Life, Health & The Universe
Welcome to **Life, Health & The Universe**, the podcast dedicated to empowering women in their 40s and 50s to embrace a vibrant and meaningful life. Join us as we explore the intersection of health, wellness, and personal growth, offering insights and inspiration to help you navigate this transformative stage of life.
Each week, we dive into topics that matter most to you— from holistic health and nutrition to mindfulness and self-discovery. With expert interviews, relatable stories, and practical tips, we aim to inspire you to live your best life, cultivate deeper connections, and find purpose in every moment.
Whether you’re seeking to enhance your well-being, explore new passions, or simply find a supportive community, **Life, Health & The Universe** is here to guide you on your journey. Tune in and discover how to thrive in this exciting chapter of life!
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Life, Health & The Universe
Part 9: Unlocking Spiritual Growth through Affirmations - Light Worker, Laverne Proctor
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In this episode, we embark on a journey with Laverne Proctor & Nadine Shaw, exploring the transformative power of words to support a positive state & well-being whilst unlocking spiritual growth. From affirmations and mantras to invocations, Laverne illuminates how these practices can help you achieve inner emotional balance and support the revitalisation of your energy, whilst transcending karmic cycles and reclaiming your divine nature.
We begin with an insightful discussion on the significance of how humanity's consciousness is at a pinnacle point in our evolution, emphasising the opportunity we have to reconnect to spirit and our higher selves, accelerating our personal & spiritual growth. By transcending karmic cycles and emotional pain, we can achieve a state of oneness within and as a global community. Laverne provides examples to empower listeners with simple personal and spiritual development tips, working with the Power of Words and intention.
Whether new to affirmations and mantras or have been practising them for years, this episode provides a comprehensive guide to integrating these powerful tools into daily life and personalising affirmations, setting clear intentions to navigate challenges more effectively and foster a deeper connection with your true self. Tune in to discover the transformative power of words, with plenty of examples to make your own and embark on a journey towards personal & spiritual growth and transformation.
This podcast underscores the power of words and sound and how they can uplift your spirit, enhancing your frequency to navigate daily life more easily and gracefully.
You can find Laverne and all of the episodes in this series by visiting her profile in our Guest Directory
Reference Artists:
Affirmations: Several examples are provided in the podcast. The key is to make an affirmation your own and make it relevant to your life and what you want to create.
Author: Shakti Gawain and Louise Hay have written incredible examples of Affirmations
Mantras: Without question, Sanskrit Mantras offers a compelling way of working with words. They bypass our ego and are very high frequency, delivering exactly what we need in the moment when recited.
Musical artists: Deval Primal, Deborah Van Dyke and Jane Winter, to name a few.
Some of the most powerful mantras include: Om Mani Pad Me Hum, Yod He Va Hey, Kadoish, Tryambakam, Gayatri Mantra, and Assato Ma Sad Gamaya.
You can work with these and test how they support you, and you will be able to find beautiful versions of these. from musical artists: Deval Primal, Deborah Van Dyke and Jane Winter, to name a few.
Invocation: Another beautiful way to work with the power of words and sound through short prayers
Author & Channel: Alexis Cartwright has created many invocations that complement the Sacred Oils range within Transference Healing. In this podcast episode, Laverne works with the Quan Yin Invocation (The Vessel For Compassion), which is available at the official website: QUAN YIN
Welcome to Life, health and the Universe, bringing you stories that connect us, preventative and holistic health practices to empower us and esoteric wisdom to enlighten us. We invite you to visit our website, where you can access the podcast, watch on YouTube and find all of our guests in the guest directory. Visit lifehealththeuniversepodcastpageio. Now let's get stuck into this week's episode. It's the third Friday of the month and that means we are into our Guide to Universal Living series with Laverne Proctor. We're up to episode nine in the series. Great to have you here again. Can't believe it's September already, laverne. But here we are. I can't believe it either. It's just phenomenal where this year's gone. I can't believe it either. It's just phenomenal whether she is gone. Yeah, we've been. It totally is. Yeah, when we think we're up to like part nine already.
Speaker 1:We've been doing a little bit of homework for this episode. We're not going to tell you anything about it yet, but I'm going to hand straight over to Laverne. She's going to take us through a bit of a journey and then we'll tell you what we've been doing over the last couple of weeks for this episode. Thanks, nadine. Yeah, so look, we're going to be talking about the power of the word again. On another level, it's linking heavily into podcast state, so I do recommend checking on that podcast too, but just as a way, a bit of an introduction.
Speaker 1:You know I mentioned in one of the podcasts that we, we're essentially divine beings having a human experience. But we forgot this fact at the point in our history where Atlantis fell and we descended to the third dimensional body and consciousness and became disconnected from spirit and our higher self. So we began a journey operating more from free will rather than divine will within a third dimension and what for many still is their reality. So since our dissension, essentially we've actually been on a journey of reconnection, reconnecting back to the totality of who we truly are. So this lifetime and time on earth is very, very important for all of us we're. We have an opportunity to accelerate our personal spiritual growth. So it's like we have a doorway opportunity to ascend at a much faster rate, to transcend, to basically transcend karmic cycles you know of the death and rebirth from a third dimensional perspective and we all have this ability to work through our stuff. You know karmic pain, karmic setups and clear what no longer serves us and essentially unify within. So moving from more of a duality us and them, me and you coming more into a state of oneness, not only in a state of oneness within the self, but a state of oneness as a community and globally. So it actually sounds quite simple, doesn't it? And imagine if everyone on the planet was actually doing this, how different the world actually would be.
Speaker 1:So now, um, the reasons why it's worthwhile listening to each of the podcasts that we've done over 2024, is we've actually been providing some tips and procedures and similar right that will support the listener to feel empowered to consciously work with their personal and spiritual growth, with their ascension, their unique evolutionary process and whatever they've pulled in in this lifetime to work through. So, rather than looking outside of ourselves to find someone to save us, we actually have the opportunity to save ourselves but also accelerate our evolutionary process through that process. So we have everything we need and I've said this before we have actually everything we need within us to do this. We just need understanding, we need the knowledge, we need some tools, like energy tools and similar that I've talked to. We need faith and trust in our own ability and we need to connect more with our inner wisdom and our intuition, which we've talked to. But we also need a bit of grit and determination because, as we know, you know, life can be tough. It's like almost a journey through a winding road or up a mountain occasionally, and sometimes it just all gets too hard. But the difference for someone that's working consciously with their ascension and someone that's not is when you're conscious that, yeah, okay, this lifetime we're at a turning point in our personal spiritual growth and we have an opportunity to work through whatever we need to work through. When you're consciously working with that, then you're looking for tools, aren't you? You're looking for ways to support that process and then you're able to navigate life with more ease and grace, okay, rather than being unconscious of the process and potentially going into struggle because you've got no idea that you know the setups that are coming into your life are things for you to work through, okay.
Speaker 1:So, as an Ascension facilitator and channel for Transcendence Healing, I'm sharing tools, techniques, principles that anyone can work with. Some will be very familiar to people and some less so, but what I'm trying to do, where possible, is present some simple concepts and techniques that people can get going with, you know, and as they become ready and they open up more, their, their awareness becomes more expanded, they might be more ready to then step into or work with. You know, essentially, tools like energy systems, like transplants, healing, which is ultimately an ascension modality. You know transplants here. Healing is here on the planet right now to support people through their ascension process. But whatever those tools are and whatever resonates with the person, whatever will support that person to work through, whatever's coming up in their life, right, gravitate to those things. There's no right or wrong and really there's an opportunity for you to support that process again, as I say, with more ease and grace.
Speaker 1:So when I talk about tools, what I'm looking for and what I'm sharing is really looking to address three things. I'm looking for something to help me stabilize the way I'm feeling in the moment and balance myself and ground my energies right. So that's one reason why I'm sharing tools. Because we're living such a fast paced life, our energy can become scattered and there's so much energy at play in our lives. We can become overwhelmed and we can become depleted quickly, but also we can become very negative because of certain situations arising in our life. It can send us more into a negative state.
Speaker 1:The second reason I'm sharing tools the tools I'm sharing is to help revitalize. You know I'm looking for tools for myself to revitalize, re-energize me and resource me to do whatever I need to do each day. So I'm sharing tools that I feel well, if I get depleted or, you know, don't have the energy to create something or get something done, there must be other people out there that are also seeking tools to support them. And these tools not only support the physical, the emotional level of the body and the mental level of our body. They're also supporting our spiritual state of being. So anything that we share in any podcast you go back to, you know the intention is supporting the different levels of your being.
Speaker 1:And the third reason that I'm, you know, the tools that we're sharing really it's about positive abundance in our life. You know we all want abundance, don't we? And abundance isn't just about financial gain. You know, it's about positive relationships. It's about attracting the right people into your life at the right time. And look, nadine, you came into my life at the right time, you know. So I feel very abundant. You know abundance can be health, good health but abundance from a financial perspective can be not being in financial struggle, you know, always having what you need to do whatever you want to do doesn't have to be millions of dollars in the bank. And you know, abundance is about positive experiences in daily life, you know. So when I stabilize and balance and ground myself and when I have got the energy to do what I need to do, and when I'm feeling positive and feeling abundant, I find that the synchronicity in my life just flows. And you know life, I can navigate my life with more ease and grace.
Speaker 1:Okay, and this field feeds my soul, it's feeding my spiritual and personal growth and it's supporting my self-mastery process. And you'll hear me talking about self-mastery. You know over time and you know when you look at self-mastery it's about your personal and spiritual empowerment, it's about enlightenment, it's about anchoring gifts and talents, it's about coming into alignment with your life purpose and it's about reconnecting and embodying, ultimately, your divinity. So I said time is speeding up. We mentioned it up front. It's interesting. You said that up front. You know it's not an illusion. More is being asked of us each day and we need to find new tools to support us.
Speaker 1:Okay, so this podcast, nadine, is about the continuation, as I said, from podcast day, because we try and keep these podcasts to um about an hour and that was really podcast day was about elevating our state of being through words and sounds. So, really, what we're doing again, we're just taking that to another level and talking further about the power of word and sound. Because I think what we think and what we express makes a difference to the level of frequency we vibrate from, doesn't it, you know? And that in itself impacts our health and well-being. So the words we use and how words sound can uplift our spirit, lift our vibration, lift our frequency. Or, you know, words can send us into a spiral. You know, we've all had low points and what we know is, you know, our negative thoughts and self-talk can create, can create, you know, that negative spiral for us. Okay, but what we didn't touch on in podcast day was working with affirmations, working with invocations or chanting mantras. So this is what we're going to be covering today. So before you know, nadine, I'll check in on you and see how you went with your homework.
Speaker 1:I just thought it'd be worth touching on what's an affirmation, what's an invocation and what's a mantra. Most people might be familiar with affirmations and they are basically positive statements that can help us change something, overcome a negative thought or pattern or behavior or self-belief. And what you tend to do with affirmations is you create them in the present tense. You've already actualized it, okay, and you repeat them often and you have to believe in them and you have to start affirming it in a way that you believe you can create that change. You are already that change, okay. So you know, affirmations are quite well known and the intent with an affirmation is that you really want to have to create that change, you really want to live that, so to speak. And then we have invocations. So invocations are slightly different. They're like a short prayer, okay, for an aspirant to show their respect and love to the one that the verse is focused on. And I'm going to give one example of that later on.
Speaker 1:And then, probably my favourite and I've just been working with it again quite intensely in the last week are mantras. Mantras are really really powerful and mantras are really really powerful. A mantra can be understood as any sound word or phrase, that alance that is thought to be, that creates a powerful vibration within the body and the mind. So it really supports meditation. But it's also mantras are believed to have spiritual and psychological powers which you know, with each um its intention and meaning behind it, and we'll be talking to a few um mantras a bit later. So but I guess the difference with the mantra, I guess this is um a similar understanding even for affirmations. When you chant a mantra, it's about becoming that vibration through the sound, through the frequency of the words that you're chanting. So that's why they are particularly powerful, and we'll talk further about those.
Speaker 1:So, look, you know, before we came into this podcast, we did have a pact. I've been working with affirmations and I gave you a few affirmations. I don't know if you created any of yourself, nadine, no, I didn't. But the thing is I guess it's worth checking in how you went. Did any of them resonate for you? Did you work with one over another more you know? Did you notice any difference when you worked with them?
Speaker 1:So there's a few different layers of personal observation that came with doing the affirmation. So I pretty much kept the four that you gave me. I did them not exactly on waking, but when I was in the shower every morning or when I was on my morning walk, and the evening ones sometimes I just said, repeated in my head before bed, because you know, perfect, otherwise everyone's like like, what are you doing? Um, um, so, so, possibly, so, yeah. So there was four or five ones positive abundance is flowing in every aspect of my life right now. Yeah, and there was. I am ready, being full of light and love. And the other one was everything is flowing for me easily, easily and effortlessly and I am a creative being full of light and love. Yeah, I added powerful to the creative because I know that we are powerful when we're creating our realities, for the good or bad, which is kind of what you were talking about.
Speaker 1:Interestingly, like ages ago, I did a mini episode on affirmations, because I heard something about affirmations where they can. Where they can if your intentions aren't quite right. Where they can if your intentions aren't quite right, they can trigger negative self-talk, right? So, for example, if you're looking in the mirror and you go, I am beautiful, the negative self-talk about what you're actually trying to change no, you're not. You know. No, you're not. Look at you. You've got a roll of fat over your waistband, whatever it is, you know. No, you're not. Look at you. You've got a roll of fat over your waistband, whatever it is. You've got bags under your eyes so that it can actually bring up negative emotions if they're not said in the right way or with the right intention.
Speaker 1:So I thought that was kind of interesting, so I actually tried to be really conscious of like where I was, what I was looking at when I was saying them. We've got an outdoor shower, which we use in the morning because the kids are in bed, and so you've got views of the trees and stuff, and the moon was out, and so, you know, it's really great way to sort of be appreciating my life as it is in the present moment. Um, and I think that that was one of the the, yeah, most poignant things for me. It's like what, what have I got to be grateful for in this moment? You know the, the environment. You know the environment, my energy levels, my health, the people, my relationships.
Speaker 1:And to not be thinking, the reason I'm doing these affirmations is because I want to change anything. It's about. It's about, yeah, being fully present and conscious of what is abundant in my life right now and that's so beautiful. I mean that. Uh, that plays to some of the comments I made up front. You know, positive. When I affirm positive, abundance is flowing in every aspect of my life. Now, the first thing that comes into my mind is my relationship with my husband, my son, my friends, um. So if I'm feeling out of sorts, it's I feel like the vibration lifts my spirits and reminds me. And you, you touched on gratitude for the people in your life, um, and you know how lucky we are. So it's that's beautiful that you were sensing that when you were working with that particular affirmation.
Speaker 1:What I also found was that I was actually doing them this morning. I got on the ride on mower at half past seven this morning because it was really warm and I didn't feel like training. So I was like I'm going to mow some grass, and so I was doing it. You know the sun's kind of. You know the weather's just starting to get warm, there's birds singing, the sun shining on me, and I started to think when I was saying my affirmations, I was looking for proof, right, which I think is really good, because you know human behavior. We look for proof of what we believe, right. So you start to, you start to go. Yeah, my relationships are great. Look at this place I live in. We, you know, we've got a beautiful home, the sun shining on me. I'm able to do the things that I want to do, like, and you start looking for proof and that affirms the abundance. So that's kind of that knock-on effect. That's a beautiful way of explaining it and what it creates. And, as you say, you know that affirmation affirms for you and reminds you to look around you and what you've got. So that's amazing, that's fun to you know, that's just wonderful that you've you've made those realizations.
Speaker 1:Did you work with the? I'm a radiant being filled with light and love. Yes, I did, and that's one of my favorites too. Yeah, but, um, again, it's like what does that mean? Right, because that's kind of a little bit more kind of, yeah, what does that mean for me? So I did, I did work with that and it was.
Speaker 1:That was something I had to really kind of focus on, because when you are doing affirmations and you're doing them regularly, consistently, it's really easy to just kind of go through the motions of saying them without actually thinking about what they mean. So for me, the radiant being one, it was almost like I have to conjure up because I know that we're conjure up, like because I know that we're, you know, light beings and that we've got, you know that we're part of this whole. Um, I had to really sort of remind myself of that aspect of myself when I was saying that one. Yeah, and it's really. It is a bit more esoteric and the reason why I work with I'm a radiant being filled with light and love. It reminds me to connect with my divinity. Yes, yeah, it reminds me to connect myself with my inner light and through that process you know, day to day there's a lot of noise, you know there's a lot going on it just lifts my spirits and just reconnects me, connects me up, so to speak, right for the individual.
Speaker 1:So the ones I gave you were quite, you know, quite different, that each one is quite different, and so different ones would resonate. And I love the fact that you looked at that particular one and decided, well, what does this mean for me? Right, and find a resonance of those words and what that might be for you, because what it might be for you will be different for me and different for someone else. So that's great. So the third one was around, everything is flowing for me easily and effortlessly. Yes, that one, I think, could easily have been one where a bit of negative self-talk could have come in. I was aware of that. But it could have easily been like well, what is flowing easily and effortlessly and so mine was, I think I may have kind of added, not every time, but sort of like everything is flowing easily and effortlessly for me, everything is as it should be, and that's brilliant, because you took an affirmation and you made it your own, and I think that's another really important point.
Speaker 1:Made it your own and I think that's another really important point. You know, you can go to books that have affirmations and we'll reference some books in a minute because it'd be good for people to be able to say, oh, is there a book on that? Um, but I think what's important is an affirmation has to be relevant to that person, has to resonate. So changing it up, changing it, is perfect. So your intuition, your inner wisdom said oh, I need, I feel as though I need to add something to that and that was perfect for you. Yeah, when I work with this one um and I work with these probably most days I'll recite them all.
Speaker 1:Um, if I know I've got a really big day, I'll work with this with the intention like it's a big day, I'm gonna achieve a lot, and what I need to achieve may not happen in the order that I want it to be achieved in. So it's about me setting about my day. I've got these lists of things to do all week, setting about the week, and things don't quite happen the way you want them to do, in the order that you want them to do. And what this reminds me just surrender, just surrender, go with the flow and just work through whatever needs to be worked through and by just going with that synchronicity and that flow, everything becomes easy and effortless, right? So it's trying to remind myself to conserve my energy, not try and control things in daily life, and just go with the flow and synchronicity of whatever plays out that day, that week, that month, month. So that's why I work that with that one, yeah, and the fourth one that I gave you was and again you know, um, slightly different.
Speaker 1:I am a creative being filled with light and love. Yeah, so I added powerful to that. I am a powerful creative being because I know that we have and we've, you know you've talked about this in all of the other podcasts that we've done together about how we actually create our reality, and so you know, I think that word creativity for me has been like a. You know, we think, um, creation is artistic often, but in fact, when I pull it back into, like I am creating my human experience, uh, and I know that my thoughts and my words can impact that, I am a powerful creative being. Yeah, because there is power in that. Creating that reality, that's yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:And whenever I recite this one when I was, you know, obviously in the lead-up to these, these podcasts I sit and I just write what am I going to cover, right? So I just literally close my eyes and I'm almost riding so okay, yeah, we'll talk this, talk this, talk about this. And so for me, it just helps me really tap into my creativity and for me, the intention is like I'm connecting, I'm surrendering to my divine will and and higher self, and my higher self is coming through to say you need to talk about this, you need to say this, and that's why you you know people might find the podcast I'm saying quite a lot at Fran is because I feel something needs to be said. So I get that directive, and so that's how I work, with that affirmation, and it really reminds me to really surrender to my higher self and allow my higher self to guide me on what to cover and what points to make. Okay, so that's great.
Speaker 1:Look, there are others and a lot of these affirmations. I really need to pay homage to Shakti Gawain. When I was a 19-year-old, a person threw a book at me, clearly thought I needed something and it was Shakti Gawain's creative visualization and that's how I got into affirmations. So a number of these if you go to Shakti Gawain, you can Google her and creative visualization. She has a book on affirmations a number of these. I don't have the book anymore. I gave it to someone else. I didn't throw it at them. So a lot of these will have linkage to what I learned through her book.
Speaker 1:And so some others that really resonate for me is I love myself as I am. It's really interesting that you mentioned up front. You know the affirmation has got to be believable. You don't want that negative self talking. You know, looking in the mirror saying I am beautiful and I use this one with one client actually, um, and they they quite liked this one and I think it feeds into what you were talking to earlier I love myself as I am. And there's to me that has a better resonance and it sort of shifts about oh, I love myself. You know there's no vanity there, it's I love myself as I am, so I accept myself as I am, and so I love that one. And I found a few people resonate with that.
Speaker 1:I think another one and this is one that people could take and say, well, I might change the words a bit is I forgive myself. And the thing is often, I don't know, I might say something oh, did I say that the right way? Did that come out the right way? And I get you know. Then I start beating myself up, you know, and so you know I could use this to say I just forgive myself. You know, we all, we all say things the wrong way occasionally or, you know, something didn't quite come out the way you planned for, so it's, you know, I forgive myself. And obviously there's a deeper meaning to that too. So you know, someone might want to work with that.
Speaker 1:And I love this one because, being a chiron in Pisces, you know I've got a lot going on my throat, and expressing myself is, you know, I find challenging personally. So I love I express myself with ease. In fact, I said this one a few times before we came on the podcast I need to work with this. I express myself with ease. You know that I'm really relaxed. I can really relax into a conversation and not feel on tender hooks. That's still working progress personally. That's how I feel, you know.
Speaker 1:But, um, and another one, just to penultimate one, because I've got a new one that I've only just started working with. I am in perfect harmony with everyone and everything. You know we go about life and you know we can sometimes feel this friction with someone. You know you might say something and someone takes offence or there's some sort of energy dynamic. You know, for me this is about setting the intention. Look, to walk through life. You can't you can't control what people do or say or how they respond to what you do or say. But this helps me find that pure intention about just being in harmony with everyone and everything. So if there's something never negative coming up for me that I bring myself back to this. So I quite like that one too. Again, you know someone might um, expand or change that slightly. But just as a final um affirmation, you know, just to close out this part of the podcast, I've got a new one and I'm still working to find, you know, the rhythm within you might be able to help me with this today, nadine is I now have all the time I need in my day to get things done. I now have all the time in my day to get things done.
Speaker 1:As I said, time is speeding up. Oh, I'd probably be saying time is slowing down. Well, there we go. So you know, I yeah, it's like. Well, I think, with time, when we do slow down, our time expands. Right, when I slow down, my time expands, something like that. Yes, yes, so it's something. It's work in progress. I only started doing it in the last month because, you know, we were setting ourselves some homework Time. I've got so much I need to fit in my day and I'm going to use the term expand my time so I can get everything done. You know, essential, that's essential. There's always things that aren't so important in my day. So I'm working with that and so it seems to be working. Well, I might refine it. But you know there's another one. Yeah, cool, I um, you took me back when you were saying that you found.
Speaker 1:You know, someone threw a book at you. I'll tell you no, I haven't. I'll tell you my affirmation story, and in fact it was, um, I had completely forgotten this. But, um, I wasn't even thinking that I needed affirmations or anything and I probably didn't even know what they were. And I was probably in my mid-20s and I was in Bondi Junction and I was on a break from my. I had a weekend job as a fairy at birthday parties. I can't imagine you as a fairy. I'm sorry, I'm finding it hard to well. Different time, um, and there was a shop next door that was kind of like you know self-help books and crystals and that sort of thing, and I've just popped in there and on the shelf there was a cassette this is how long ago it was and it was you can heal your life and it was Louise Hay and I bought it and I listened to it and there was affirmations on it, right and it, and like that was probably my first. Oh, look, I've fought Glastonbury, so like, I've had cards and you know bits and pieces, but that was probably Louise Hay was probably my first like big one.
Speaker 1:I'm glad you mentioned Louise Hay because she's one of the three people I wanted to mention. We've mentioned Louise Hay, incredible author and master, mastering the art of affirmation with her comprehensive book, which you've mentioned, you can heal yourself. So that would be another reference book. What I love about her book is she's got a section where you, you know you might have a symptom in the body, and I think this is another great way to work with affirmations and she's catalogued. Well, if you've got this symptom, work with this affirmation. And I've tested that theory Me too. It's automatic, it's come up in me. I've gone to a person and said, okay, yeah, I'm going to work with that. So incredible. It's great that you found her. I found Shakti, you found Louise Hay in your early life.
Speaker 1:The third one I have to mention Alexis Carlyle, because she's you know, alexis Carl, right, because she was guided to bring in a book of affirmations and meditations for children, right? So there's a book called the Child of Light and specifically it's for children and can sort of be for teenagers too, and there's affirmations and there's meditation. So look, there's three go-to authors that people can go. Oh well, I'm going to check this out more. You've got children that you know, child of Light is brilliant, but you've got three examples great examples there, so worth checking out. So, look, that's affirmations. So good feedback. Um, the dean on that.
Speaker 1:So the invocations just quickly. We're not going to spend a huge amount of time on invocations, not necessarily as well known. They are slightly different. So basically, as I mentioned, they're short prayers for the aspirant to show their respect and love towards the one the verse is focused on. So transplants, healing. We work with invocations a lot.
Speaker 1:I've picked one and I've picked Kuan Yin. So this is a invocation directed to Kuan Yin. Okay, so I'm going to recite this, okay? So basically, I've just pulled it up in front of me to read it. So, kuan Yin, lotus jewel, awaken within my heart your divine love, light, feelings of forgiveness, birth. As I heal past pain, I purify struggle, I find serenity and peace. A deep, enriching sense of love and compassion awakens within me. Kuan Yin, through your divine grace and the magic of Gaia, I heal, I now radiate love and light. So that's just one example of an invocation, okay. So yes, it's like a prayer, shorter, but you can see, you can get a bit of an imprint how you can work with invocations, and that one's about releasing and healing pain and struggle. So I chose that one because I love Kuan Yin, but I also love the mantra Om Mani, padme, hum. So, um, yeah, which leads me to mantras.
Speaker 1:Um, now, I don't know if you've worked with mantras, have you, nadine, before? No, so look, I'm finding more and more I I mean for years now. You'll find lots of music downloadable channels with different musicians that are offering mantras basically as a downloadable and generally with a mantra. As I mentioned up front, they're sacred words and often in sanskrit. That has a very spiritual quality to them and, um, you know, generally you would work with a mantra to connect with the divine, divine, as in the greater divine, the absolute, but also the divine within, and they can be very protective of the mind and any source of suffering. So, you know, you could be feeling really low and I think this would be a great one if you're really in the doldrums or you're in the void, or what we call dark night of the soul type feeling, or just generally out of sorts.
Speaker 1:I would be taking myself to find some mantras and I've picked a few because I've been working with mantras a long time. I actually studied a little bit of Sanskrit, 12, 15 years ago, came across these, but also we work with the mantras and transmits healing. So I've picked out some obvious ones and very powerful ones. So, om Mani, padme Hum, which is a well-loved Buddhist mantra and is generally and commonly translated to the jewel, is in the lotus. So if I was to use this one as example when you break that down, so basically you would basically repeat om mani padme hom. Now you don't have to learn Sanskrit. What I've suggested is there's plenty of music versions of these um, and I would. I would go to you know whether you're on spotify or um, you know, um apple itunes. You can find these and I think I'm what I'm gonna. I'd like to do is reference some of the things we're talking to. You know the authors some of these mantras will will reference in the podcast notes, because then people can go back to that and say, okay, I'm going to go and do research on these. But if we were to look at om mani padme hum, basically om, and the sound of om is the primordial sound of all creation. So imagine, you know, when you're pulling that in and you're reciting that, you're connecting into the sound of creation.
Speaker 1:Money is about dissolving jealousy and any attachment to fleeting pleasures. So it's detaching from the ego. Parté is about dissolving our attachment to any prejudices, any judgmental thoughts and feelings, and cultivating love. Hum cultivates innate wisdom and unshakable, unmovable, pure thought. So this is to say that within us is the lotus flower. It's just covered by a lot of mud and muck, by a lot of mud and muck, and through chanting this mantra Om Padme Hum, sorry, om Mani Padme Hum, forgive me we can dissolve whatever may be rising for us, really connect to that inner light and our divinity, wash away that mud, imagining that lotus flower moving up through the mud and then coming into bud and flower, you know, as it comes up through the water. So it's actually a very powerful one and a really good example.
Speaker 1:Gayatri Mantra is another really well-known one. It's from the ancient text of the Vedas and again, repetition of this particular mantra. Again, we'll reference this so people can go and check it out. The transcription of the Gayatri Mantra is really around body of all, mind of all, spirit of all. May we meditate on the supreme, on the all-pervading radiance of the ultimate source of divine light. May we inspire our innermost thoughts of our hearts. So you can sort of get an imprint how beautiful mantras are. Get an imprint how beautiful mantras are. So I'm going to reference uh also on, uh, some asatoma sadgamaya, um.
Speaker 1:We'll reference that in the podcast now and another one, another of my favorites. I call it the triumvirate, and the triumvirate is another one worth looking at. It's said to dissolve pain, um, so if we're in a very painful state, physically or emotionally, by reciting the triumvirate mantra, it will dissolve that and bring us back into balance and harmony and bring us back into a state of health. So definitely worth checking that one out. So those are my favourites and will, as I said, reference artists to look out for that sing and chant those mantras and a whole lot more are people like Deval Primal. I don't know if you've come across her, so Deval Primal's definitely worth checking out. On music channels, deborah Van Dyke does amazing renditions of mantras. I recently stumbled along Jane Winter. She's got some beautiful examples of working with mantras. So definitely worth checking those artists out and basically finding what works for you. So I don't know if you have any comments. So you know, from your perspective, I didn't give you any mantras to look at, but you know it would be worth checking them out too, nadine, and you know, just let me know what your thoughts are. Yeah, I will.
Speaker 1:Another observation I had doing the affirmations was like just remembering to do them. That's a challenge, right? Because obviously we want to ideally get into some kind of consistent flow with saying the affirmations and you recommended, like when you wake up in the morning and just before you go to bed at night. Um, yeah, it did take me a few days to remember. Um, any tips on that? Well, it's really interesting, um, the way I work with affirmations generally. Yeah, I have a bit of a disconference in the morning because when I wake up often, you know, I've I tend to process a lot at night and clear a lot at night. So I wake up so the first thing I need to do is really clear and lift and integrate whatever was clearing for me during the night.
Speaker 1:But I have to say I feel with affirmations more so because you can do it in the moment you find your favorite one that resonates for you, versus a mantra, I would go away, find a you know a artist that you know you can listen to that mantra, so you could have that, you know, on your phone. I tend to work with them during the day, so I observe myself and if something's coming up, you know it's about really being aware of what's coming up in the moment. You know I either work on an affirmation or, you know, if I've got a bit more time, I might tune in to my phone and listen to a mantra on my phone Less likely to do an invocation during the middle day, but I literally will do them on the fly. I think I mentioned to you, you know, if you're gonna try and fit them in, do the first thing in the morning or last thing at night, but really it's once you've found ones that you really resonate with, it's like well, what one is relevant for that moment? What's coming up for me right now? And that takes us back to a podcast where, you know, we were talking about being present, becoming the observer of the self and working through whatever we need to work through in the moment. And then, what tool, what tool can we use in that moment? Well, affirmations, mantras, they're so invocations in the moment. Unless you're really good at remembering invocations, um is the way to work with them. Yeah, yeah, definitely, and I was doing that.
Speaker 1:You know the last few weeks has been I call it the dark night of the soul. Okay, you know, full moon going through a big clearing, clearing a whole other level of you know, subconscious, old pain. I don't have to be conscious of what it is. But I felt really like, oh yeah, I'm really going in. You know I have to go in. I was working really hard and I actually found, oh my gosh, it was the mantras that were really hitting the spot of what I needed during that period, because I was able to put my phone on, put my earbuds in, sit back, listen to. You know, uh, jane Winter. You know, uh, singing on money pub may hum, which is one of my personal favorites, and I was able just to absorb the vibration and sounds of that to clear whatever I needed to clear. Okay, so that's, personally how I work.
Speaker 1:Everyone's different. You know, they might like to have a regimen of nope, I'm doing it first in the morning, all right night, but to be honest, they're they're more powerful when you can see yourself in the moment and work with them in the moment. Yeah, cool, and you do it in your mind's eye. You don't have to speak it out, do you? No, exactly, exactly, um question.
Speaker 1:So we talked about being in the present and like when we're doing our affirmations, and kind of went through that a bit, I think. Another thing you know in the moment. You know positive abundance is in my life, everywhere in my life right now, there's almost like there's a potential for expectation when nothing's happened yet. You and I wonder what that's so true, though it's so true, even I catch myself occasionally, you know, with let's be honest, just about time. I think, yeah, and I think that's where repetition daily because what you're doing, you're, you're almost repro when I say reprogramming, that might sound a bit reprogramming you're really trying to shift a mindset or a perception, and if you're doing that affirmation, or a group of affirmations daily, that that the energy and pure intention behind those affirmations build, the energy builds and so it becomes more a part of you and so that the ego, part of the self it's not happening drops away over time.
Speaker 1:I have to say, if I was to sum up, you know, these three different techniques, I have to say the one that is most powerful for me, that will support a shift in whatever I need to shift in me and my perception towards the external world, or whatever's going on in my world and around me, is mantras, because they're the purest purest, you know sanskrit, they're all, most of them is sanskrit, you know, or a sanskrit background, that there's such a pure frequency and energy and intention behind them. You don't have to know exactly what they mean, but you can easily search on the web. Or if I'm you know if I'm listening to all money pubbing, what's that creating so you can find all of that background material is even without knowing truly what a mantra is creating, it just works. It's magic. Yeah, so if I, if my personality self is kicking in, my ego and my expectations are really kicking in, I feel the mantra is the path to go down and work with because it really clears on a subatomic level whatever needs to be cleared and then then everything shifts. You know that ripples out and everything shifts around that. If that makes sense, yep, yeah, yep, gotta test the theory.
Speaker 1:I say I think mantras would be almost actually the starting point because of the purity of them. Affirmations find ones that work for you and say what is my intention. Again, it's got to be pure intention around that and being open and receptive to what they create. And invocations is something nice on the side that you know if you like a prayer, you're really into K Kuan Yin, you're really into Mary Magdalene or some other ascended master type um persona. Invocations are great if you want to tap into that on that level.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, so I hope I've answered your question. Have I? Yeah, I think so. I think so and I think probably the you know, when I was saying this morning that I was looking for proof of what I was saying, yeah, that is kind of like. I feel like that's almost like an evolution of saying them, like to bring me into the present and what is actually abundant in my life right now. And, yeah, I feel like that everything is flowing exactly as it should be. That was really helpful one for me as well, because it's like I'm not kind of going well, come on, yeah, something should have happened by now. It's not okay, it's kind of magic, but it's not like.
Speaker 1:You know, tap your wand and yeah, I mean, it wouldn't be great if we all had the harry potter wand and you know, just tap it and go, you know, but that's the mastership, that's the self-mastery you know, identifying with okay, well, that's a personality expectation on this, or a mindset around something you know, an affirmation, a mantra, an implication, is a tool to break down old mindsets, thought patterns, the ego, the negative ego aspect you know of self. We all need an ego. By the way, you can't, you can't walk through life without having an identity as such. So it's not about not having an identity of personality, it's about, well, what aspect of self you know really is not serving. You know, negative self-talk, negativity towards another person. Oh well, you know, affirmation, invocations, mantras are a tool to start, you know, to peel away the onion, dissolve those thoughts and feelings and move more into our actual natural state of being. You know, we're tapping into that natural state of being. It's where we're angling at and driving towards. If that makes sense, yeah, yeah, definitely. So I think.
Speaker 1:In summary, are we ready to summarize? Yeah, I think so. As you said at the beginning of this episode, this is another tool in the toolkit and I guess I really think that our approach to all of these things, all of the things that you've talked about, you've given us some really helpful practical ways that we can integrate spirituality into our everyday lives. But I guess I'd like to say it's not like you have to be doing all of these things all of the time and you've got to try what works for you, and just because it hasn't worked before doesn't mean it can't work now. I would probably say this is the first time that I have consistently repeated affirmations and I will continue to do it because it's simple, but it doesn't matter and I don't need to be too hard on myself if I forget one day or if I don't do it first thing in the morning. But the more you do practice these things, the more you do use these tools, the more natural it becomes. Right, exactly, and I guess that's what I was talking to exactly, and it can feel really hard to begin with. It can feel like a chore to do. You know.
Speaker 1:It's about how do you incorporate certain things that support you. And it's going back to my points up friend um around I'm looking for tools that stabilize my emotions, right, yeah, so what tool will support that today? What tool is going to help me balance and feel in balance and centered? What tool is going to help me today to do that? And what I use today might be different today than last week, because I'm feeling differently about something and I feel as though I need something different.
Speaker 1:You know what tools will resource me and revitalize me? You? What revitalizes my life force, that I can continue to navigate through my life with ease, grace and flow? You know, yeah, how do I create abundance. Will we talk to that? It's not about financial though. Abundance. Will we talk to that? It's not about financial though you know, expect something positive around a financial aspect of abundance to occur for you.
Speaker 1:Watch out what that creates, you know, if you work with that as an affirmation but don't expect it, oh, I'm going to win the lotto. I've uh, you know you've been doing my affirmations correct, you know. So all these things, all tools, are to support those three things grounding, balancing, centering, you know, coming into that state of being revitalizing, resourcing and abundance in my life, right? So those are the things. And we talk to affirmations, invocations and mantras today something hey guys, if you haven't tried this, try working with these. And I definitely would throw out the gauntlet, say definitely try the mantras, the most beautiful spiritual tool you could possibly ever work with. The more you work with it, you really will find that it really taps you into your true inner nature and the purity of your inner nature. So, yeah, cool.
Speaker 1:And for the listeners, don't forget now we've got a catalogue of episodes. Now this is number nine. So if you haven't listened, or if you, you know, this is mine, maybe kind of you might go. Oh, I feel like I heard something or one of those tools in one of the other episodes that I could use right now. So go back and check them out. They're there. There are also some meditations included, so you can find those, and we will continue to share all of the tools to help you in our guide to universal living, thanksverne.
Speaker 1:Thank you so much, nadine. Thanks for your time. See you next month. Before you go, can I ask you a small favor? If you've enjoyed this show or any of the other episodes that you've listened to, then I'd really appreciate it if you took a couple of moments to hit subscribe. This is a great way to increase our listeners and get the word out there about all of the wonderful guests that we've had on the podcast. If you'd like to further support the show, you can buy me a coffee by going to buymeacoffeecom. Forward slash, life, health, the universe. You can find that link in the show notes. Thanks for listening.