Life, Health & The Universe

Part 12 - Guide to Universal Living: And It’s a Wrap! Light Worker, Laverne Proctor

Nadine Shaw Season 12 Episode 3

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What a journey it’s been! Throughout 2024, Nadine Shaw and Laverne Proctor have guided us through the spiritual and practical, helping us navigate life’s challenges with wisdom, balance, and high-frequency energy. Podcast 12 is the perfect finale to this enlightening series, offering a bird’s-eye view of each episode and encouraging you to revisit the ones that resonate most—or perhaps discover something new to inspire your journey forward.

This series has been a treasure chest of golden nuggets, designed to uplift, heal, and empower. From understanding Chiron’s role in personal healing and how we can connect with our inner healer  (Podcast 1) to awakening your dragon power within for self-mastery (Podcast 3), and from embracing a 5th-dimensional way of living (Podcast 2) to exploring tools for creating a high-vibration home (Podcast 11)—there truly is something for everyone.

Highlights include:
 The power of words and sound—how affirmations, mantras, music and sound of nature can shape our reality and support inner harmony (Podcasts 8 & 9).
Supporting Crystal Children—a guide for parents and caregivers to help these unique souls thrive (Podcast 7).
Awakening the shaman within—reconnecting with your inner healer through the Animal Kingdom (Podcast 10).
Transcending emotional barriers and finding balance in unprecedented times (Podcasts 4 & 6).

As we wrap up, we want to thank you, our listeners, for joining us month after month. We hope these podcasts have sparked transformation, inspired self-mastery, and empowered you to embrace a more soulful and spiritual way of living.

The series is always here for you—timeless wisdom ready to revisit whenever you need a fresh perspective or a dose of inspiration. Take this opportunity to reflect, pause, and prepare for the year ahead with an open, compassionate heart.

Missed an episode? Now’s the time to go back and explore. Reconnect with what resonates, dive into what calls to you, and let this series be your roadmap to empowerment and spiritual growth.

Tune into the full series of Guide to Universal Living today and discover the power of timeless, transformative wisdom.

Thank you for being part of this journey. Here’s to a harmonious and enlightening 2025! 

Find Laverne's full profile in our Guest Directory

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Life, health and the Universe, bringing you stories that connect us, preventative and holistic health practices to empower us and esoteric wisdom to enlighten us. We invite you to visit our website, where you can access the podcast, watch on YouTube and find all of our guests in the guest directory. Visit lifehealththeuniversepodcastpageio. Now let's get stuck into this week's episode. It's December and we are. We've made it. Part 12 of Guide to Universal Living.

Speaker 1:

Laverne is joining me today, as she has for the third Friday of every month over the last now 12 months. And yeah, we made it. Hey, laverne, we made it, I know. So, as you say, today's episode episode really is to reflect on the last 12 months and, just, you know, touch on each part in the series and and look at um, you know that's really looked at ways how to navigate 2024 with clarity, you know, a bit of confidence and purpose. What we've really been doing is exploring, you know, insights to what's going on globally and personally as we go through shifts that are actually happening around the world, and looking at new ways to support ourselves right, support us not only in our personal life, but also professionally and spiritually. So really, what we've tried to aim to do the last 12 months is look at practical tips, some techniques and tools that can create sustainable wellness and achieve goals, and for people to try something new, something different that they may not have tried before. So really that was the intention of the last 12 months, present each time because I was it intuitive.

Speaker 1:

Was there kind of like a general theme that you were building on? Or, um, yeah, like what, what? Yeah, it's a really good question. To be honest, it was a, it was a combination of the two. Um, it was sort of what I was seeing um play out around me, not only in my life but in other people's lives, but intuitively picking up on what would be a good topic right now to talk to. So, yeah, it was a combination of both. To be honest, yeah, cool, and I found that, like there were certainly some episodes that really resonated for me. What I loved, uh, them all is that there was prac, there were practical applications, that things that we could integrate into our every day.

Speaker 1:

I have to put my hand up and declare that I have not been great at into the integration. Um, what I found my own personal experience was that, um, month to month, as I heard new things, I would kind of drop off one thing and and move on to the next, and I guess that's life a lot of the time, and it's actually. It's actually very natural too, especially when you're finding new tools, new approaches to something, because everyone has their own little preferences. So really it's about being aware what's available to you that you might access, you know, once in a while. And if you've got the idea, if you've got the how to to work with a new tool and it's in your let's call it back pocket, something may come up in a month, two months, something. Oh, I just remember there's a tip or there's a procedure or an approach to something that this is a great opportunity to work with that and I think that's really important because we could be overwhelmed with all the different tips and tools that we've talked to over the last 12 months and really it's like, well, just be aware of what's available to you, test them. Hopefully you've tested them along the way and I've mentioned before, the more you work with something, the more it works for you. It's like going to the gym and, you know, working your muscles, you know. So really I encourage people, you know, if you haven't listened to a podcast or any of the podcasts and you've stumbled along this one. Go back to them. You might find one that draws your attention and then maybe you just focus in on that. But over time you you know it's worth going back and listening to different ones and then you've got some extra tools you can work with moving forward.

Speaker 1:

And let's not forget that, uh, the Transference Healing Book right Beyond All Ways. You've um referenced it many times. We can get that book, um direct from your information's all in our guest directory and that has references to all of the things that you've covered this month. Absolutely, if there was one transference healing tool, I would say go out and get this publication. It's the Beyond Always book, and you might have noticed more recently, nadine, that we've now just launched the e-book version. Yes, I did Right. So, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

So, during the year, we've touched on key topics that are, in essence, everything we teach in Transference Healing concepts, principles and so forth. You could go to the book and really dig deep and read deeper knowledge and understanding of the topics we've covered, and that, in part, was a big intention of mine. So, yes, thanks for referencing that. Yeah, cool. So, yeah, it's a great book and, as I said. I think a really it's. It's like let's call it the companion guide to guide to universal living right, so you can listen. If you have the book, you can listen to the podcast episode, then you can go to the book and you can read about that particular topic in the book. They support one another. Sometimes. I certainly find that I often resonate more by hearing someone talk about it because it's it's lived experience. It helps to sort of have that integration a little bit more than sometimes just reading it off the page. So definitely a helpful tool to have in the kit.

Speaker 1:

All right, so what we're going to do, we're going to, we're going to. Our goal today is to very quickly mention each of the episodes in sequence and Laverne, you're going to. The goal is to do a brief summary of of each one and I guess why someone might find this particular topic important. So, yeah, all the way back to january, this one actually resonated a lot for me because, uh, the episode was a holy grail of healing chiron in aries.

Speaker 1:

Chiron return happens around the age of 50, 51. I'm in my Chiron return at the moment and my Chiron is in Aries. So, yeah, this one had significance for me. Do you want to give us a quick summary of what Chiron is and what it means. Yeah, I'm going to take a bit of a reverse role in this. So imagine you know what your greatest strength is, but you know also what your greatest vulnerability is, what your achilles heel, you know the aspect of self that prevents you from moving forward in an area of your life, right? Uh, that stops you from maybe accepting an opportunity that might have taken you on a path, a more synchronistic path of your personal development, spiritual growth. So, moving from what can feel like struggle and stagnation, not moving forward in your life, and being able to recognize your Chiron, your Chiron wounding, and paying attention that, as it arises, you have the tools available to you to respond and start dissolving your Chiron wounding in the moment, right? So when we talked to this, it was really to bring people's attention to oh, everyone's got a Chiron, it's based on their birth date and on that you can go away and find out what your Chiron wounding is and start working with that, right? So really that was the intention to bring that to people's attention. Okay, amazing, yeah, so we move on to. I know I'm just going to, I'm just going, and so, just quickly, in the Beyond the Ways book yes, that's six. It really talks to each Chiron in detail. It provides invocations, energy sessions and ways to work with your Chiron. Perfect, excellent.

Speaker 1:

Part two living a fifth dimensional reality. I love this one as well, actually, because, yeah, I just it's well, I'm going to hand over to you. I'm not going say anymore, but I did, yeah, this this was an interesting one. I got a real hit to talk to this and really it explored, uh, humanity's shift into the fifth dimension, which, when we talked about that, we were saying it's really about moving into heart-centered reality where intuition and conscious, uh, creation replace fear-based patterns, right, so it's about the evolution, or evolution of our process, inviting us to align to the earth's ascending energy and our and us connecting with our higher self and powering our personal and collective transformation. Brilliant, loved it. And like I think, at the beginning of that conversation we were just like there's proof for this. It's not just woo-woo, like science is showing this. This whole quantum reality is, um, real, and so it's about our yeah, how we can move into that, and the just three key things takeaways from that was really how can we embrace the shift that's going on whether we like it or not. So we provided some practical fifth dimensional living type examples and how we can align to all the changes that are going on. And, importantly, we talked about that higher connection connecting up more. So those were the three key things and obviously we went into quite a lot of detail around that Great.

Speaker 1:

Next one was another one that really resonated with me. So far, they all have, um, dragon power, embracing dragon power, uh, this one, I think, because when you did some, uh, when we did some work together in transference healing, you ran some energy on me and dragon power came up multiple times. So obviously that's the main reason that it resonated. And to hear more about it and the practice was cool, yeah, so within that podcast, we showed how to, what the Dragon Power technology is, how you can work with it, and we demonstrate that it's a really straightforward practice that anyone can work with. But you know, dragon Power is an extraordinary energetic practice that bridges ancient wisdom with modern empowerment and it's rooted in ancient teachings or sacred teachings of Lemurian times and Merlin technology and even through the Kuan Yin and I think we referenced that, you know, the truest martial art practice tapped into this type of technology. So, and just to finish, really to say, we talked to how the practice can create, you know, replenishment, how we can restore and revitalize our energies and how this particular procedure can create that. We talked about cultivating our protection and harmony and how that procedure works with that, and how do we foster more personal and spiritual transformation and how dragon power works with that cool, brilliant, loved it transcending emotional barriers for a journey of self-healing.

Speaker 1:

That was part four. What can you tell us about that one, laverne? So it's. It was really about breaking free of emotional cycles, if you remember, and tools for empowerment and awakening. So we know that our emotions shape every aspect of our life, but unresolved wounds, whether from childhood, recent experience or even past life, can trap us in a repetitive loop of pain. Right? So we talked about the emotional Ferris wheel that limits our growth and holding us back from our true potential. So podcast four was really about exploring practical strategies to break free from these patterns and create lasting change.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love it. It's really interesting because there can be so many layers and they can can be quite I don't know if pervasive is the right word where you don't even like you think that you're working on a certain amount of emotional barriers, because they're the ones that are most apparent. But but then this is my experience you realize that there's layers so very valuable, valuable, yeah, number five. So that was may, weaving the essence of spirituality into the fabric of everyday life, and I loved this one as well. Um, so simple but like, so powerful. Look, they're all my favorites, but I like this one because what this podcast offered was a global vision of what spirituality can look like when we are grounded, when we ground it in everyday life. So I was.

Speaker 1:

It was a favorite of mine because this awakening that we're going through doesn't rely on religious affiliation or elaborate rituals and for many, many modern day individuals navigating work, family with personal growth, spirituality in the 21st century could simply be about discovering simple, universal principles that bring balance, connection, inner peace to our lives. And so, really, we talk to this and at the heart of spirituality, it's not about religion, it's not about politics and it's definitely not about gender. It's about transcending boundaries, about gender. It's about transcending boundaries, inviting us to explore a state of unity grounded in shared human experiences like compassion and kindness and love. So this was a favorite and a person you know personal um focus for me, yeah, um, and so I felt that the intention of this podcast was about us reimagining what spirituality together can look like. Not something that has to follow, you know, a religion, so to speak, a certain um, rigid process, so something that follow, that we can follow, but also something that we can live every day, and I think that was why I like this one so much. Yeah, I really I agree with that. It's like and and like. The simplicity of it is starting with just like, really easy practices like saying thank you to someone, looking someone in the eye at the supermarket, taking the time to offer help, ringing a loved one to let them know that you're thinking of them, those kind of things that are simple, everyday practices that can really lift our energy and weave spirituality into our everyday lives. Perfect, loved it, yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:

Number six mastering structural and psychological balance, aligning with earth changes for ascension. This one was the. There was a practice of the, the left earth and body magnetic grid alignment, which this was a bit bit deeper, a bit more practice required for this one. Yeah, and you know the earth and body magnetic grid alignment. We did provide, um, you know recording how to work with it. It can look a bit technical to begin with, but this one is really powerful and I think at the time I felt like touching on this one because I was working with it a lot in my own life and really, uh, it supports mastering structural and psychological balance and keeping in alignment with the earth changes that are going on.

Speaker 1:

Because in this podcast we, um we talked about how, with the earth's shift into the fifth dimensional frequency, humanity is ongoing a real profound change and we're all required to recalibrate our bodies, mind and spirit and stay in alignment with the earth changes. So really it touched on how we can navigate our awakening process and that can feel like a whirlwind. And, especially when we're trying to balance work, family responsibilities and personal growth, we can find that we might experience physical challenges. You know it can be quite big physical challenges or simply headaches, joint pains or just feeling out of our body or just overwhelmed. So this procedure really supports, um, all of that and it supports that we continue to keep coming into alignment with the earth changes and we go into more detail about what does that mean?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and interestingly, like you mentioned right at the beginning of this particular episode, about how we might be experiencing restless sleep, headaches, joint pain, as you just mentioned, and I have seen well, we just went on a trip overseas just in the last month a notable, notable amount of people saying I've hurt my back, I've twisted my ankle, I've yeah, like every other person was like, oh, I've done something to my back and I'm, I'm like, this is and it's interesting you point on that because that was triggering the the different topics I was covering and with this procedure, really with all energy, running energy, you want to preventatively care, right. So, running energy, your what you're doing is continually aligning your personal energy with what the planet is shifting, you know shifting in the planet and so forth and through that realignment, what you're doing is mitigating the symptoms than some you've touched on, right, but with this particular, I'm so passionate about the Earth and Body Magnetic Grid Alignment Procedure because it can really support emotional calm, you know, with feeling stress. So it really supports emotional calm. It does support physical strength and alignment. So you know you want to try and not get those structural issues. If you've got those structural issues and you're going to the chiropractor, what this procedure supports is well, a chiropractor has made a physical adjustment. This procedure will support you to hold that adjustment Right. And this procedure is great for grounding and stability. You know that's I said the psychological um discourse that some people might be feeling and naturally, obviously it's supporting spiritual growth. It's really connecting us and and deepening our intuition. So it's a really powerful procedure and, uh, you know, assuming that some of our uh listeners may be having a little bit of extra time over the Christmas break, maybe this is a time to go back, check that one out and have a practice with it. The instructions, absolutely, absolutely. This next episode I loved also seems like we haven't found one yet. No, I don't. And super important, um, it's just super important.

Speaker 1:

Children of the new millennium. Can I tell you a little anecdote? When I was in my twenties, thirties, I used to say I don't want to have kids. The world's pretty messed up and I think it would be really selfish to bring children into the world. I may have even said this in that particular podcast. And then it got to my late 30s and I eventually had Louis when I was 40, and my thinking started to change to the next generation. The generation of children that we're bringing in right now are the change makers. They could be the ones that make, they're going to be the ones that are going to make the difference. So our role in nurturing them so that they can help to make those changes is super important, indeed.

Speaker 1:

So we talked about what crystal children were and that they bring very unique gifts and are very pure, high frequency, encoded with a DNA of the new consciousness, the heart-based consciousness. They have extraordinary gifts. They have a deep connection to the energy and nature, even if it's not obvious, and they are definitely serving as a catalyst for parents, caregivers, to create positive change. So we covered in this, defining characters of crystal children, why they are so connected to nature, crystals and earth, energy, how their unique sensitivities impact them, and there's different types of crystal children that we touched on, and we provide some practical ways to help them thrive, including, you know, making sure, clearing and protecting their energy and their environment. Yeah, brilliant.

Speaker 1:

The next one. I feel like I need to open my window for this because, uh, the next one is elevate your being through words and sound. I don't know if you can hear that. Oh, beautiful, yes, beautiful. Can cicadas? Yeah, and uh, I remember you talking about when you were talking in this episode, and I said that sometimes, when I'm walking in nature, I actually feel the the bird song, um like vibrating in me, and you certainly can't avoid feeling, uh, the energy of the cicadas at the moment in my area.

Speaker 1:

So the episode was Elevate your being Through Words and Sound. What have you got to say about that? Yeah, so the intention was to remind people I think people know this but to remind people that sound serves as a profound catalyst for healing and growth. You think of a beautiful piece of music, or you mentioned at the time, because I was going down the path of more meditative, more inner peace, and you then reminded me but if I'm in the gym, I want a certain type of music to you know, boost my correct. To you know, boost my correct. So there is a place for all genre of music and you really brought that into focus, which I thought was brilliant at the time.

Speaker 1:

But this episode really touched on you know, how music and sound can support emotional release and healing we, how it can support an empowerment through well, we talked a bit about words as well, through language. Well, music is language, um, and how we can, how it can support our connection up. So I was talking about more of a spiritual type of music connecting us up. But, you know, being in the gym or being somewhere you really feel as though you need a boost of energy, enthusiasm, joy. You know, driving the car on a Monday morning, school it's all about bringing us back to joy. And when we're in our joy, in a peace, you know, in a natural state, we're really connecting up to our higher consciousness. Right, and so it's about, you know, reminding ourselves, work with sound um to support greater harmony in your life and whatever that music means. You know, type of music means for you and nature in general, right, so like when you like.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes, when you buy a meditation music, it's the babbling brook and the tweeting birds and the rustling of leaves, or, you know, thankfully I have access to a lot of that. You know where we live and that definitely brings a sense of calm, sound in nature. A sense of calm, sound in nature, the one of the most powerful forms of sound you can come, come to use. Yeah, absolutely beautiful, unlocking spiritual growth through affirmations and mantras. You gave me homework for this one and you know, as I said, I kind of practiced, like each month, I kind of had the topic that you'd spoken of front of mind, and the same goes for affirmations and mantras, and I was actually I actually yesterday or the day before started to reintroduce affirmations.

Speaker 1:

I found this really helpful topic, yeah, and I guess the intention of this one, which is something I observe in myself and watch myself I know it sounds like a strange thing, but you know it's something I have to practice when I preach why words matter. I mean words hold immense creative power. So whether we're affirming for our worth, you know, invoking divine assistance and guidance, or chanting Sanskrit-type mantras, these practices can create a vibration that can really harmonize our inner world and foster healing and support our spiritual connection. So I touched on affirmations, which is a real favorite of mine, which you had some homework around. We talked briefly about invocations. You know these are short prayers that normally connecting you to a deity, and I chose Kuan Yin as an example and I think in that podcast I mentioned oh, you know, when I really really look at it, mantras are my personal favorite because mantras, and particularly Sanskrit mantras, are so pure you know, sanskrit is such a pure language are so pure. Sanskrit is such a pure language. When you listen to Sanskrit and there's plenty of downloadable mantras available. It really brings me back into a balanced resonance really really quickly. So I work with mantras a lot. I loveations. My favorite affirmation I want to share again today is positive abundance is flowing in every aspect of my life and that just brings in people I need to meet. You know positive experiences. Yes, I might walk into a shop and something's discounted that I'm looking to buy. It's not necessarily about financial gain and winning the lotto, but it's definitely can pull that in right. Yeah so, yeah. So that, to me, was another favorite podcast of mine. Yeah, that was a great one. I really liked that too. I also like the next one, animal magic, and I know that this is one of your um, all-time favorite practices from transference healing, uh, the oracle, the animal magical and animal magic oracle um, which was really great. You basically, yeah, you showed us that there's a lot of uh, there's. You can get a lot out of a deck of cards. So, yes, the central tool is Animal Magic, which is a Transference Healing Modality tool created by Lexus. If you love oracles, this is definitely a go-to deck. It has a lot of energy behind it and I try to demonstrate how much information is behind one card by just focusing on the elephant and I think you walked away going oh my god, I don't think I remember all of that and I think the point was, yeah, behind one of those cards there's so much information and um tools that we can work with, not only mastering on a personal level, but gaining insight to something going on in our life and then the attributes of that animal, what we can embrace and what maybe the universe is bringing to us to embrace. And we talked about elephant magic and that the basis of that is about unconditional love, and we talked to what does that really mean? Yeah, and I think that one of the beauties of this particular practice is you have the cards in your hand. Uh, you can have them somewhere that's easy to access and it's a simple practice of drawing a card, maybe each day, or, you know, if you have a particular card you want to contemplate, then you can spend some time with it. But it just seems nice that you have that kind of physical thing to play with and animals like. It's always a bit playful and exactly it taps into, like your imagination a little bit more. And and it was Alexis that beautifully put at some point I don't know when it was. She said you know, if you draw an animal card and it's telling that, telling you you need to refine something in yourself, well, you're more likely to take it from an animal, aren't you, than a human? So she said there's a real, it's less offensive and, to be honest, you know, when I pull a card, that card's come up a few times. There's something I need to look at in myself. Well, are you sort of more accepting of it because it's attached to a certain animal? Well, I really like that animal. I think I'll take that advice on board. Yeah, for sure. And then we were into month 11 already elevate your home, elevate your life, which is another episode which gives us some real, practical and, like pleasurable things that we can do in our home and in the spaces that we spend time in. Yes, this came again. Each time I come up with a topic, I normally figure it out. Just as I finish a podcast, something comes to mind and I just felt like, well, well, we're talking about a lot of our personal energy. For a large part of the year, it's like well, I spent, I spend an awful lot of time clearing the energy in the house. I thought, well, you know, a lot of people are doing this but may not be consciously conscious what they're doing, and I thought, well, there's some really practical things we can do, and really the essence of this podcast was to explore how to create a high vibration environment that fosters peace, tranquility, balance and supporting your well-being. And I think we provide some really practical examples that you know, lighting a candle well, we all can do that, right, and there's some more sophisticated examples. But you know, we went from very simple, straightforward examples through to more, you know, sophisticated, like burning resins and so forth. Definitely worth looking at that one because you'll be surprised what you're doing today and working more consciously in clearing your space and how you can do that, especially working with candles everyone loves a candle, but understanding how you can do that more consciously, you'll be surprised the shifts you can make in your environment and that you know there may be less sickness in the environment. That doesn't say it stops sickness. When someone needs to clear, they will clear, but it might move them through a process faster. As an example yeah, brilliant, um, as we've talked through all 11 of those like it, it's been really good. It's actually a really good review, probably for both of us. I know that you practice all of these things all of the time and you know you've worked. You've worked with transference healing for a long time. But yeah, it's been really good to get a review of these and I'm definitely going to get the book out over the next little while and review some of them in more depth. Do you have any? Have you? I know we've sort of said along the way, I love this one and I've said, oh, I love that one, but were there any in particular that you that you thought, yeah, that was one of my. I have to say anyone who's going through an awakening process or really moving down a more spiritual path where they're really looking to self-master. The top one for me is chiron. Really understand what your chiron is. Right, we've all got a wounding, we've all got an achilles heel. He'll work out what that is for you and, day to day, observe yourself and see yourself playing it out. And as we move through this decade, we're all going to be pushed more and more and we're all going to be um cornered into our chiron to clear right. So, chiron, power of the word, power of sound, you know, I'm absolute go-tos for me. I think more and more about what I say, how I say it. Observe oh, I said that's a way, was that? Could I've said that, you know? But the power of the word, and as we lift our frequency we need to be more conscious about what we're saying, how we're saying it, and that can have a positive ripple effect out to people. So if I had to pick two, it would be those. If I had to pick a third one, we'll look. Dragon power. Dragon power, ultimately, is about self-empowerment, self-mastery, mastering in the self and truly taking that spiritual ascension process into self-mastery. My favorites I definitely love the affirmations. One because you gave me the homework and I did it diligently, because that's the kind of gal I am, and I definitely noticed a difference over the few weeks that I was saying my affirmations in the shower and I love the practicality of it, that I was able to do it wherever I was in the shower, in the car, in my head, out loud. I think the dog, when I took her for a walk in the morning, probably thought I was a weirdo Saying it out loud on the nature tracks. The dog was probably with you saying it in their own mind. He's like is there anyone else here? She's talking to me. I love to elevate your home, elevate your life, just because of the simplicity. Again, I love. I love things where I can, um, physically take action. And you know, having crystals, burning incense, but having candles, they're all really easy things that I can integrate into my routines and my life and everyone likes it. Everyone loves it when there's some incense burning or there's a candle burning. You know, it just makes you feel good. So I really like that. They're probably my two faves. I reckon Wonderful, that's good. Well, look, I think over the year there's something there for everyone. Yeah, and I would encourage people to surrender to their higher self and maybe go through the listing and almost do a divination. To do divination, you just run your hand down the screen and say where does you stop? Now? Obviously you have to scroll a bit because we've got a few, and wherever you stop or naturally stop, should I say you go and listen to that one. And this is then practicing that fifth dimension, living a fifth dimensional consciousness. You're not working from the mental plane, you're working and connecting from your higher self and and working out what do I really need for my highest good? Amazing, we did it. We did it. Um. Is there anything else you want to close? No, I just want to say thanks, nadine. It's been absolute joy and pleasure connecting with you. You bring something left to center, always to to the podcast, and I think that's been important. And, um, yeah, I just want to say thank you very much indeed for working with me this year. Yeah, and thank you like. You've obviously taken a lot of time um and committed to the process to um share your insights with the listeners over the last 12 months. So we um really appreciate your uh contribution to the podcast, laverne, um, and wish you all the best for 2025. Yes, and the same to you, nadine. All right, you take care, we'll speak to you in in uh, 2025, 2025. It's just around the corner. It's just around the corner. All right, laverne, till next time. Till next time before you go, can I ask you a favour? If you've enjoyed this show or any of the other episodes that you've listened to, then I'd really appreciate it if you took a couple of moments to hit subscribe. This is a great way to increase our listeners and get the word out there about all of the wonderful guests that we've had on the podcast. Get the word out there about all of the wonderful guests that we've had on the podcast. If you'd like to further support the show, you can buy me a coffee by going to buymeacoffeecom forward slash life, health, the universe. You can find that link in the show notes. Thanks for listening. Thank you, thank you.