body Magnetic Grid Alignment Procedure. Chapter 4, Self-Help Techniques For Healing & Transference. Purchase Book HERE

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Speaker 1:

Hello, it's Nadine here and I'm here with Laverne today for part six of Guide to Universal Living. So it's the third Friday of the month, we're halfway through the year, slap bang in the middle. Wow, how's it going, laverne?

Speaker 2:

It's going well as, as we say, we always have a bit of a preamble before we get online. We're both agreeing. You know, there's a lot, a lot of energy at play and different people be experiencing it in different ways and how that reflects out into their reality, so I'm hoping today might be useful.

Speaker 1:

I hope so too. So we have, like you said, we've had a bit of a preamble. You've given me a little bit of a brief on what you're going to be talking about today, but I've, literally I've had a quick look at the book what's it Beyond Doorways by Alexis Cartwright the book Beyond Doorways by Alexis Cartwright, which you referred me to to help me with this topic that you're covering today, but I've written no notes. Actually, I've written two words, but I'm not going to say what they are. I'm going to set you free and I'm going to get my pen and paper ready and, um, yeah, we'll get stuck in and see where the conversation takes us. I know you've, you've, um, you've got it all set out for us.

Speaker 2:

So we have, we have. So thank you, nadine. It's been an amazing six months. I've really enjoyed working with you, so, thanks, thank you so much.

Speaker 2:

So, look, we're going to be talking about how we can support ourselves and stabilizing and balancing through the earth changes. So when the planet shifted into the fifth dimension, it triggered a shift in humanity and, along with that, the human body and consciousness had to shift and really we're being supported to be receptive to higher frequencies filtering through the earth and the cosmos. Now, as this process continues, imbalances are occurring for many people during this transition and are continuing to impact people as the Earth continues to go through its process of change. So we, through these imbalances, are basically it's a symbol that we're trying to integrate into that new Earth. So what I'm going to be covering today is how the earth changes are impacting us, how we can support ourselves, and today I'm going to actually walk through a Transcendence, healing, energetic process that people can work with to help them maintain their balance through these changes that we're all experiencing. So, if listeners have been tuning in to a number of the podcasts, there is a podcast that talks more to the global grid Atrix and we're going to be tapping into that technology today. So I would encourage people to go back to that podcast. I think it's podcast four, but we'll put that in the show notes different podcasts that will be useful listening to again, that will link beautifully into this, okay.

Speaker 2:

So, as I said, we transitioned into the fifth dimension reality. So the whole earth is now vibrating at a higher frequency and we are all adjusting to that new frequency of the earth. So as the earth shifted in vibration and frequency, we needed to move our frequency to a higher vibration in line with that, okay, to a higher vibration in line with that Okay. So we're going through testing times and some people might be finding life is a little bit more challenging than others, but it's key really to let go of all beliefs and behavior patterns that hold us in a karmic cycle and a way of living so that we can move with the new earth. And we touch on karmic cycles in another podcast which you can go back and listen to.

Speaker 2:

So the shifts continuing uh are creating what we call in Transference, healing, a decoding and recoding process and basically the decoding is clearing old patterning, past life and past pain that has held within our genetic level of our being and through that decoding process which is basically a letting go of right it's the most simplest way of looking at that we're recoding a new state of being. So this is an ongoing process, right? So humanity is continuing to make the necessary shifts and for some, they're clearing at a more rapid rate and accelerating their ascension process. At this time, they're consciously working through that process, okay, and they're moving through that process faster, and so they. They might be doing it with greater ease and grace than maybe others, but this time is about supporting our evolutionary process and our personal growth.

Speaker 2:

And what's interesting is, since the fall of Atlantis, the feminine principle and the goddess aspect of ourselves has been suppressed and our energy body has sustained more what we call a solar, a magnetic energy, which is our masculine aspect of self, our masculine force. So we've tended to play more of a masculine energy in reality, okay, versus, rather than you know, lunar, which is electric energy. It's a feminine force, okay, but because of the transition we've made as part of our ascension process, we need now to balance these two forces and awaken the feminine, which is the more intuitive aspect of self. And so, as we evolve into the fifth dimension, we are naturally connecting more to that feminine principle and coming more into a state of balance. We call this a state of androgyny, so where we got our balance with our feminine, feminine aspect of self and our masculine aspect of self and we're working from both aspects. Okay. So this process, when we, when we can work more with our feminine aspect and our masculine aspect, we can maintain more balance and wellness. Okay, but not only can we maintain more balance, wellness on a physical, emotional level, it's also supporting our spiritual level and we can hold a higher state of consciousness, a higher state of being, and it supports our enlightenment process.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so we've talked in past podcasts about working with intuition and we'll put again in the show notes which specific podcast that is, and we'll put again in the show notes which specific podcast that is. But now more than ever, we are being supported to acknowledge and honor our intuition and to listen and to act upon our intuition without judgment. And this is all fifth dimensional consciousness or fifth dimensional consciousness. So the global grid, or global grid matrix, is a holographic reality we refer to in Transference, healing, and is instrumental in this process and the process of our ascension and our evolutionary process. So we talked to this in another podcast and again, I would recommend people listening to that to understand more.

Speaker 2:

So how is the shift of the changes that are occurring with the planet, which is instigated by this global grid matrix, the holographic sphere of light? A holographic sphere of light, what we're typically seeing on a day-to-day level let's call it, you know, in our reality is we're seeing surface. What we're seeing surface more is people with symptoms, and the types of symptoms that are surfacing are problems either with their feet, headaches, structural pain, emotional psychological stress and ungroundedness. So these are the typical symptoms that people might feel they're experiencing right now as we adjust to this new grid and the new earth. But on an acute level, what some people might be experiencing is mental illness or heart conditions. Okay, because these are two areas of our physical body that are impacted the most and being triggered the most. So, depending on how people are continuing to move through the changes, day to day, month to month, year to year will depend on what different people might be experiencing.

Speaker 2:

But we must release all pain to maintain a higher vibration and hold a higher reality, and so it's really important that we surrender and that we come into a state of receptivity and go with the synchronicity of the earth and the universal changes that are occurring right now. So how we can support ourselves is really where I land in terms as a very specific procedure that we work with in Transference Healing that I'm going to be covering today, and I feel this would be useful to try and test for yourself and, you know, test the theory, so to speak. But the more balance we can hold, the more we can stabilise through these changes and absorb and retain the light in our body which is filtering through from the global grid matrix. Okay, so I'm going to walk you through a transplants healing procedure that anyone can use and it's one of the most important procedures you can learn in transplants healing and it's called the Earth and Body Magnetic Grid Alignment and we teach this procedure in a one-day workshop that anyone can step into, called Beyond Doorways, level 1. And we also teach this procedure in Fundamentals, which is one of the principal teachings, but what's important for most people are just exploring energy and learning more about transmits healing.

Speaker 2:

This particular procedure is available in the Beyond Doorways, the Mysteries Revealed book. So I welcome you know I'm just touching on the subject today I welcome people seeking out this book. It's channeled and the author of this book is Alexis Cartwright, because there's so much behind this technology that I'm going to be touching on today. We just can't cover it and give it the justice it deserves. So I do welcome people reaching out and looking for that book or, you know, connecting with me and asking more questions through you know my website, chiron Spectra.

Speaker 2:

More questions through um. You know my website, chiron spectra. So do you want to bring up the the of the procedure I'm going to be talking to? And this image can be found in the Beyond Always book, so it doesn't quite fit on the screen. Yeah, so we'll just leave it there for the moment screen, but, yeah, so well, yeah, that, just leave it there for the moment.

Speaker 2:

So hopefully people can see that there's basically a diamond and I'll be talking to this in a moment but basically, what this procedure basically supports us to do is balance in our emotions and our ability to evolve through our emotional state of being. It also works with balancing our mind and our psychological sense of being and it works structurally and, if we were to look at it on a more spiritual level, it's also supporting the spiritual evolution. Okay, so by working with simple procedures such as this and we're just picking one today the new frequencies that are being created by the grid can be filtered through into the etheric physical body, and so this procedure helps to strengthen your electric, magnetic lines of your body and also allows you to ground into the fifth dimensional grid with more ease. So, you know, everyone's doing it unconsciously, but when you're working with a transference healing, it's specifically designed to support people to consciously work with themselves on an energetic level, and it will just move people through a process and if that's, you know, stabilizing how they're feeling emotionally or something structurally going on for them, this procedure is designed to support that process. Okay, so this is why we're.

Speaker 2:

You know I'm an advocate for transverse healing, but an advocate for running energy on the body and seeing ourselves more in an interdimensional way versus just the physical. So in the same way that the earth has an electromagnetic field and science talks to this the human body does too, and so as the Earth. You know the Earth is shifting and changing. We can see that through the weather pattern changes. Our energy body also needs to make those shifts and changes. So if we're a bit out of kilter with the changes of the planet. This is when we start to see symptoms come up through the body, and so, by supporting our energy body, what we're setting the intention to do is maintain wellness. We're helping our body and consciousness to basically continually stabilize, and this is why I love this procedure and I work with this one a lot for myself, on my family and, naturally, you know, when working with clients.

Speaker 2:

So it's a, it's a type of procedure. You've got to get your head around it, you've got to trust the process, but if you work with it, it's a bit like going to the gym. It will just do what it needs to do. You don't have to second guess. You just run this procedure the way I'm going to walk you through it and just allow the energy and the formulas and the codes behind this procedure to do the work. Okay. And you know, the more you work with it, the more you're going to experience that stabilizing effect, that balancing effect that it creates. Okay, and this the another good thing to mention this particular procedure is a what we call a grid procedure, and it grids the electromagnetic frequencies necessary now for continual ascension with the Earth, and that's why I've picked this particular one. I mean there are a number of procedures, but I picked this one specifically because I think as a standalone procedure that can be run, it's very powerful, cool. So before I actually run through the actual procedure, let's just have a look at the diagram. Okay, because let's familiarize ourself with it.

Speaker 2:

You can see the human body, and we talked that the human body has a feminine aspect. So we sort of got a representation of the feminine body. And we talked that the human body has a feminine aspect. So we sort of got a representation of the feminine aspect. And and the human body has a masculine aspect, so we've got a representation of that masculine aspect too. Okay, so the feminine, we know, is the aspect of self we tap into for intuition. Okay, it also connects to the subconscious mind, so it's this aspect that we're all being encouraged to work more with, okay.

Speaker 2:

And then the right side is the masculine aspect, which is more of the rational mind, the rational side, masculine aspect, which is more of the rational mind, the rational side. And this is the aspect that I talked to, that you know, over time, since our dissension from luncheon times, we have really been holding this more masculine way of being. So now we're being forced to say yep, that's important, that's not going away. But we need to bring that in balance with our feminine aspect. And it's not about male and female. This is not about, you know, biological. It's about we all have this.

Speaker 2:

And so for a woman, you know it might be, they're so in their feminine. They need to to balance and bring their masculine aspect more in, because there's such a positive side to that's the doing aspect, isn't it is doing, getting things done. Whereas you know, uh, for a man who's, you know, generally seem to be, yeah, I'm a can do, I just get things done type person, might need to tap into their feminine aspect more and tune into their intuition before they make a decision and say what do I need to do today? You know, what do I need to? How do I need to respond to this problem, the situation, or so forth. So, for a man, it will be well, connect with that feminine aspect, connecting to the intuition, see what response you get, then work with your masculine aspect and respond and act, and do so, to speak.

Speaker 2:

So that's the representation of this diagram on that level, and you'll notice there's a diamond right. So I'm going to be walking this in more detail, but I just want to give people more familiarity of the procedure itself as a visual. So there's a diamond around the body and you'll notice there's a vertical sorry, horizontal line. It's sort of going across the navel area. Okay, so there's this horizontal line and then you'll notice there's three vertical lines. Okay, so there's like a center line that's connecting to the top part of the diamond, down to the base of the diamond, which sure we can't see, but you know that where that diagram is going, okay, um, and then on the left side great, thank you.

Speaker 2:

On the left side you've got another line, that's the feminine line of force.

Speaker 2:

So that's the left side of the body and on the right side a right line of force.

Speaker 2:

So we call these the three lines of force and the last aspect of this procedure that I'm going to be walking you through, you can notice there's three points, okay, so there's two points on the left hand side and there's one point on the right and we call these harmony alignment points and they resonate to a tone and so you'll notice their harmony alignment point, tone A, and that's sort of situated on the left-hand side of the sacrum, front side of the body, and there's a harmony alignment point three, which resonates tone B, and that's just above harmony alignment point one, and then, on the right hand side of the body, you've got harmony alignment point five and tone D.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so just wanted people to get a bit of a visual, um, and then we can just move through to how do you run this procedure and as I run this procedure with people, nadine, you could probably do this at the same time, because that will give me an idea of timing of moving to each step. Um, I are talking in another level of detail of what each of these procedures are doing, or each step is doing.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so, just before we go any further, do we need this image in order to go through the procedure?

Speaker 2:

Well, good question, because I think what I'm going to do when I run the procedure, I'm running it on a smaller like this, so I think it's worth keeping that up.

Speaker 1:

On a page, or is it a mental image?

Speaker 2:

So leave the image there to refer to okay, okay.

Speaker 2:

And then you, you could literally do this with me I'll follow you so I've intentionally moved through the first part because I think the critical part is people getting the opportunity, the visual and getting an essence of this and being able to walk away confidently and run this for themselves. Okay, yeah, so before I start, I just got some points. So what? This procedure? Just so people got it at the top level. This procedure is going to work on the whole structural system of the body, right down to the psychological and emotional level of the body. Okay, that's the technology that's running behind this procedure. It's also going to help people realign their electromagnetic lines of force these lines of force I've just mentioned with those of the Earth and, overall, what this procedure is going to do is create a reaction. So, as we run this procedure, there's an energetic ripple that will occur behind that procedure. That, basically, is supporting the body generally, so the central nervous system, the organs, our structural system, as well as the chakra system and the harmony alignment points that I've just touched on to get you a sense of. Oh, you know what is this procedure. These procedures support and maintain balance in the sacrum area and preventatively care against structural imbalances, you know, like back pain or curvatures of the spine. So it supports that, that process. So, anyone who's having chiropractic type work, if you're running this procedure alongside chiropractic type work, this procedure will support those adjustments that you're having through a chiropractor to hold okay, because you're working on an energetic level, they're working on physical. So this procedure is brilliant if you're having chiropractic work right now, but it's also good to help you hold a sense of self. So if you're feeling a bit wobbly or feeling a bit ungrounded and you run this procedure, you should notice a subtle shift and feeling, yeah, I'm back in my my body, I feel more grounded and I'm just feeling a better sense of self. Yeah, so it's really good for grounding our soul essence. And we're doing that through the gravity line, the horizontal line that we're going to be talking to, and, as I mentioned already, you're balancing. It's tapping into the emotional level of our body and supporting the balancing of our emotions. So it's doing quite a lot and when you learn this procedure, I think it's doing all of that and you're going to have to, you know, listen back to this recording because I've mentioned so much so quickly. So if you listen back, you'll be able to digest it and absorb what I've talked about on another level and there's the other podcast that you can go back to to support other aspects to this.

Speaker 2:

Okay, are you ready, nadine? I'm ready, because you're going to run this with me. I'm going to follow through, I'm going to walk you through it, yeah, so the first step, what we're going to do is visualize in our mind's eye a silver frequency of light, and not everyone is good at visualizing, so it's also about intention, okay. So, as you just center yourself, so a good place to start is just centering yourself, which I see you're doing already, nadine. You're just centering yourself and I close my eyes a lot, so I'm going to probably close my eyes through most of this section. So forgive me, but through centering the self and you can use the breath just to center, you're visualizing the silver frequency of light and all you're doing. And I'm doing a small version because it's about intention. You don't have to draw this to the size of a human body. You don't have to draw this to the size of a human body, but I'm literally drawing with my hands, visualizing silver frequency of light, a diamond over my body. So, even though my diamond is small, I'm visualizing myself inside that diamond. It's all about intention, okay, and when you draw this diamond over the body. You're tapping in just by drawing that diamond into the technology of the global grid and the elements. That's what that step is doing Solve a diamond over the body.

Speaker 2:

Then the next step is we want to balance the gravity line and the gravity line is the horizontal line running from the left side of the diamond through to the right side of the diamond. So again, if I'm visualizing myself in my diamond and I'm literally just using my fingers and I'm with silver frequency of light, I'm drawing a horizontal line. So I'm just visualizing silver frequency light and drawing across my gravity line. So I'm visualizing myself and I'm visualizing at the point around the navel area. Now I can basically you notice I'm doing it a few times as you get more sensitive to energy, you might find you run this. You can run it once and feel that stabilized that line of force. Or you might find yourself doing it a few times. You might find a little nick, what we call a schism, and you basically just run the solver frequency until you feel that that line has balanced. Now it takes a little bit of leap of faith initially if you're not used to running energy, but just running that horizontal line is supporting the gravitational line, what we call the gravitational line, to basically balance.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So the next step. Actually, before I go on, it's good to mention, as I do this, what this is actually doing. It's grounding and anchoring us into the grid right and it's allowing our emotional state of balance to occur through the earth changes and hold that balance. So you could just do this one line. You know, if you're on the run and you're feeling a bit emotionally unbalanced, you could just do this across your navel point and that will help balance you. But it's also working with supporting the sacrum at this point and it's also supporting the balance of the central nervous system and emotional body.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so the next step is to go to the top of the diamond and we're going to draw a vertical line down the center, from the top tip of the diamond to the base of the diamond and we call this the central line of force. And all I'm doing is visualizing. I've got my diamond and I'm just going to run silver frequency of light down the center of my force once, like. So All I did was visualize silver frequency and I drew one line. So we do this central line of force gently and we only do it once, because you're basically tapping into the immortality line that sustains the life force. It's also this is the line that supports the central nervous system at the neurological center and the vertebrae. So we only ever do that particular line once, okay, and you just trust the process, that it's doing what it needs to do.

Speaker 2:

The next step is we're then going to work with our left line. Now I'm I'm deliberately this is my left, okay, and I'm setting the intention that I'm working with my left line of see the image. I'm literally visualizing silver frequency of light and I'm drawing a left line of force down my left side of my body. Now, with the left line of force, you can, if you find there's like a weakness or a slight what we call a schism, it's like a little hair fracture, so to speak you can run the silver frequency more than once, okay. So you might feel that's feeling a bit weak or just there may be a sensation you might be feeling it might be intuitively picking up. There's a bit of what we call a schism, and I'm just running silver light along that line at that point and I'm balancing that line. So this is the feminine line of force and this line actually also links into and taps into the north pole um and the negatively charged subatomic particles that filter in from the grid into our body and consciousness. So when we're working with our left line, we're not only supporting the balancing and stabilizing of our feminine aspect of self but on a structural level, we're supporting a number of levels of our being to come into a state of balance.

Speaker 2:

Penultimately, we're now moving to the right line and we're going to do exactly the same. So this is my right side and I'm turning into my right side and I'm visualizing a silver frequency of light and I'm at the top of the right side of the diamond and I'm running a silver line of force down my right side and again, if I find that my finger stops anywhere, I can just it's like you know, a metal worker I might be, you know just running my hand over to smooth it over or strengthen it at that point and I can run silver frequency again several times down this line and when I feel, yep, that feels strong, it feels balanced, then I know that I can stop. Then I know that I can stop. So this line is linked to the South Pole. So we talk about the polarity of the planet and the shifting of the planet. You know, when we're working with these lines, we're working with the North Pole on the left, we're working and aligning with the south pole on the right, and this is where, on a subatomic level, we're working with positively charged particles. So we're supporting a balancing of our, you know, atomic level, of our body too, enabling the grip, what you know, the necessary elements to filtering from the grid and support the body and consciousness to come into balance on this level. So we've just done four in total, four line, what we call four lines of force. We did a gravity line, which is the horizontal, we did a central line of force, which we only ever run silver once, and we did the left and right lines of force. These four lines of force basically sustain our body's structural system on another level and when we run these lines of force, we're actually aligning with a global grid matrix and any pressure in the body and consciousness is released and any imbalances in our spine are prevented or will support that person, whatever chiropractic work they're having done, this process or these lines of, or will support that person if, whatever chiropractic work they're having done, this process or these lines of force will support them on a physical level. Okay, so this also supports the functioning of our central nervous system and our brain. So we're really connecting in to different aspects of our physical body and we're balancing on so many levels that you know is beyond our comprehension, when we just run these few procedures, what we're actually doing. But I'm trying to give an imprint.

Speaker 2:

Now, last but not least, the final part of this procedure is the three harmony alignment points that I talked to up front. And these three harmony alignment points are connecting to harmonic musical tones of the universe. And these points are where we're tapping into from an energetic perspective of the body. And we're tapping those points and we don't have to be exact, it's about intention. You can see about where they are on the body. Um, it's all about intention.

Speaker 2:

So you would just literally in your mind's eye state I'm tuning into, so I'm bringing my hand up, so this again is my left-hand side. Just so you know, this is my left that I'm working with. I'm tuning into harmony alignment point one, which is the sacrum on the left-hand front side of the body. So that's where my intention is and I'm stating in my mind's eye musical tone A into HA.1. I'm just literally saying that you can change the words it's tone A, so tone A into harmony alignment point one, and you just point your finger to the left part of your body, into that range of your body, and state, with intention, the words. The next one is I'm placing tone b, so I'm moved up above the harmony alignment point. It's a bad intention. Harmony alignment point three, musical tone B, and I'm just like tapping it energetically and as I tap it, everything that needs to happen happens. So again, a bit of leap of faith if you're running energy for the first time and then we're moving across to Harmony Alignment 0.5. Again, I'm on my right-hand side this is for me personally and I'm setting the intention that I'm tuning into harmony alignment 0.5, and I'm placing musical tone D, tone D, into harmony alignment 0.5, and the energy is just running. Now, naturally I do this all the time so I can sense and feel that energy running. As I say, the more you work with this procedure, the more you would experience through that process. And it really is. It's working with intention, it's working with that musical note and you're working with a specific harmony alignment point in that area of the energetic body point, in that area of the energetic body.

Speaker 2:

Now to complete this procedure, basically just bring white light up through the body. So we're just completing this procedure now. So we're just bringing white light. I'm imagining white light coming up through my earth star, which is six inches beneath my feet. So I'm just visualising my earth star and six inches beneath my feet. So I'm just visualizing my earth star and I'm just literally bringing white light up and then either through using my hands and again I'm sort of shrinking myself down so that I can visually show you this. Imagine I've got silver light coming from my two fingers and I'm pointing my two fingers at the base of my feet, so my left foot, base of my left foot, base of my right foot, and I'm visualizing silver frequency of light and I'm meeting. Those two fingers are meeting at the Earth star. Okay, so, base of the feet, silver frequency of light, and I'm drawing my fingers down and my fingers join and at the joining point I'm visualizing the Earth star and I'm grounding and connecting into the Earth star. So you will hear me reference this on a regular basis. So all I'm doing is just grounding myself into my Earth Star using silver frequency light and intention and visualization.

Speaker 2:

So this procedure will release energy imbalances from the physical and the metaphysical bodies and create a harmonic alignment with the frequencies and sound of the universe and the earth, earth.

Speaker 2:

The three points that I touched on are actually three chiro, chiropractic category points one, two and three.

Speaker 2:

So we're tuning in on an energetic level and working from an energetic level, but that's filtering down into a structural level and supporting any chiropractic work going on with the sacrum. And anyone that's works with chiro you know a chiropractor will possibly know the categories one, two and three, which are all structural points, and this procedure will basically help clear the weaknesses in any organs and prevent structural and neurological problems that might create, you know, a symptom that may come up in the body. So that's the procedure. So I'm just going to quickly run through that very quickly. So basically it's silver diamond over the body, silver horizontal line, the gravitational line, center line, my left this is my left, my right, ha.1 tone A, ha.2, 3 tone B, ha.5 tone D, white light, the body. And then I'm grounding with silver frequency of light into my earth star, grounding with silver frequency of light into my earth star. So each step of the way you're working with silver frequency of light and with the harmony alignment points, you're working with tone and that's the procedure, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so you want us to keep sharing this screen or no, I think we can.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so look very different. Podcast today. I just felt this was a really useful transference, healing procedure for people to. You know, test, test the theory, work with this procedure, see what it creates for you if you find yourself on a given day you feel really wobbly or psychologically you're just feeling out of sorts. Trust this process and work with this procedure and work with it and work with it and work with it.

Speaker 2:

Don't just do it once, work with it. You know, at least once a day, and a good time of day to work with it is in the morning and maybe before you go to bed, so you could work with it twice a day. You can't go wrong. But it's really about testing the theory, because there is so much coming up to clear and this one is a good go-to procedure that you know. If you don't have any time, I would definitely be working with this one. Okay, yeah, and there's so much more information about this and you know general technology of the global grid, metrics and so forth that I encourage people to potentially seek out the book too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Cool, all right, I'm not going to spend a whole bunch of time talking about any more things. I think that was fairly extensive and thank for like leading me and the listeners through the practice. Uh, we'll be showing this, we'll be broadcasting this particular episode onto youtube so that you can get that visual as well when we share the screen for the procedure, um, and you'll also be sharing it on your socials, correct? So I'll reshare that as well.

Speaker 1:

Um, just personal experience while you were taking me through that procedure um, interestingly, when we were doing the horizontal line and you said, you know, maybe you need to do it a few times, I could feel a whole bunch more energy on my left hand side than my right. So so it was like there was a lot of. Yeah, it felt like the, you know, a bit more of a, almost a tingling sensation in my left, but there was not as much going on to in to the right side. When we drew the, not the central line, but the, the feminine and the masculine, um, the, the feminine and the masculine, um, the. The feminine line felt quite light and the masculine line, it felt thicker. It felt it was quite interesting because I was like I didn't even expect to necessarily feel anything, um, but yeah, it felt. It felt like that there was something more dense about that which I thought was really interesting and that's.

Speaker 2:

Look, it was so good that you did walk through the procedure with me. I wasn't sure if you'd get an experience because you'd only run this. You know this is the first time you've done it yourself. Yeah, so so that you know that gives you a bit of insight, that you know you just trust the process. And I think the thing I encourage the most because I know you're really trying to get under the covers of some of this technology is, unfortunately, some of it's beyond comprehension. And you know, I love your approach to try and support people who are more, you know, skeptical.

Speaker 2:

And this is why I thought this procedure, of all procedures, it's a bit more technical. You know, it's not just like, oh, run a bit of white light up your body. It's a bit more technical better understanding of transference, healing and how comprehensive the, the procedures that people can learn for themselves. But the fact that you've created a or had your own experience and now you can go away and say I'm going to continue to work with that and see what changes. So you were balancing that, even though you said, well, you know I'm just doing this and yeah, yeah, you might have run your hand over that point.

Speaker 2:

The procedure itself will do the balancing. Now, yes, for you. Okay, so because we're in physical form, we're just going through that process and then the technology behind that is going to do the work, and this is what I love most. It's like you don't have to do anything other than run the procedure, and this is why I just welcome people. Give it a go, because you don't have to understand it. I've walked through visualization intention. Follow the procedure as it's shown, let the technology do the rest.

Speaker 1:

I quite like the, the, the fact that there is, like it's not just a visualization, because, as you mentioned, some people don't like find it difficult to visualize, and I'm actually one of those people um, so, having something physical that I can do, actually, yeah, I found that very, very helpful to to kind of get you know ground into that particular practice and it makes the the procedure more real, because one of the things you've really tried to get under the covers of with working with me, well, you know let's, how do we substantiate this?

Speaker 2:

you know you're talking about this.

Speaker 2:

Well, having a procedure like that, so imagine there's 35 plus procedures similar to that that you'll be working with you know, if you work with transmits healing they all have that essence of what I've shown today then you've got something more real, haven't you? And then it's the experience behind that that enables you to discern well, this stuff works, or this. This is real, because I really feel something. Uh, and those that are less sensitive to energy will, if they keep working with it, take a bit of blind faith. Keep working with it, keep working with it, keep working with it, that energy builds, and then they see a shift. Yeah, so it really is.

Speaker 1:

You know, try it yeah, I think in, I think, some of the um. I mean, you covered a whole bunch of stuff and I wrote a whole bunch of notes, which is what always happens. But I'm not going to talk about any of those things Because I think, as you said, as you've said to me before, there's probably like a podcast in each of the things that I've written down. But things that really stood out and, I think, things that can bring us back to that normal every day, which is what our intention is, is like how can we you know, our last podcast was about spirituality how can we bring that into our everyday lives? It's not just about meditation and you know, it's about, like how we can be grateful for the things that we've got, how we can help each other and support each other with kindness, and for this one, it's like balancing our energy.

Speaker 1:

But, in summary, like I think, when you talk about you know, are you experiencing physical pain or discomfort, or emotional problems or disease? Because these are kind of signs. They're signs that we're out of balance, right, and, quite interestingly, actually, my dad has had really bad feet for a while now, like out of the blue, and it's like that was the first thing you said. It's like if you're and I've been experiencing headaches which I, you know, haven't had for a long time, yeah, and it's kind of like when you do all of a sudden kind of wake up and something feels out of whack and it's like, well, I didn't do anything out of the ordinary. They're kind of like light bulbs, your body's out of balance and, whether that's an energetic thing or not, which we're like, you kind of start putting things together, right, and it's like, well, you know, okay, if we talk about it from the masculine side of things, maybe, and the kind of, you know, science-y, the old way of thinking, let's just call it the old way of thinking yeah, you might just go, oh well, you know you can go down. You can kind of go, oh well, it's caused by X, y and Z, but if we go down, you know a more sort of progressive way of thinking. And it's like about our energy. And you know, even if you go from one to the other, there's links all along the way, isn't other, there are always links. Yeah, that makes sense, even if it's like from one school of thought to another, you can start to make connections. But the energy, yeah, energy's out of balance.

Speaker 1:

Something's out of balance in your body and these practices there's no harm in trying it right. It's like you've got a bad foot, so it's prevalent. This is my dad, for an example. It's causing him a whole bunch of issues changing shoes, going to the doctor, all of this stuff, right, it's taking a lot of time. One procedure, five minutes it's a no-brainer. Just give it a go, because what it also does, I think, when we, when we bring ourselves back into those procedures, those practices that are really simple and that don't take very much time, as we bring, we come back to ourselves as well and it gives us an opportunity to, yeah, recenter ourselves, right.

Speaker 1:

Another thing I would love to just sort of acknowledge, to talk about, you know energetics and electromagnetics and connecting to the poles and that sort of thing. But we are energetic beings, right. Our bodies create electricity. That's how our heart works. And when you think about how our bodies or we see people's behaviors change depending on the cycles of the moon, when it's windy, how the ocean is affected by the cycles of the moon and we're made up of water as well, you know massive amount of water as well. Of course, those things are going to affect us energetically. Things are going to affect us energetically. So they're kind of like they're my I guess they're my few little insights for today based on what you've talked about and how we can kind of bring those things back to our um, you know, 21st century daily lives and I think you've really sort of surmised beautifully some practical aspects.

Speaker 2:

I think the one thing I would add to that is, in an ideal world, people would get on the bandwagon of running energy on themselves, because when you're working with energy you're tapping in and you're preventatively caring, right. So you're trying to preventatively care and clear before something comes through into the physical now, whether it's through an earth change shift and that takes someone out of balance, or something emotionally that's coming up, that's been stuck in their body and now it's manifesting in the physical. Uh way, the sooner someone starts working energetically on themselves, they're going to start not only resolving and dissolving physical symptoms, but then they're actually preventatively caring. So your grand um, your father with his feet, you know I would be working this procedure on on him. I'll talk offline, we'll talk about other things you can do, because this is just one procedure. Right, there's, like you know, you do, a full transference healing on a person. You are working on so many levels and levels and levels and levels and levels and coming in at different interdimensional aspects of that body. But you know, he, he, it's hit the physical for him. So it makes sense for me to say to him we'll go to the chiropractor or whatever structural is going on, or it could be emotional pain. So this is interesting, whether you know the medical system can really pinpoint what's going on for him. Right, but support that process by running energy on him and if that can move him through and this is another benefit working energy is trying to move through that clearing process faster, right is another benefit, as well as ideally preventatively carrying um before something comes through.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so all the earth changes are creating electromagnetic changes and bringing the gravity field of the planet, the equator, into a new gravity field. You, you know, north Pole and South Pole are all shifting and changing, right, and this is also affecting how we perceive ourselves and we're subtly moving from that third-dimensional way of thinking and being into a fifth-dimensional reality. And I'm going to keep plugging away about the fifth dimension at different podcasts and you'll see these jigsaw pieces and you know the light bulb will come on. Well, what you know she keep? She keeps talking about this.

Speaker 2:

Uh, so many people are talking about it. Um, but really continuing to rebalance and stabilize will assist people in maintaining a state of well-being through the process of change that's going on in the world and, you know, navigating life with more ease and grace. There's got to be a benefit too, isn't it? We just want to move through life with as much flow, with as much ease and grace, and to me, that's another reason to look at many ways of supporting, you know, know yourself physically, emotionally, mentally as well the spiritual benefits of that.

Speaker 1:

Definitely. Before we close, I've just got one more question about the procedure. Yes, does it matter whether you're sitting, standing or laying?

Speaker 2:

No, you can, Because we're working beyond the physical. You know, um, you can be lying down, you could be standing on your head if you really want to, you know so, no, it's all about intention.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, great beautiful thank you, laverne, it's been amazing.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, I'm gonna get I was just.

Speaker 1:

The reason I asked is because I I do a stretch routine every day, so I'm just kind of already starting to think where will I put this procedure into my daily routine and that sounds like the perfect and the great thing is you're building a number of procedures for yourself.

Speaker 2:

Now, right, yeah, and again I'll go back to tapping into the feminine aspect. It's about intuitively saying what do I feel I need? Yeah, right, okay, I've got all these other um tools in my kit bag. Oh, I've. Now I've added some energetic tools to my kit bag. Which of those tools do I feel it's going to support me the most? Now I'm responding from the feminine aspect rather than going into the rational mind. So you could almost start building a list of the procedures you've learned so far and there's some in the podcast. I've taught you some outside the podcast. List them and divine which one do I need, need, and you might find there's a procedure there wouldn't ordinarily go to that procedure, but that's the one my highest self is saying I need. Right, yeah, so this is, this is the way you can start working as a completely different way of working yeah, brilliant.

Speaker 1:

Thank you um looking forward to the next one. Bye for now. Bye for now.