Life, Health & The Universe

Part 7 Guide To Universal Living. Children of the New Millennium: Nurturing their creative potential

Nadine Shaw Season 10 Episode 7

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Join us for a compelling discussion as Laverne and I explore the world of Crystal
Children; their natural enlightenment, and their spiritual nature.
We'll take you on a journey into their profound connection with the New World, a world Laverne refers to as fifth-dimensional, revealing that their natural wisdom and clarity through higher levels of consciousness they will strive to create a world that is more evolved.  Through their unveiled eyes they see humanity and the Earth in a new way, acting as catalysts within their families, fostering healing and shifting perceptions, while guiding and leading us into a more evolved state of enlightenment as we transition into a new dimension of existence—a world without fear and suffering.

As our world undergoes transformative change, crystal children are poised to
become the future leaders who will navigate and reshape our reality. We'll share
personal experiences and insights on how recognising and nurturing the gifts of
these children can lead to a stable and loving environment, sustainable wellness, and a good state of well-being whilst fostering their potential.
Through patience, kindness, and conscious parenting, we can support these children in anchoring a new consciousness on our planet, guiding us all toward a more enlightened and harmonious way of living.

Tune in to learn how to support these gifted children better and embrace the new era they are helping to create.

Support tools are available to assist Crystal Children to maintain balance and
Child Of Light Meditations And Affirmations By Alexis Cartwright Order your copy
Child Of Light Meditations Digital Downloads Seven meditations: Order your
Meditations HERE
Find out your child's Chiron and learn how to nurture your child by working with their Chiron.
Do you have questions? Book a call with Laverne
Leave Laverne a message with your question

Speaker 1:

Can you hear me? Okay, hello, hello, it's Nadine here and I'm here for part seven of Guide to Universal Living with Laverne. We are on our third Friday of the month, it's already July and, yeah, we're back again with our special series. Hellone, hello, nadine. Am I sounding okay? Yeah, you sound great. Yep, all good to me, yeah, good.

Speaker 1:

Well, I have to say, like I've, over the last couple of days, I've had conversations with people and I felt like I've gone off on major tangents, so I'm going to apologize in advance for any potential lack of clarity. I think it's the middle of winter and I'm just like in some kind of hibernation mode where I'm like, yeah, I think we all want to hibernate a bit. I always welcome winter because I am challenged by the humidity of the summer in English, but and then when it gets to winter, oh yeah, yes, that's why I moved away from England, remind you. Oh, yeah, that's the reason why we moved countries. But anyway, let me kick off um, this is an interesting topic because both Nadine and I have um crystal children, and so today's topic is to talk about crystal children that are coming to the planet right now and um, so Nadine and I can share some have something very in common the fact that we have crystal children. So what I thought I'd do is one first talk about what a crystal child is, then I'll look at the attributes of a crystal child and then probably Nadine and I will interact a bit more after that and then we'll talk in and delve into how can you support a crystal child, because I think that's probably the most important part of this podcast, and also you know Nadine sharing her observations of her children and you know, hopefully we'll we'll get to give some insight about what we've experienced in our own family unit.

Speaker 1:

So, first of all, a crystal child is more naturally enlightened and spiritual in nature, and so they hold the fifth dimensional consciousness and reality that the rest of humanity is integrating to right now. We've talked about the fifth dimension in a different podcast, so these children are naturally templated into this new reality. So that's the good news. But they're also referred to as children of the new millennium, the child of light, and some of these crystal children coming through have come through display attributes of what we call an indigo or star crystal child. So we will look at that a bit closer as we move through this first part of this podcast kane onto the planet right now, are supporting the anchoring of a purer frequency of light and the elements on the planet and are supporting us all to shift into a new consciousness and as we transition into the fifth dimension and integrate into the fifth dimension. So, because they were born with a fifth dimensional template which is really imprinted within their DNA and etheric system, they hold the resources of knowledge innately of the earth and the cosmos itself that the rest of humanity that are catching up, are opening up to, are awakening to.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so these children are completely different and have a more refined vibration and are uniquely attuned to energy, light and crystals. So their consciousness is more enlightened and they see sense and feel more on a heart level. So they are very, very sensitive to other people and they're very sensitive to their environment. So, because they're more spiritually pure, they tend to trust their inner guidance and are generally catalysts within a family unit because they create a healing impact on those around them and basically are supporting not only the family unit and you know extended family to shift their perception. Any, you know rigidity, any thoughts, the way your belief systems or feelings, and you know the way they are starts to create a ripple into the family unit and shift perception of the family unit. And you know people around them and really what they're there to do is to help us all evolve in the way we live and the way we are and our state of being. So you could say that they're there to break down old paradigms. So it's perfect timing, isn't it? We're all evolving into the fifth dimension. We need catalysts on the planet to support that process. So, while they're helping to break down old paradigms, um, you know they're doing it in a natural way, because their natural state of being and how they feel and how they respond in their environment is just creating a natural ripple. You know parents and carers might find themselves, you know, having to go into introspection because the way a child might respond to them or the way a child might react or speak and what that child might speak about. So you could say that they have a very universal outlook, they're way more connected to their higher self and they have a very deep connection to nature.

Speaker 1:

So you could ask yourself well, when did these children start appearing on our planet? So I guess, really, generally, crystal children were being born from 1999. And, as I said, they came in with a fifth dimensional template and are, you know, essentially effectively participating in the creation of the world around us, the new world. And although before 99, uh, 1999, there were a small proportion of humanity who were born with an imprint of the fifth dimensional template, in essence, you know, these crystal children have been coming through more so from 1999. Okay, so, when we looked at the fifth dimension and the major earth changes that occurred, we've talked about a period between 1999 and 2012 when humanity was going through their big awakening process. During this time, um, we were awakening to our divine process while these children were being born into onto the planet. So they effectively have been supporting us to template and evolve with the grid and tune more into our heart and work more from that fifth dimensional consciousness. So these children really are supporting us.

Speaker 1:

And during that period also, I mentioned that we were anchoring our light bodies. So anyone that was on the planet from a humanity perspective from post-2012 had anchored their light body and really, that was the starting point for us to be able to access this fifth dimensional template that these children naturally coming through with. We were then starting to access that that was within our DNA but had only really activated from, you know, from the late 1990s through to 2012. So you know, the rest of humanity, by 2012, had anchored our light bodies and the light body system is a critical aspect of our evolutionary process and there's a whole podcast in itself which I will definitely be covering at some point in the future. But you know, you could look at the light body as an energetic field, an aspect of our interdimensional self, and it's our higher evolutionary vehicle that helps us to sustain higher frequencies and elements. And you know, you know the higher aspect and totality of ourself is held within that light body system. It's quite technical so I'm not going to go into that now, but it's definitely something we should explore. So, as I said, since 2012, the fifth dimensional template has resided in the etheric of the heart chakra for all of us and has now been activated. Okay, so as we awaken, it is being enabled to anchor more deeply into the electromagnetic field of our heart chakra and is then absorbing into our DNA level of our body so that we can make the necessary shift in consciousness as part of our awakening process that these children are coming through now naturally have.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so, interestingly, when Alexis was working with thousands of people. She found herself working with quite a lot of children and particularly around those 19, late 1990s, you know, through to 2012. She was noticing that these children, born, you know, literally post 1990 really onwards, were showing physical and energetic sensitivities of the changing frequencies of the earth. So she could see in their patterning a very different pattern energetic and she noticed that they responded really, really well to transverse healing and frequency healing. Okay, so she was working with children with quite big symptoms and she was. She noticed that as she was working with them, they responded very well. So these kids are very receptive to frequency healing crystals they love crystals and they're very responsive to sound and you know they love nature are the things we we need to support them, to nurture them and basically enable them to grow, grow up and and remain in balance with no symptoms. So if I was to quickly so, before we talk, nadine, about some of the observations, I think I'll just talk about what does a crystal child look like, because it will probably trigger for you when you observe your own children. Oh yeah, I've noticed that. I've noticed this First and foremost, they're very heart-based and they have a greater unity consciousness, so they see humanity more on an equal level.

Speaker 1:

You know they don't discern well that person's, this or that. So they're very universal. They definitely have, are strong in their nature, but they also have quite a vulnerable aspect of self that you might see them display. So they can go from very strong, determined type assertiveness through to suddenly being quite vulnerable and I've certainly seen that in my, my child, who's no longer a child, he's a teenager. But so they're. They're very sensitive in their body and they find it hard to try to hide their feelings. So often they're quite communicative and expressive about how they're feeling or how someone might be making them feel. But generally they're less judgmental in their perception which is beautiful, which is what we're all learning to embody. You know which is beautiful, but I mentioned up front. You know which is beautiful, but I mentioned up front.

Speaker 1:

You know the crystal children. There are children that have more of an indigo crystal essence and a star crystal essence children. And this is where you can start to say, oh, when you see a child you can sort of, when I say, differentiate, you can appreciate that child more. So an indigo crystal child is tend to be born more psychically open. You know they have psychic gifts, psychically open, you know they have psychic gifts. They, they could, uh, show more clairaudient um gifts, or even telepathic abilities, uh, and this can be displayed in, you know, varying degrees of their intellectual perception and awareness, um, but they can also be very, you know, indigo children can be very stubborn but again, sensitive. They can be very loving but often very courageous and genuinely quite unique. They would probably stand out in the crowd, so to speak. So these indigo crystal children, you know, have incarn, started to incarnate, and maybe before the 80s, but generally in the 80s, indigo crystal children were being born and were catalysts during the 80s for our evolutionary process and they were supporting us leading up to this major shift that we've just gone through in more recent years. So they were very guided by their emotions, very creative minds and you know schools like Rudolf Steiner, which came into you know being, would have been brilliant schools for an indigo crystal child, schools for an indigo crystal child.

Speaker 1:

Some of the most common symptoms you might see in an indigo child is that they tend to be diagnosed with ADD or AD. Hypersensitivity type disorders is very typical of an indigo child. So they could genuinely have quite behavioral symptoms. But Alexis has seen through her own experience that you know you can work with these children to stabilize and really ground them into the earth and support the those symptoms to you know, to minimize them, you know, over time. Then they're not as extreme as some children can present with the ADD type hypersensitivity disorders that we're seeing more on the planet. Okay, the other types of symptoms is that they present with dyslexia or throat symptoms, middle ear, pineal gland. So these are the types of symptoms in indigo crystal child. As they come through the earth they're trying to stabilize and anchor into this plane. You can expect that they potentially have these types of attributes. But because they tend to be telepathic, they are tuned to sound really well, sound frequency. So if I had an indigo child I would definitely be working with sound, you know, finding music that really supports them to calm, you know, any anxiety or whatever. You know they're feeling hypersensitivity they're feeling so sound is definitely something that can support them if they're feeling disorientated or out of their body. So but we'll be talking more about different things you can work with now.

Speaker 1:

The crystal star children are different in the context that they tend to be more disinterested in socializing. They might refrain from prolonged periods of time with being with other people and can come across as quite detached from the world. Okay, so they present themselves differently. Again, they're still emotionally sensitive and their relationship with others tends to be more on a spiritual, intellectual level. So they're quite unique in that way. And then the crystal children are really what we're seeing more now, that were really birthing from 1999 onwards are crystal children.

Speaker 1:

And although indigo and star crystal children attune and acknowledge the resources of the earth and the cosmos, it is the crystal children that are coming through now that really hold the resources within them and simply because they were born into their fifth dimensional template and, uh, that is within them. So, you know, they're sort of seen more as the light bearers. They hold a very pure energy, they're truth seekers. So when these kids, you know, adults, it's going to be interesting to see how they, you know, manoeuvre through the world. But again, they tend to be very true to how they feel. They will express themselves and can be very triggered by other people. Often others will be triggered actually by a crystal child to clear their own insecurity and their own pain. So these crystal children coming through, as I said, as light barriers, they can be quite a big catalyst for others, so they're more unique on that level. Yeah, and I guess these children no matter whether they're an indigo star or crystal, these children are so sensitive to their environment. It's really important that parents or caregivers are very conscious and sensitive to how we are with those children. Conscious and sensitive to how we are with those children.

Speaker 1:

And I don't know what you've observed in your family unit, but I knew very specifically when George, my son, was a young boy. He taught me about my voice and my tone and he taught me over time. I never shouted it to him once, but what he taught me was my tone, not necessarily the words I was using. The tone of my voice impacted him and for him, even though I was having, you know, normal conversation level of volume, for I was shouting. So he taught me to be careful. If I had to let's use the term discipline, you know you had to sort of correct certain things or you know whatever. He taught me to be very careful of my tone, tone of my voice, and I would often go a lot softer and quieter because I noticed that he would experience it as me shouting at him. So that was a really interesting experience from my perspective. So you know I've learned a lot through him and over the years years I have noticed how sensitive to energy is and you know we're going to be talking about types of things that you can do to support children.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if there's a some attributes you saw there, nadine, that you see different attributes in one child over another, or whether you found that both of them are very similar because they were born in a very short period of time of each other. Yeah, I would like to thank you for for that. I would like to sort of have a maybe go like, go a bit more general with some of the things that I wrote down and then maybe go into some of our personal, my personal experiences with, with our, with my kids and um. So I just wanted to clarify when you're talking about crystal children, is that all children? I know that there's some the indigo and the crystal star children, but the crystal children from 1999 onwards, is that all children? Cool, all children. Just wanted to clarify that and I just wanted to sort of in my translator translator role for the listeners because you know again it could sound a little bit out there If we look at it and I think we talked about this previously with those kind of evolutionary forces that are in place from 1999 onwards, it makes sense that there are adaptations occurring within humans, right, because of the way that technology has changed.

Speaker 1:

And if we look at it from an evolutionary perspective, over hundreds of years, look how humans have developed. Our brains have changed to deal with more complex things, like you know. That's the difference between us and other mammals, right, is that we evolved. We used to walk on all fours and we became upright as an evolutionary process. They reckon eventually we might lose our little toe because it doesn't really serve any purpose anymore. And so it makes sense that there's these evolutionary things happening to our children as well and that there are things that we know are happening globally, universally. You know we're discovering more about, you know more and more planets and asteroids, and you know the expansiveness of the universe hence the title Universal Living of the universe, hence the title Universal Living and they impact us and they impact our kids. And so, although it might sound almost like I don't know, I mean I'm totally down with it and it might sound a little bit almost mystical or fairytale like to say these things about our kids, you know, and how they're coming into the world. But when we look at it from the perspective of our evolution and all of the things that we now know, um, and the expansiveness of what's happening to us universally, it makes sense that as humans, we need to adapt to that. And that's what's happening.

Speaker 1:

Was that me going off on a tangent? Because that was, that was. Oh, you don't go off on tangents, and it's really important that you express what's coming up, I think. And to try and ground what I said is you know, these kids are coming through with an open heart, right, so we can talk about, you know, more fifth, sixth dimensional terminology, like fifth dimension, you know, consciousness, light, body, but in essence, they're coming through more with a universal way of being and thinking, right, which makes sense, right, we're a global village now, which we weren't 25 years ago. There wasn't that interconnectedness, that communication network, you know, globally.

Speaker 1:

But also, you know, you look at the podcast that you and I've talked about. It's all about us embodying unconditional love. You know, this is the end game coming into a heart, being unconditional, becoming compassionate on a cellular level, a state of being and being in unity with each other, right? Well, how do we do that? We need continuous catalyst, and if you have another human being, that's naturally that way. But then you've got a million, two million, three million on the planet that are naturally that way. Well, the rest of us might go oh, I like those attributes, I might try and embody some of those or step into that level of state of being myself. So that's really, I guess, on a practical level. You know how we can view this.

Speaker 1:

Um, and then the flip side of that is recognizing these children coming through. They're very, very sensitive and so they they're very sensitive to their environment and can be very, become symptomatic very quickly. If we're not conscious of that, no, they're, they're just a hot. They've come in on a whole new level of consciousness. I was going to say that different templates is you know, a way I I would describe, and they're a different template, they're on a different wavelength to up to most people. That's a good thing, right? So we just have to, you know, we just have to be very conscious of that, and how do we work with that and how do we nurture that? And then how do we then embody that within ourselves?

Speaker 1:

I think it's, really, it's could be well, it must be very hard for those kids, these kids, because so much of what we do in terms of the current systems that we have, um, are systems that have been in place for a long time and we can feel that there's stuff changing. You know, in many of those sort of societal systems at the moment, like most people, you talk to say that they can feel a sense of that, but for kids, what? From my perspective, what is happening is we are, these kids are different, all of these kids are different. Right, they're coming in with that, with those changes, but they're trying, but we're trying, to shove them into a system that isn't made for them, a system that isn't made for them. And I think that that's probably like I've always thought, or for a long time I've thought, that it's really easy for us to kind of and it's happened to us, right, you see, children's imaginations gradually, over time, you know, as we sort of say, don't be silly, they don't exist, don't be, you know, and we bring them into like normal 3d reality. That's happened for a long time, but this is happening even more now because that, um, yeah, so I I think that the good news is and you've hit another very important note systems.

Speaker 1:

Those systems are breaking down, right. So they're arriving on the planet with their new, completely different consciousness and the systems around them are breaking down, not only because of their light they hold in the hold and the codes that they hold in the light they emanate out, but because of the evolution. The process is going down. The old systems are breaking down, whether people like it or not, and so it's just a question of time. So you know, for me, it gives me hope because you say what's gonna? What is it going to take for the planet to change One? The systems are breaking down, whether people like it or not. Yes, we're going into massive chaos for that breaking down of old paradigms, old systems, old ways of doing things, and while that's all breaking down, we've got these amazing child of light bearers, who are naturally in a completely different consciousness, coming through. So by the time we've sorted out all the systems and everything, they'll be ready to take over. Now, if that's not encouraging, you know that encourages me to think great change is amidst. You know. We encourages me to think great change is amidst. You know we're amidst change. So I see it as a positive and I think it's really important. If people understand that these children are, they're going to change everything. The systems are breaking down. Yeah, we're going through a whole lot of pain around the world for that to break down. But look, this new wave of children who will one day be, you know, leaders of the world. Well, they're. They're going to create a whole new reality, a new way of being very interesting.

Speaker 1:

You said that because I all, through my youth, I said I'm not going to have kids. The world's messed up. It's a silly place Like why would I want to bring more humans into it? It's a mess. That was in the 80s, right, I started feeling like that, which is kind of a bit sad. But I got to my late 30s had Louis when I was 40, winnie when I was nearly 42. Thirties had Louis when I was 40, winning Winnie when I was nearly 42.

Speaker 1:

And I started to think we maybe we're bringing in the change makers. It's my role not to worry about them being brought into a messed up world but to help, to teach them how to be the change makers. They could be the and I've actually said that. I've said that to like lots of people. Maybe they're the. You know, my child might be one of the change makers and you're kind of confirming that they all have their. They will all have their contribution to make. They will and see, this is how the change occurs.

Speaker 1:

I mean, you know, being a Pisces Chiron, we is how the change occurs. I mean, you know, being a pisces chiron, we like things just to happen. Now you know well why can't this just happen. So we have to go with it. And you know things go at a slow pace while you're on planet earth. So you just have to go with the changes and just keep, you know making the positive changes in yourself and doing positive things around you, and know that we're on that path. You know we're on that positive path of change. You know we're coming from. You know going into dissension and now we're in ascension mode. So, yeah, so it's just timing. And you know the irony is that there is no such thing as time. But on planet Earth we have a time and it can often feel we're going at a slow pace. But even as we were talking before we started this podcast, we're six months gone, we're in July, so time is actually speeding up and we'll be there before we know it. Yeah, yeah, totally, we'll be there before we know it. Yeah, yeah, totally.

Speaker 1:

Another thing that you said was the shift in the perception of the family unit, and I've well, louis is nearly 10, winnie's eight, and I have since I've had them. They've definitely become great teachers, teachers in patience, teachers in what else I don't know. Patience is probably one of the biggest ones. But seeing things from their perspective, you know, and I've definitely, I can't think of anything in particular at the moment. You know, know where I say that they've been great teachers, but I've definitely my perspective on life has changed since I've had them. And one big thing, right, um, is that when you said breaking down of old paradigms, changing the family unit, we took them out of school and we've homeschooled right for the last 12 months or so, so that, like, I don't know if I even would have ever considered that, and I think more people are looking at those things and doing that because their kids aren't fitting into that old system. So you know, that's a perfect example of something that totally correlates with what you've spoken about and just leading back into your patient statement, because we've all been there with children.

Speaker 1:

It's like being in those moments and you're seeing them expressing themselves or doing something in a certain way. That's so, yeah, that's so like them. But then, seeing beyond that, and is it? Is there an expression there that can be nurtured? You know, can we encourage a certain expression or creative aspect to that child? What is it that you know they present to us? You know their uniqueness, their intuition, their creative abilities, because there's something within that there's an opportunity for us to nurture and encourage on some level. So and that's where the patient is like taking a step back, okay, okay, I'm not in the mood for this, I'm tired or whatever, but what's what's going on right now and is there a gift in this moment and something that will help me continue to support my child on a whole other level that I didn't see before? And it just keeps presenting itself until we see it, you know, and say, right, how do we make this into a positive, you know? So that is one example of how we can support these children.

Speaker 1:

But also, you know I mentioned that these children pick up on. You know our emotions as parents and you know environment and you know when they go to school, you know in other environments they're picking up on this and this in itself can be quite overwhelming and create triggers for them. So if they go a bit manic, that's the way of dealing with energy around them that they're finding overwhelming. You know when you're in a situation. One of the things that George taught me was when he needed to express himself or something was coming up.

Speaker 1:

I knew that if I just went into a state of stillness in myself you've used the term just be patient, and my practice was right I would consciously go into a state of stillness. I would make sure my mind was into my heart and I was, you know, expressing myself from my heart. That if he was feeling, you know, a bit upset about something, I noticed he shifted back into balance quickly. So I'm finding actually what Alexis is saying to you know, when we do any training more than she's ever done, she said if you're all right, they're all right. So it's almost like saying to a parent or caregiver focus on yourself, keep working and balancing on yourself, because these children will be picking up on us and that can be the thing that triggers them into emotional state. So it's a flip, flip of a coin. You know something's going on with them. Oh, check, check ourselves if I'm feeling a bit discursive in my mind not going on. I'm, you know, you know, running around, just come into a state of stillness and calm down and really balance our own energies. However, we do that for ourselves because that will have an instant ripple out to them and they will shift and change in the moment, and I've seen that firsthand. So I never had too many dramas with George as a child because I was working on myself a lot and whenever he was sort of a bit emotional or whatever, the first thing I did was go into a state of stillness in myself, run a bit of energy on myself, because there may be something I'm feeling he's picking up on, so I would just quickly work on myself. So we had quite an easy childhood, really, in fact, very easy, easy, to be honest, but, um, yeah, so there's. There's another thing that we can do to support these children. Um, and we talked about, you know, helping them to express their individuality and what that is for their. For them build belief in themselves, because often they can feel a bit unconfident. I mean all children of all ages, you know, of the ages gone, we've all had that lack of confidence, but you know, building that confidence in themselves and their uniqueness and being proud of that supports that child.

Speaker 1:

The environment, the home environment, is another good one. Um, I mean, you've created a beautiful home environment for your boys and girls. Yeah, I'm fortunate that whilst I live in a city, we're surrounded by nature, so I've got nature around us, which is beautiful. But I pay a lot of attention about the internal environment and you know, making sure I keep cleansing the house. So I do a lot of making sure the internal environment I declutter. I'm a very declutter type person. I don't have lots of things hanging around. I, you know, will open the windows to allow the elements come through the house, you know, and of that flow of energy. So the environment that they live in is also a place that, on a practical level, we can focus on, and I'll talk a bit about different things and that you can do around that. So our environment being conscious. You know you would be quite sensitive yourself, nadine, to energy. You would walk into a room and feel something. Well, if you can feel it, they'd probably feel that more magnified, I guess the best way of putting that. So creating a positive home environment is wonderful for these kids to thrive and, as I said, when they feel overwhelmed. It's really crucial just to go into a state of stillness yourself or a caregiver doing that, just stilling, because through your stillness they will naturally calm down.

Speaker 1:

Now I mentioned that indigo children are very responsive to sound. Well, crystal children would be responsive to sound. So it's like you know this. I mentioned the soft voice when I had to have certain conversations with George as a little boy, even as a teenager, I'm even as a teenager, I'm very careful what I say, but how I say it. More important, the vibration of my voice, even as a teenager now I'm very conscious of that. But music is great for these kids coming through, you know, soft lighting it, especially at nighttime. You know, you know soft light, lighting it, especially at night time. You know, and you know it's.

Speaker 1:

It will be good to teach children how to clear their own energy, and I'm going to talk, I'm going to say, clear their own rooms. Well, that's clearing energy. It totally is, absolutely. That's a really lovely practical which I didn't teach george really well, but I still find myself picking up after him. But yeah, so you know it's decluttering, um, you know, not only in the physical but energetically, but teaching them, uh, some procedures which I'm going to talk at the end about, you know that are really practical, really easy. Anyone can do so. Teaching them how to work with energy in themselves. Meditation, you know, if they're open to that, teaching them how to meditate.

Speaker 1:

These kids gravitate to crystals. So I mean, I mean clear quartz crystals, amazing Rose quartz crystals are great for them. You know amethyst, citrine, aquamarine. You know these crystals. But you know you might walk into a crystal shop and they would gravitate to something. Well, that's perfect, whatever that is for them. And it would be really interesting to do that with a child, because whatever they gravitate to, they just go oh, I like that one and they grab it and then you find out the meaning behind it and often it's absolutely perfect for what they need. So if they gravitate to crystals, you know they can have a few tumble stones. Obviously, a small child wouldn't, um, and you know, have a bit of a collection going on, you know, um. So these, these are little tools that can support them.

Speaker 1:

And I mentioned about cleansing the house. Um, you know my resin, our house, not quite daily in terms of the whole house daily, but you know, three, maybe four times a week I am going around the house, cleansing the house. Now, one way of cleansing a house obviously with small children you wouldn't do this while they're in the home. Maybe you know saging because of the smoke, saging the house, but a really beautiful frequency is a resin like frankincense. You know there's like different resins frankincense, um, golden copper, you know styrex type resins that you burn on a charcoal. That's great for cleansing a space and you really notice the difference with children, um, you know, in transplants, healing particularly small children, we use, you know, myst, in transplants, healing particularly small children, we use, you know, mystify, mystifying type sprays. Right, I don't have the child light one, this is Mother Mary, that I'm using right now so misting spray. So basically, you, you could, before they go to bed, get yourself a spray and literally you just spray around their bed and their room and that just lifts the vibration of the room. But it was also like for me oh, I just feel that calms everything down. Right, it's very calming but it clears negative energy. You know, we all have emotions coming up. Well, those emotions have to go somewhere. So if we're not transmuting those emotions, they're sitting in the house and if you ever have a child, that can continue like having a cold or a cough or something like that, the first thing I would go to is that ah, do I really need to cleanse the space? Is there like energy that's dragging that them down? You know creating these symptoms. So, cleansing the space through resins, through, you know, purification mists, burning candles If you came into my house and I'm really looking forward to you coming over for some time, nadine I have candles everywhere.

Speaker 1:

Now I choose white candles, right, and I always burn three at a time. It's part of my process. Three which transmutes. You know to me that transmutes anything that needs to be transmuted. So even if you didn't resin a house and you didn't use this, you know beautiful atomizer spray. I have candles in every part of the house that I light and I I know I feel the energy shift because the it just transmutes any heavy energy. So these are simple things to create a nice home environment, not only for yourself, because you'll notice it for yourself, but for children.

Speaker 1:

Obviously you're careful about burning candles that they're protected, especially if you've got small children. You know the obvious safety considerations. But burning candles and you know you might choose a different color candle, a pink or whatever, a blue if it's boy or whatever, but I do like a white candle and I always burn three at the same time. So this is the type of thing you can do. You've got the diffuser type mechanisms. You know using lemon during winter, which is great to avoid colds, so creating that environment. So those are the practical types of things.

Speaker 1:

But then then and I don't know if you've done this, nadine, because you've got the beyond always book yeah, looking at what their chiron is, both got pisces. I had a look this morning, right, two little me's. Yeah, oh, that's lovely for you boys. So I go up. They don't like it, they won't want to be in front of the camera. So in the chiron chapter, under pisces or whatever their current, a child's, chiron is, there are procedures. So you find, you know, I would be running those procedures on them once a week or once every couple of weeks, right, because there's like three or four for each chiron, right? Yeah, this is how we can start to work very differently and support our children outside, all the other beautiful things that you do for your children, right? So know what their chiron is, got some procedures there.

Speaker 1:

The other thing that, um, so that's the you know, the beyond always book's got a whole chapter not only about the chiron of a child, but also there's a chapter that talks to the crystal child. I've touched on it enough. That hopefully sparks someone's interest. Oh, I've got two young children. One's a bit more unique and this might be useful for them to learn more about crystal children. There's also which I haven't really is the Child Light Book, and I'm going to actually do a bit of a test now. I'm going to shuffle one of these cards, okay, because then I'm going to get you to write this affirmation down. So I'm going to think of your two children, can I? While you're doing that?

Speaker 1:

I was just thinking one of the things that I think, well, that I believe to be very important, and I think this will probably help, especially as we feel like there are differences, you know, in the younger generations, and some of the things that might be coming up is, and you mentioned, like sensitivity, being emotional. One of the things that I find really useful is validating them in their experience, because I think, you know, there's that old sort of thing that we probably experienced. Well, you may not have, but you know of thing that we probably experienced, while you may not have, but you know, don't be a cry baby, calm down, be quiet, go to your room. All of those things which are like you are only accepted if you behave in a certain way. If a child is going through an experience, whatever that may be, even if you don't understand, potentially validating their feelings, validating their experience will help to give them better self-esteem, to be confident with who they are. Right and, nadine, you could have put it more more practical than what you've just said absolutely, absolutely. And we don't necessarily have to understand what that is for them, but it's just, as you say, validating it so they don't feel as though, well, there's something wrong with them.

Speaker 1:

You know, and also I was, yeah, sorry, I was just thinking like what, some of the things that I do? If winnie and I don't do it all the time, but if she's emotional, I will say to her should we look at the essential oils? Yeah, perfect. So she's being able to find something that she connects with Perfect. You could do the same with crystals, right, should we look at the crystals? Or like, I've got a special box of all my crystals and that sort of thing. The kids love looking at it. You know, that's always really calming, relaxing, those kinds of things that don't. It's not like I'm going to run a procedure on you, but you're kind of like, like you're, you are validating what they're doing and you're introducing them to things, tools that can help them absolutely, and so you've just underlined one of the comments I made. You know they really are attracted to crystals.

Speaker 1:

You know whatever you know could be essences, or you know you, you might have some bark essences or whatever. You know, as a parent, caregiver, it's not only a form of distraction, but it's genuinely something they would innately be interested in now, interestingly. So I've just, oh, yeah, a card, okay, and I want you to write this down. So I was thinking of your two children and the affirmation, yep, you can give to them is I love to laugh and have fun to laugh. Yeah, I love to laugh and have fun. I feel so happy and full of energy when I play. I will have a wonderful day. So this is like a card set.

Speaker 1:

You know, a parent, it's just another way of working that you know. They might shuffle or get the child, depending on how old the child is, get shuffled before they go to bed and they get an affirmation. They read the affirmation, but there's also a meditation. Oh, yeah, they do an affirmation, they read the affirmation, but there's also a meditation, oh yeah, yeah, do that affirmation. And so the parent would read that meditation to them as they go to sleep. And it's always when George was a young boy, I haven't done it as a teenager. When he was a young boy I used to do it and it just settled him before bedtime and off he'd go to sleep.

Speaker 1:

So you know, sure, sure, these are more tools that you have to go out and buy, but I've mentioned a whole host of things you can do without, you know, buying extra things. And it's really about you know your state of being, your environment and, as you have said so eloquently, validating where they are in that moment and holding a state of stillness, holding a space for them to express what it is they need to express and feel, okay, that they have to release something, whatever that is for them. No, I think, um, it's.

Speaker 1:

It can be very difficult for parents because of, as we, as I mentioned before, the societal shifts and there's it feels like there's a push, if kids don't fit into that system, to say that there's something wrong with them, it's an illness or a problem that needs to be fixed. And do you remember, rather than something that's? You know the differences are and it is. I mean, it's really hard. If you're trying to fit into an old way of doing things, then if your kid doesn't fit into that, then you are going to try and follow. You know that. Then it does become a problem. Yeah, and you're sort of leading back into statements around symptoms like adhd, add hypersensitivity, dyslexia.

Speaker 1:

Well, these children almost felt, oh, you know, something like, yes, you, you have to do what you have to do. Yeah, in terms of you know, um, stabilizing that. But then what I would say to these parents is, yes, do what you need to do to stabilize that, but then practice all the other things we've mentioned today. You know, practice allowing them to express themselves. Practice working on yourself and stilling yourself. So when you, as a parent or carer is feeling really agitated or whatever, before you step into an environment where you've probably got a more sensitive child, you clear your own energy and you really try and balance and stabilise yourself.

Speaker 1:

However that is, that might be going for a run, go to yoga, whatever, whatever that is for a person. You know, I run energy and then step into that. But then, you know, when a child is playing out, just check in and say well, you know, can I do something with my environment? Can I, you know, cleanse the space? Can I make a really calm home environment? Burning candles? Burning candles at night, it's beautiful, you know. You walk through the spaces, got these candles burning, very calming. What are the things can I do that will support them and then, over time, you will find those symptoms.

Speaker 1:

I, you know, we would run energy and over time those symptoms that we talk about will normalize, you know. So if I had an adhd child, they turn into let's call it, sorry for the sake of terms a normal child. It doesn't, in inverted commas, yet present those symptoms. So you know, there's different things to consider and some really easy ways.

Speaker 1:

The two energy procedures that I talked to is white lighting, so you could just, you don't have to make a big thing of it, you know. You don't have to say, oh, I'm running energy on you. You could go away to another room and do it remotely and just say, right, I'm running. You know, in your mind's eye you're just, literally, as I lift my hands up, I'm imagining beautiful, pure white light coming up their body from the base of their feet. So you pure white light coming up their body from the base of their feet. So you just visualize them that you don't have to do it in front of them, but if they're open you might teach them hey, run some white light, and you know.

Speaker 1:

And the other one is violet light, and I've done meditations around this in earlier podcasts. You can go back to this, but it's simply setting your intention back to this. But it's simply setting your intention, visualizing the violet light as a color and then pointing your hands at the base of the feet and then just visualizing that violet light coming up through the body and as it comes up through the body, out into the auric field. Again, you don't have to make a meal of it, you don't have to make the child think you're running energy on me. If you know you could go to another room and do it away from them. And it's all about intention. If there's one thing I'm trying to teach people about energy, it's about intention. Right, and you set the intention and then you imagine through visualization you are creating it, whether you realize you're doing it, feel you're doing it, see, you're doing it, you're actually doing it. Okay, because energy follows intent, yeah, cool.

Speaker 1:

So, okay, we're coming to the end of our call. I think this episode let's try and get like a bit of a summary, I guess. Like, I think we've had some really good touch points and you've kind of explained what's happening at the moment, the moment, but if you could summarize for our listeners um, okay, this is what's happening and why. Just a summary, just, and these are the things that we need to do and and why. Let me try. This is not a test.

Speaker 1:

So, essentially speaking, at this current time, we have a whole new consciousness through these crystal children anchoring onto the planet. They are supporting the rest of us to continue to integrate into a fifth dimensional frequency and a way of living which we talked about in a different podcast. The important thing is with these children is to allow them to express and be themselves and recognize. These children have come through with a completely different consciousness and, through that process, support, nurture and encourage them in whatever unique way is relevant to that child. But, at the same time, look at your, our own energy and what are we? What are we expressing? What are we? What are they picking up on on us? So we need to work on ourselves, because if we work on ourselves, those children are going to be growing up in a more stabilised way, they're not likely to present some what can be significant symptoms.

Speaker 1:

And the third thing really is to know that there are some really practical ways to support that child. And just by simply coming into a state of stillness, watching the tone of the voice, watching how you respond to that child, creating a home environment that they feel safe and it feels clear for them, will support these children to not only grow up in a more fluid way that they don, then well armed and well well versed in taking on these leadership roles as they grow up and, you know, move into, you know, that part of their life. So really, it's just being conscious. And I think the one last takeaway I'd say is, above all, be gentle and kind to these children coming through, because if they feel your kindness, if they feel your gentleness, if they feel your love, they will be absolutely fine.

Speaker 1:

But in saying that, I also would say you, as parents, sometimes we, you know we hit a wall, we, we're tired and we respond in a way that's not ideal is to also be gentle and kind to the self. And even if you know this is the first time someone's heard it oh my gosh, I've spent all these years and I've ignored them. Or, you know, put down their ideas. Be gentle and kind on yourself, because you didn't know, you know, but now you know. Any new listener might now understand oh, and now I can understand why my child's the way they are. Then they can start working differently, but they have to let go of anything they felt they could have done better previously is what I would leave with.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, cool, and I think what, as well as like as I said before about validating a child and where they're at and what they're feeling and what their experiences are, we can also, if we do have, like you said, you've never raised your voice, which I can't say that I haven't but being able to acknowledge with your child that what you did was inappropriate or wrong or that you're sorry for it, can make the biggest difference as well. Sorry for it can make the biggest difference as well. So don't underestimate having that kind of communication with your kid. If you do blow your top. I like the fact that you said that, because it would be too easy. Anyone who listened to this and thought oh my gosh, I've been doing this, I've been shouting all this and that.

Speaker 1:

And third thing, um, is being okay, that if you find yourself doing that with more understanding, you know more about your children now than before and you do blow your top or you do speak loudly. I've done this too, by the way, I've gone away. I've always said, look, I'm sorry I spoke that way, I'm sorry I raised my voice on. You know, this is how I was feeling in the moment. So, just leaning back, yeah, communicating you know it's not a not being firm with a child or, you know, correcting some, something that you know you want them to learn certain things. If they're going off on tangents, um, and you know you still have to have those boundaries and teach boundaries.

Speaker 1:

But, yeah, if you find yourself in a situation where you shout or raise your voice, you just say, look, I'm sorry that I spoke loudly and I'm sorry I didn't hear what you said. That speaks volumes. Yeah, I noticed a massive shift in George over the years when I've gone back a lot. I'm sorry I spoke that way, sorry, I didn't hear what you were trying to say to me. Yeah, definitely cool, I love it.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much, laverne, that's been a a really great conversation and I think just um, yeah, we've been kind of coming in um based on the transference, healing um and the beyond doorways book, um, using that as kind of like a springboard, but coming from lots of different directions, that all kind of they all you know the, the, uh, the series is called guide to universal living. Yeah, it's like, it's like a manual for for life today, isn't it? Yeah, yeah, it's, it's um, and you know, I'm just encouraged that you know we are heading in the right direction. It's these children also that are going to lead the way. Yeah, yeah, whether they like it or not, they contracted themselves to do it. They contracted themselves, they signed up Brilliant. Thank you so much, levan. Thank you, nadine. I'll speak to you soon. Bye, thank you.