Life, Health & The Universe

Part 10 Animal Magic- Light Worker, Laverne Proctor

Nadine Shaw Season 11 Episode 7

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Unlock the secrets of animal magic and discover how these mystical creatures can inspire profound changes in your life. 

In our latest Guide to Universal Living series episode, we welcome the insightful Laverne Proctor, who shares her expertise on harnessing the archetypal energies of the animal kingdom through the artful use of Transference Healings - Animal Magic cards. With her guidance, we explore how animals embody timeless qualities such as strength, courage, and wisdom and how you can harness them for personal healing and growth. 
Laverne's shamanic perspective offers a fun way to discover insightful attributes of self, allowing us to gain a deeper understanding of our tendencies and experiences and how we can navigate circumstances in life.

 Journey with us as we unravel the rich symbolism of Animal Magic cards, focusing specifically on the majestic elephant card to learn more about how this card deck can support us in daily life and help us self-master.
We delve into the personal & spiritual significance of elephants and how their tender, human-like emotions teach us to embrace vulnerability and the meaning of Unconditional Love.
Laverne shares her insights on how incorporating Animal Magic into daily rituals can lead to dynamic, fresh perspectives and a harmonious balance of self-awareness and spiritual growth, making the magical world of animal cards a gentle yet powerful tool for reflection and enlightenment.

Check out and purchase Animal Magic Book & Cards

You can find Laverne's full profile in our Guest Directory


Speaker 1:

Welcome to Life, health and the Universe, bringing you stories that connect us, preventative and holistic health practices to empower us and esoteric wisdom to enlighten us. We invite you to visit our website, where you can access the podcast, watch on YouTube and find all of our guests in the guest directory. Visit lifehealththeuniversepodcastpageio. Now let's get stuck into this week's episode. We're joined today again by laverne proctor because it is the third friday of the month and we are diving into part 10 in our guide to universal living series. Laverne has got it all prepped, so I'm just gonna hand straight over to Laverne. Thanks for joining us again and looking forward to getting into this part 10. Yeah, I'm a bit excited about this one. This is very close to heart to me. I love this subject.

Speaker 1:

We're going to be actually talking about animal magic today because it's a part of the energy system that I work with. Most people wouldn't realize there's a shaman part to it, but I have to start by saying do you have any pets, nadine, I've never asked you if you've actually owned a pet. I've got a dog. What sort of dog have you got? She's a German short hair pointer called Tilly, and you know how dogs can. They don't understand a whole bunch of words and sometimes if there's a word that rhymes, then they'll still respond. So she sometimes gets silly as well. Now look at the what it brings up for you, the emotion it brings up for you. When you talked about your dog, yeah, yeah, it's, I've got a chocolate labrador.

Speaker 1:

Every time I think of my chocolate labrador. He's an english chocolate lab and he's very short, stocky. He's a bit overweight. That keeps feeding him too much, but he plods around the house because he's now 10 years old. He used to be very chocolatey and he was like we take him out and people think he's like a bar of chocolate, a really exclusive bar, but now he's more grey. But whenever I think about Doug, he just makes my heart melt and I can come in from a day where I've been like it's been full on and I just look at him and he just looks at me as if to say just chill, mum, just chill. So he's so adorable. So he invokes that in me. He reminds me to calm down. If I've had a big day or something's upset me, something really stupid, I just look at him and he just invokes that calmness and there's this wisdom that comes from his eyes. So it gives you a bit of an insight to animal magic and why someone might work with animal magic, because creatures are the most beautiful aspect of our reality as we understand it and it's a powerful way of working with the animal kingdom. Yeah, and they have a lot of symbolism, right, absolutely, and even dogs would have a symbol, and I don't know specifically.

Speaker 1:

We'll talk further about different authors and who's written about animals and so forth. But but did you know I guess that's a good lead in did you know that animals actually hold an archetypal energy and qualities? So I've, I guess I touched some qualities that my dog invokes, that he imparts with me and reminds me of. These qualities could be strength, it could be courage, it could be patience, it could be about honor, nobility I think about Doug, my noble because he just walks around the house as if he owns it and he looks very noble Qualities animals can bring through intuition, instinct, nurturing, feeling, protected feelings of wisdom, that they have a wisdom to impart with us. Yeah, so every animal does have these archetypal type energies. So we can actually learn a lot from animals and it's just another way that we can work in supporting ourselves.

Speaker 1:

I guess is what I'm saying, and, as I mentioned, animal magic is an integral part of transplants healing that we work with. So if I've done a full tip transplants healing with you, there's been an animal card reading but they can be worked with standalone. So really, when you're working with the animal magic cards that I'm going to be talking to and I'll be showing some shortly it helps us to really tap into our body and consciousness from a shamanic perspective. Okay, so there's a way of divining these cards and getting a reading and then you look at the book and there's a write-up on those cards that have been divined and they just give you a bit more background. I've picked out raven here for the moment, a bit of background around raven, some mythical aspects to it, why that card might be coming through today. If you divine a card of why that's coming through today and if you're mastering the attributes of that and qualities of that animal, what does that signify? Okay, so that's, in essence, the book itself, the animal magic cards.

Speaker 1:

So, as I said, when you get a reading or do a divination, what each card talks to is the attributes and symbolism of specific cards. Each card talks to is the attributes and symbolism of specific cards and it can give you a really good imprint of what we either need to work through because we might be feeling blocked on some level. It might give you confirmation about what you recognize in yourself and already working through, but also it may highlight you're really starting to master this energy. More so, when you do a reading on a card, you would know into, to intuitively, the aspect of the reading that really resonates for you. So it's really quite personal.

Speaker 1:

So a person can divine one card and different readers would get something different out of that card. So they're a really good way to give guidance and insight to what we might need to look at in our life, what's playing out in our life at that time, either internally within ourselves or in our external reality. But it also can bring our attention to that our higher aspect might be tuning into a physical aspect or emotional aspect or a psychological aspect of ourselves that we might be experiencing at that time, and so that animal magic reading can provide clarity clarity, I guess, is what I'm saying around what may be playing out either internally or externally. It might be signaling an attribute or quality that we're trying to master. So when I'm going to be talking to one specific card today and, as I do that, you might notice there are aspects of what I've talked to. So, yeah, I resonate with that.

Speaker 1:

Again, depending on the day, the week, the month and the card, it will give you insight to whatever you need to know. It's a beautiful way and it's a very gentle way for us to look at ourselves, because it will support us to recognize what do we need to work on or pay attention to in ourselves. It also could be signaling what attribute we need to hold during a circumstance. The card that I divine for today will give a very good example of what is the attribute of this card and what is it suggesting or telling that attribute I need to hold because there's certain circumstances playing out in my life, and this is how you can work with the cards. On another level, just to give you a bit more insight to the cards, there are other animal cards out there, but I think what's unique about these cards is there's the animal cards and we work with the elemental kingdom and we also work with what we call the mythical kingdom. So there's three levels to the card deck and each carries a very specific archetypal power that creates not only an energetic imprint but can support us to shift whatever we need to shift on that day and when we connect with their energy, it helps us recognize aspects of ourselves from a shamanic perspective. If you pull a card daily and you make a note of that, you'll start to see a pattern of messages that are coming through, so it can really give us insight, and seeing certain attributes that are coming through or qualities that cards remind me that I need to look at the self-development tool really is one way of looking at it. Now, most people have heard of shamanic medicine and it's a very powerful form of healing.

Speaker 1:

When we're working with shaman energy and this aspect that work with and specifically working with the deck, you're accessing the frequencies of a kingdom associated with it and alexis cartwright, who defined these cards, these specific cards she was very thoughtful about which cards would go into the deck and there are actually not around. There is 56 cards in the deck. I think what might make this deck unique is the fact that they're animals from different lineages but also different parts of the world, so they're not specifically, for example, australian animals, but also because she's introduced the elemental kingdom, which I talked to. So these are the elemental kingdom cards that we work with. And then another area of my favourite is the mythical. So when we talk the mythical kingdom, these animals aren't in our reality, so to speak, but they do support us more on a cosmic level. Okay, so you're just getting a little bit of an imprint of the different cards most people I know love.

Speaker 1:

If you love oracle cards, you would absolutely love working with these, and the feedback I generally get is it doesn't matter what card that person might pull in a day Gives them the insight that they're looking for. Anyone who's working with oracle cards you just literally shuffle them, like I'm doing right now, and there's several ways of divining. Shuffle them like I'm doing right now, and there's several ways of divining. So a divination is when you basically, whether you fan them out, you run your hand across and just literally pick a card or you could take the top card, or some people just like to take a card from the middle. The way I work with them daily is I would just tune in and just ask my higher self what do I need to know for that day? What do I need to know for my highest good? You can change whatever words you want for intention. There could be something very specific someone wants clarity on so they can be very specific about what question they ask before they divine. They can be very specific about what question they ask before they divine.

Speaker 1:

So, interestingly, the card that I divine today, which made me smile, because whenever I pick up this card I think, oh, how beautiful. So this is the elephant. I'm just going to pull it up closer. So, if you could, just could you describe what's on the card, because obviously we've got some people that might not be watching the video. Yeah, so basically you've got two elephants interwined by their trunks. In the background you've got Ganesh, which is an elephant god, and the Ganesh is actually is crowned in jewels, so a beautiful emerald necklace and, less obvious you can't really see there's a pink necklace. So those would be the main features of the card. Okay, so I'm going to leave that up. While I'm talking, I've just spotted behind you, laverne, a picture of this on your wall, so you have a special connection with this card. Well, I've got the A4 size of the animal cards. So I put the elephant up because obviously we've defined okay and and I love this card, but on the surface it looks quite harmless really. But in many ways it teaches us quite a lot, and so what I thought I would do is just take everyone through what this card signifies.

Speaker 1:

When I first picked this card up, I always look at the image and I ask myself what's popping out at me. And when I very first saw this image, the first thing that popped out at me was the Ganesh god in the background, and then I noticed the emerald necklace, and then the pink necklace, and then I noticed the trunks interwined, and I hadn't really noticed that before. While I was pulling together my notes on this, I did have a bit of a smile. I thought, oh, that's interesting. So those were the things that I noticed first.

Speaker 1:

So most people would have quite an affinity with an elephant and the most beautiful creatures on the planet. I don't know too many people that wouldn't have a bit of a soft spot for them. With every card there's a key word, and so the key word or quality or attribute for elephant is unconditional love, which is also beautiful. But to give you a bit of a background on elephants themselves is also beautiful. But to give you a bit of a background on elephants themselves, elephants apparently are quite human-like, very similar way to humans, including grief, apparently, and elephants also run their consciousness more from a deep level of their being more naturally, they actually have quite poor sight, so they rely heavily on their communication through sound and touch. And, interestingly, the different sound levels of an elephant apparently a number of the sound pitches are beyond human hearing. So we all have heard an elephant crying, but apparently there are different levels of pitch that they're communicating across distances with the other elephants.

Speaker 1:

Elephants are very family orientated, just like humans, but they also hold a natural love and a level of vulnerability that we as humans tend to be more guarded in showing. Okay, so there's a tenderness, there's a vulnerability and a natural love that they express with each other. And the intertwined tusks is they like to touch? They're very tactile. Tusks is they like to touch? They're very tactile. So it's really interesting that I picked up on that as the first time that I really noticed that. And if you think the human touch, when someone touches you on the arm or shoulder or through a hug, there's a real sense of communion or love. So with the elephant there's a purity. That's very natural and they work from what we would term a heightened sensory perception, so they really are evolved in their perception, I guess is the best way to speak about it. And because it's so large, they hold a lot of energy, so they also teach us to hold our energy.

Speaker 1:

So if elephant comes up in a divination, it helps to remind us to connect with our deepest emotions. Elephant reminds us to do this with ease and, in essence, really when we do this, we can release our emotions and support a healing process basically, and when we can do this, we're really supporting our mind, body and soul to emotionally evolve. Okay, so Elephant's really good. Also teach us to open our hearts from a place of pure love, and the keyword unconditional love really signifies that. It reminds us to trust and surrender through our heart. It reminds us to feel what we need to feel, embrace our vulnerabilities and to see our vulnerabilities from a higher perspective.

Speaker 1:

You can go to this, the book that I've shown you. You can go to the book and it gives you a background reading on the elephant, and I guess one of the most prominent things from a spiritual philosophical tradition with the elephant is Hindu. So the Hindu tradition sees the elephant headed by the god Ganesha, who symbolizes removal of obstacles. That was the first thing I noticed this time. When I looked at the card, my eyes were immediately drawn to Ganesh symbolism of removal of obstacles. And then there's a Buddhic tradition with the elephant, and particularly. It is said that Buddha once incarnated in the form of a white elephant, and so for Hindus, white elephants are a manifestation of Buddha and are seen as good luck. You're already getting an imprint of why elephant might be coming through today. You pick this card up today. This is what it might be signaling, and it all depends on what's going on in their life, where they are in their journey and what they're trying to achieve personally and spiritually.

Speaker 1:

The second thing I noticed was the emerald green necklace. So for me that was saying saying Laverne, just trust, right, trust in yourself, surrender through my heart, and that will support any healing or strengthen my emotional state of being on that day. I've been described as Laverne, you're a rock. I've been described as Laverne, you're a rock. So I have to remind myself to be vulnerable, or allow, when I'm feeling vulnerable, to be okay about being vulnerable and get in touch with how I really feel. And it was really funny because, leading up to the day that I actually divined this card, I was literally consciously going through that process. I'm trying to work consciously through my evolutionary process and evolving personally, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. So it was really ironic that I was making a conscious decision leading up to the day that I defined this, that I had literally been going through that process. So I'm feeling very vulnerable today or during that week. This is where we get our soul growth when we allow ourselves that process.

Speaker 1:

The emerald green I've mentioned is about trust, right? So that reminds me Laverne. You've just got to trust yourself. And then I think I mentioned that I saw the pink necklace. That's learning about becoming more unconditional. So that was another signal to me. What am I? Am I on the path? Am I working through what I need to work through to become embody?

Speaker 1:

Being unconditional Elephant will support us to let go of old negative emotions, birth more love, joy and developing more of an unconditional nature. And it might be confirming yep, you're on your path, you're doing that, you know you're doing that with more ease. So let's look at the word unconditional love. It rolls off the tongue so easily. We can all profess to be super unconditional, but in the truest sense of the word, where we're unconditional, where we can feel the intensity of an emotion as it rises, and experience that and experience what that's creating for us and what's going on for us.

Speaker 1:

And so to truly practice being unconditional is when we experience those raw emotions and it can be really deep or it could be more superficial is can we stabilize? And to remember, to stabilize through that the emotions felt, to stay in balance while those emotions are rising and don't react and, with that awareness, not express, you know, our negative emotion and just sustain an unconditional state basically. And if we can do this, what we find is we feel strong. Yeah, and seeing I'm bringing up emotion right now, I'm going to love myself as I am and I'm going to experience what I need to experience. I'm going to take my old self off here to help support my process that I'm feeling. So it's when we can hold that sense of self our awareness actually expands and we can tap into our higher states of consciousness. You might notice some of the things we're talking to, but if we can't heal our emotions, we move into a state of dis-ease in our body and consciousness and this also plateaus our emotional, our personal, our spiritual growth Effectively. If we can't work through our emotions, basically it's impacting our awakening.

Speaker 1:

So Elephant really teaches us the art of acceptance of self, acceptance of others, with gentleness, nurturing the self, nurturing others and for the embodiment of unconditional love really is where it's leading us. So that gives you an imprint of just one card. So you've got 56 cards in a deck, all representing something. When you're mastering it, we're embodying that attribute or those qualities, or we're working through whatever the card represents at a level of ease and grace. You might get confirmation I'm heading in the right direction. Yes, I'm really feeling that I'm embodying more of unconditional love. When you're mastering this card more and you just feel it, you'll know it, that you're doing it and you'll just get that confirmation. So there's an energy behind these cards and almost the images seem to change too in some way.

Speaker 1:

You can do a daily reading, a weekly reading, a monthly reading. Some people use it and journal. So you could divine a card daily and journal what were the attributes and over time, if you're a journal type person, you would notice a pattern, some key themes, key messages. So there's lots of ways of working with them. So I know I've said a lot. I do, but there's a lot. There's a lot in that card. Yes, yes, and I have to say I love an oracle card and I thought it was like when you were saying that you do this every day, I was like, yeah, if all of that comes out in one day, I feel like you've got a lot going on. I feel like the embodiment is such a deep, can be such a deep process and there's and like you've already talked to, the fact that there are so many different ways that you can use the cards and as a daily practice.

Speaker 1:

For me, if I was to do something like that on a daily practice, I'd feel like I wouldn't be able to get that much depth from the message. You know what I mean. That was a lot for me when I look at that card. And what I loved was like you actually drew me into thinking about what's actually on the card, because often we can just if we, if someone's into oracle, you often read the word and don't really look at the detail in the picture. But, and so I really love that you did that and the and the things that stood out for me were that the first thing is, with elephant, what do I think? And I think feminine, the matriarch they're led by their female leaders. So that was the first thing that came up for me feminine leadership. And also it looks like a male and a female, just because one of the elephant has tusks and one doesn't, and I don't even know whether that is a a thing like whether and so I'm like it. For me, that's representative of balance male and female, yin and yang, because they're intertwined.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so, like for me, if I was drawing that and it was just a daily practice and it was like draw a card without necessarily a question or a challenge or a problem, but what's my message for today? Yeah, that they're the kind of things that I would potentially come up with, but I love the idea of journaling about it. Yeah, and I just want to touch on naturally, I've been working with these cards for 18 years and you made two very important points. One you divine a card. You look at the image and what intuitively comes up for you that pops into mind, then you would naturally learning those cards from start. You just divine, have a quick look at the why is this card coming through the day, and there might just be one sentence that grabs you. Okay, and that's perfect. So I'm not analysing to the level of detail that I've just talked to this person. You're just representing all of the symbolism. Well, but that day, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So what I've tried to do is give you an imprint how much energy is behind one card in a decade 56, that over time, you would build that understanding and that appreciation and it becomes more ingrained in you. Anyone picking up the deck for the first time would just say I resonated with three of those and that really resonated with me and I'm working with that today. So that's how you would work with it on a daily practice. And I love the fact that you raised what you raised, because the intention is to say wow, there's a lot there, I'm not going to get bored. Yeah, you definitely won't get bored, because each time you pick up the card, you're going to get something else, something different, depending on where you're at.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I think that raises a really important point, and everyone's just got to remember that I've been playing with these cards for 18 years, so I would naturally see something more picking up 18 years down the track. Oh yeah, oh yeah. I am feeling a bit vulnerable today, but you would naturally read or see or whatever. So, because I'm really tuning into myself literally almost moment by moment, checking in what I'm doing, because that's the journey, that's the path I'm choosing for me because I'm seeking to master, but then any anyone can pick up these cards and have fun with them, and I like that you notice. Oh, I like the fact that you focused on the image, because that in itself might just be all you need and you could be dividing the card. You don't even have time to pick up the book to quickly scan the reading, and there might be just something in the card that you noticed. Yeah, individuals will work with them whatever way, but it's almost like they're more of a dare I use the term psychological reading.

Speaker 1:

There is a psychic aspect to it. It is the universe trying to bring to your attention something. Any oracle card you work with, they're they a universal tool. So it's a tool to work with. And it's another nice soft way of looking at the self, because if an animal turned to you and said you really need to work on this, you would take it from animal. If a human turns around to you and says you really need to work on this, you get more defensive. So it's just a beautiful way to reflect and internalize. It's amazing how much clarity or insight. It can be that simple, yeah, yeah, yeah. And it doesn't have to be a daily practice. It could be a weekly practice, it could be a monthly practice.

Speaker 1:

One of the things I was going to say about oracle is compared to and I know you've connected it with the previous episodes and said that it's, you know, dovetails into the teachings of transference healing. But what I love about an oracle card is like that physical thing. A lot of the other things that we've talked about, they're all like. They're practices that we have to in our mind. They're in our mind. Yes, exactly, so they you need to consciously go. I'm going to do this thing. Even if you can integrate it into your daily routines, like we did with the affirmations, it's you have to consciously remind yourself to practice.

Speaker 1:

When you've got a physical thing the box of cards, that just adds a simplicity to me. It's like as simple as holding the cards, closing your eyes, feeling, fanning them out, grabbing a card, looking at the picture, receiving that message, whatever that might be for you on the day. Yeah, so I just shuffled the cards, I tuned into you, nadine. I said what does? What's going on for nadine, right? Oh god, on a higher level and falcon came through, okay, which really makes a lot of sense because falcon is clever wins. So it's really about you opening up your psyche more, really connecting up. Yeah, and you notice you got the eye of a horus here, which is the symbol of the third and fourth eye. So this absolutely resonates for me, because a whole number of sessions we did was all about you opening up your psyche.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I'm just trying to get that in the image. Um, and so that car firms well, yeah, nadine's still opening up on so many levels and clairvoyance is what is one of your gifts we're seeing. So that's just confirming that that's at the top level, that that's without even doing a proper reading. Yeah, so it could be as simple as that. There we go. Thank you, all right, so obviously people can get their hands on the cards.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'll drop a link in. Yeah, we'll drop the links in Summary notes. Yeah, because they're just a great tool. I like the fact that you confirmed Because I just a great tool. I like the fact that you confirmed because I'm living and breathing this energy. I tend to forget the practicalities but, yeah, you touch and feel the. You know, you can really see the images. You've got words on a book that you can do a reading and each time you read that it'll say something different. Yeah, it's just magic, yeah. Yeah, we'll drop a link in another tool to put in the belt. The belt's getting heavy, brilliant. Thank you, laverne.

Speaker 1:

Us looking forward to hearing what we've got coming up in our following episode. Bye for now. Before you go, can I ask you a small favour? If you've enjoyed this show or any of the other episodes that you've listened to, then I'd really appreciate it if you took a couple of moments to hit subscribe. This is a great way to increase our listeners and get the word out there about all of the wonderful guests that we've had on the podcast. If you'd like to further support the show, you can buy me a coffee by going to buymeacoffeecom. Forward slash, life, health, the universe. You can find that link in the show notes. Thanks for listening.