Life, Health & The Universe

Unlocking Potential: The Art of Self-Actualisation - Success & Freedom Mentor, Shimrit Nativ

Nadine Shaw Season 12 Episode 12

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Shimrit Nativ, renowned transformational leader and founder of Master Your Path, joins us with an extraordinary narrative that's both intriguing and inspiring. 

Shimrit takes us from her early days in the music industry to her transformative journey into holistic coaching. Her encounter with pre-cancerous cervical lesions was a pivotal moment that led her to explore the depths of healing, creativity, and the power of intuition. Shimrit's story is a testament to the incredible potential for personal growth, emphasising how addressing generational patterns can lead to profound mindset shifts and well-being.

As she journeyed from musician to coach, Shimrit navigated the complex waters of personal healing alongside a career and motherhood transition. Her tale is not just about a career change but a deep-seated calling to help others actualise their potential and embrace self-expression. 

With early interests in psychology and music as her guide, Shimrit reminds us of the importance of listening to our inner voice, even when the path forward is not clear. Her studies with Dr. Joe Dispenza further underscore her commitment to transformative work, exploring the power of heart coherence in healing and personal transformation.

Listeners will be captivated by Shimrit's insights into mastering the "human instrument" to create desired realities, especially for those in midlife seeking a new chapter of growth. Through free resources and meaningful conversations, she highlights the tools available for personal development. 

Whether it's through heart coherence or the realisation of self-potential, Shimrit provides a roadmap for those ready to embark on a similar journey of transformation. 

Tune in for a wealth of inspiration and practical advice to ignite your own path to personal and holistic well-being.

Find Shimrit's full profile in our Guest Directory

Speaker 1:

Today I'm joined by Shimrit Nativ, dialing in from Germany. Shimrit is a transformational leader, speaker and founder of Master your Path. She specializes in mindset transformation and holistic well-being, and we are going to be talking about all of those things today. Welcome, Shimrit. It's really great to have you here. I appreciate your time and I'm really looking forward to our conversation.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much. I'm so looking forward to it as well. Thank you so much for having me. You're welcome.

Speaker 1:

Is there anything that you'd like to add? That was a very, very brief intro that I just gave, so there's probably many things you could add, but is there anything that kind of jumps out at you that you'd like to add at the moment?

Speaker 2:

Well, I think our conversation as it unfolds will reveal more facets of myself and my work, so I think we can jump right into that and my intention is to give as much value as possible to your audience. And, yeah, I'm ready to go, yeah, I'm looking forward to it.

Speaker 1:

OK, so let's go right back to the beginning. So you're a coach, you are a transformational coach, but you have your own story right. That led you here. So can we start with that and then kind of delve into what all the nuts and bolts? Oops, I just dropped. Sure I'm back okay.

Speaker 2:

So so you're asking me about my story. Yeah, well, um, it's quite a long story. I've been on this earth for 44 years. But, yeah, what led me to where I'm at today professionally? Well, most of I'm leading a business and a community and you know I'm working with people as a coach, but to some levels there are some things that may be similar.

Speaker 2:

So, as a musician, I was also a teacher and you know, music is a very healing thing and a very transformational thing in and of itself and it is a language and an an art and all of these things can be said to you know what I do today as well. But definitely there were some shifts and, you know, realizations that you know, in pivotal moments that led me to leave that behind, that musical career that I was very much invested in for many years and choose, you know, choose this and start this chapter in my story. And so things kind of, you know, unfolded over the years that prepared me to the work that I do today, whether it is my own healing journey that started many years before making this transition from music to coaching, excuse me. So that is back in my 20s, when, you know, when I discovered I had precancerous lesions in my cervix and that led me to a very deep healing process with myself, with my own coaches and mentors that I've had at the time and healing modalities and you know all kinds of tools and practices that today I use, continue using and teaching practices that today I use, continue using and teaching.

Speaker 2:

I actually, you know, opened up to that and and use those tools and practices to heal and that created a very big, deep transformation, not only healing my body but also changing all kinds of patterns within myself that used to manifest in relationships and really call in and attract who today is my husband for many years. So this was one of the most poignant times in experience and wisdom and, you know, planted some seeds in me to allow me today to work with people and help them in similar you know, in similar journeys, whether it is healing on a physical you know, body level or relationship or otherwise, because it's really the same tools and the same processes and the same laws that govern any creative process. Whether you want to create a physical healing, a new relationship or a business success or financial freedom, it's all the same, it's the creative process basically. So that's a little piece of my story Again. I'm on this earth for 44 years, so I can talk for the whole hour, but maybe I'll pause and see if you want to direct this somewhere.

Speaker 1:

I find that, yes, I was actually going to ask you the connection. So when we talked about mindset transformation and holistic wellbeing-being and I was like, oh, that's interesting, and that was one of the things that I kind of circled and I was like, what do you mean by holistic well-being? But that's made complete sense now and you've already answered that question. I'm really interested to hear a little bit more about that, if you don't mind, when you had the cervical lesions and what your process was then in your healing journey. I actually had a very similar experience in my 20s when I had to have a, a bio cone biopsy on my cervix. So I had like pre-cancerous um tests consistently. But I did and I feel like I had that kind of uh you know very kind of mainstream treatment for it um, and I was aware of more sort of metaphysical healing at the time but I didn't put those two together um. So I'm really curious to to hear like how that, how that um came about in your, in your life, when, when you had that experience um, yes.

Speaker 2:

So when that happened, when I discovered it, uh, it was very intuitive. So it was really intuition that led me to actually go to take the test, and then I found out that it was already a, you know, a very advanced kind of stage of of that. There are several stages to this, as you know, um, and so it it started to begin with from a very intuitive place and I was already in a, in a period where I was coming out of a relationship, um, and into the next, uh, very quickly, being very aware of a pattern that's been going on for also generations before. Generations, yes, but that's been going on for also generations. Generations, yes, but that's not the word I was looking for for relationships before that, Right. So I invested a few years here and a few years here and a few years here, and I could see already a pattern in my, in the choices I've made in partners, and you know the experience that I've had like that kind of kept repeating yet not being able to stop it Right, and you know the experience that I've had like that kind of kept repeating yet not being able to stop it right, and and I really was just witnessing myself going through another cycle and knowing you know what I should and should not be doing or choosing or compromising, but, yeah, doing it anyway. So it was kind of stronger than me.

Speaker 2:

And so during that time my awareness increased, still not to the point where I could, where I managed to lead myself differently, but ever more aware of it and trying right and doing the work, but not really started managing to break through that cycle. And then I had the intuition to go and check um and discover, discovered the, the um, you know that, that, that, that, that was the condition. And so when the doctor told me, okay, we should go, we should hurry and do the procedure, I was like, I know, at that point, you know, I already accepted fully the truth that anything manifested in our life and also in our body is actually, you know, there is a cause that is emotional, that is energetical to it, and so I realized that it was. I could see the connection between the pattern in relationships that I was, you know, very focused on raking through and kind of observing and this, and it was very clear to me that it was like another knock on the door, so I always call it.

Speaker 2:

It's like, you know, every time we live these cycles. It's like every time they come up in our life like another relationship, another relationship or another, like you said that you've had this several times, right? So every time that comes up or every time there's any pattern, every time it comes, another cycle. It's like a knock on the door and knock on the gate and when we finally open it, we get to learn a lesson, some lesson that's connected to something that you know, that happened to us or that you know. And when we learn that lesson, we can really open that door.

Speaker 2:

You know, and I'm using these words or gate, I'm using these words deliberately, intentionally, because so my native language is Hebrew and in Hebrew different words come from the same three letter root.

Speaker 2:

So there are different roots of two or three letters that are roots of different words, that sometimes those different words are not connected in their meaning, seemingly right, Like unrelated words, and that reveals the relation and the connection and the underlying meaning you know, and truth.

Speaker 2:

And so the word lesson and the word gate come from the same three-letter root, and so when you learn the lesson, you open that gate, and then the word richness or expansion or abundance is the inversion of that root. So in my kind of journey and study and self-inquiry and this relates to your first question about what led me so I was always on this journey of searching and finding out, you know, revealing truths about myself and about life. I love weaving the language into it and sometimes I think a lot in English I always have, I don't know why even and I read, of course, a lot in English. But then sometimes when I read something like, ooh, I wonder what let's think about this word in Hebrew and see how it can relate. You know what it can reveal to me this with these three words.

Speaker 2:

It's one of my favorites, because it's really like that right, you learn the lesson, you can open some gates to some other level of awareness, of manifestation, of expansion. Right, it's like something that was holding you back and now there's more richness to whatever it is that is related in your life to that, and so that's really what it was. You know, it was very clear to me when I found out the physical condition that this was the like a lot, a much louder knock. You know the pattern I was observing, I was observing in relationships and I could see, like this is a louder lock and I have to answer it. And if I just do the procedure, um, the mainstream, I think, is the way that you, then I'm not going to learn the lesson because I'm going to be focused on that and I don't know.

Speaker 2:

It's just like the body has the wisdom and it's through the, you know, it's through the healing process that you unlock the wisdom, when you're able to release the pain and just receive the learning. Um, and so I had to do that. I changed the doc, I changed doctors, because that doctor was very mainstream, like what are you talking about? Like we're gonna do that next week, yeah, yeah, uh. And I'm like okay, I'm gonna find a doctor that is a little bit more patient, uh, and understanding. And I did. And she said, uh, okay, three months.

Speaker 2:

And during these three months I went very, very deep and I found out a lot of things about myself and brought a lot of healing to those places. And then, you know, three months after I went to do the check, it's like it's retrieving. So that was really cool, uh. And also during those three months, I I called in uh, who today is my husband, and uh, he's a completely off the pattern. You know, he was like completely different, not at all the same type, to the point where I was like I don't know, uh, he's not my type, right, but uh, with all this understanding and awareness, I knew that this was actually the opportunity. Um and yeah, it turned out pretty well.

Speaker 1:

Wow, and so did you. Did you eventually, obviously, I would assume, eventually you completely healed that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I did do eventually some uh, because it didn't heal completely, but when I stepped into that I was already a different person. Yeah right, so my husband he was not my husband yet, but he was by my side and I went into that procedure completely aware and really it was really more of the, the seal, the sealing of the heal of the inner, you know, emotional healing process that I underwent, yeah, um and uh, I was in full awareness. It was like really just a another layer to that process. Um and yeah, it was. It was actually a beautiful, a beautiful way to, and I, and then I got pregnant very shortly after Not that it prevents pregnancy, of course, but you know, it's all, it's all down.

Speaker 1:

I think, yeah, when I, when I look back on my experience, I had the procedure and I went through a whole bunch of I think I I met, my, actually I met. I got together with my now current um partner husband of 15 years um, and and I feel, and I had children later in life, so I had my first one when I was 40, um, but I feel like they were definitely part of that healing process as well. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's been an eye opener.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So you were a musician. You still are. You never not be a musician, right? I always say that You're always a musician, but you're not like, that's not your chosen profession. Let's say at the moment, Not anymore, Not anymore at the moment.

Speaker 2:

You're very right. I always say that. I always say I used to be a musician, and then I correct myself Well, I will always be a musician. Actually, these days really is actually something all this time, all these years, when since I've, you know, left that route I wanted to find a way to bring it and weave it into what I do today. Um, and really, these days is when I am, I'm actually you can't see it, but down here there's a microphone and I, just like, two weeks ago, I pulled out for my, you know, for my closet, after years, years, all the cables and the microphone and the effect and, uh and other instruments and I'm starting to bring it into how I lead meditations and how I create, uh, you know, content and stuff. So, yeah, it's, it's coming back in a way yeah, that's great, yeah, amazing.

Speaker 1:

Um so when, when did you start changing your profession? Like, when? How old were you? Like, had you already had your?

Speaker 2:

you just got one child, yeah yeah, for me, yeah, 12 years old oh cool.

Speaker 1:

So did it all kind of coincide like parent no bothering and the shift.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, no. So actually when I was pregnant, which was in my early 30s, I was still a musician. I was actually recording the demos for my album when I was pregnant and then, you know, and then I gave birth and I took a year, you know, to really uh, just a mom uh, and then, when he was one year old and went into the studio and I recorded the album and then I started performing. So I was a full-on. I was at the really peak of that of that path as a musician, uh, when I became a mom, and it's continued to evolve and unfold. And then we moved to Germany and I started touring here around Germany and Europe in general, because when you live in Israel it's kind of isolated, but so that was actually part of the motivation also, uh, to move, and my husband is also a musician and so, no, it took a few more years, uh, but then when I started touring, and I've done that for a while and I hustled, you know, to do that and to get that going, and it was great. But also I started realizing because the passion to do what I do today and work with people in the way I do today, helping them, you know, bring their desires and their self-expression into you, know to actualize it and to express it and to manifest it. This is a passion that I've always had and actually the seeds for that, I think, were planted when I was very, very young. It's when I was born, and you know and I can share more about that if you want and I actually went to study psychology in university.

Speaker 2:

So I became a musician later in life, when I was in my twenties. Like, not like usually you, you know, musicians usually start music as kids and then, you know, it becomes their. So, no, I always wanted to do something like what I do today, but then I devoted to music and so, yeah, um, this kind of other passion started burning stronger and stronger and that calling got stronger and louder and louder and, um, I lost the, the joy in not in music, for sure not, but in touring, in going around and taking everything with me, and you know, it was just like I lost the joy in that and in performing. I love writing music very, very much, I love the creative process and I love recording, I love singing, I love writing, but performing, yeah, and so that was also a very big transition because I was very focused on my musical career, but it became clearer and clearer that I have to slow down and pause and just be still so I can receive the clarity and the guidance to you know what I'm actually supposed to do.

Speaker 2:

Because the joy was not there and that it that it was in my late 30s actually, that I that I transitioned, and then I've done all kinds of certifications and I started working with clients and the results were incredible. So I said, okay, now I want to do that in a bigger scale, I want to reach more people, and I got into business. Cool yeah.

Speaker 1:

Great. So many things popped into my head then. So do you feel I'm? I'm curious because I, because a part of the kind of theme of this particular podcast and my life as well, because I'm 50, is that, well, people talk about midlife crisis, but I prefer midlife awakening. Yes, sometimes we have a crisis in order to have the awakening Right, but sometimes we don't. Do you feel like there was kind of some kind of pivotal shift? You said it was kind of your late 30s, so you're in that sort of era of your life.

Speaker 2:

Did you?

Speaker 1:

feel like there was a pivotal shift for you. I feel like I've seen you mention in your socials about experiencing burnout.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that was already when I was in my business. So I mean, before I go into that story, just for your question, I think the answer is yes. I think it's kind of like what I just shared as well as going into business. So you know, I was very, always very much like an action taker and a driven person, you know, going after what I want, and so I took all that into starting the business right Exactly from where I just left off the story. So, okay, now I'm doing this, I want to do this in a big scale. I want to reach many, many people. Okay, how do business online? Okay, how do you do that? And I had no idea. Okay, how do business online? Okay, how do you do that? And I had no idea.

Speaker 2:

Um, so I invested a lot in learning how to start a business and, you know, marketing, sales, all the things, content, social media. And then COVID just started and I set very big goals for myself and um, in the first year in my business and my coaching business. Uh, I really, really hard and I got to those goals that I've set for the first year six figures in less than 12 months. And then I burned out and I guess in the context of your question and your podcast, it probably relates to that right, because something's like okay, this is not how I do things anymore. It doesn't work. I cannot like.

Speaker 2:

I'm aiming for a certain goal, you know expression of myself as a leader, as a teacher and and a certain level of success as well, and I'm still operating on this outdated program of working very hard and sacrifice, saying and you know, and that has to change, it has to update, and because it wasn't updated and matching where I was going, I was just pulled back to where it was set and had to start from zero. So I basically had to stop my business. The burnout was really bad and again I didn't listen to those knocks. So it knocked and knocked and knocked until I had a terrible skin condition and I just had to stop and release all my team and stop all the marketing and I just served the clients that I had until they kind of graduated as well from the program that I was offering at the time and I really needed to. And then I started investing a lot in myself again. So not so much in learning how to to build a business, but actually how to, how to really upgrade myself and reprogram myself.

Speaker 1:

And and then I we started again on a, on a new yeah, a new level of awareness and your frequency and you a new program cool yeah, I was gonna, I was gonna, I was gonna ask you, with that initial um business that you had that you burnt out from, were you teaching the same kind of principles like, obviously with your upgrade, your, your, the things that you teach are also upgraded, but were you kind of teaching that stuff, the mindset and and all of those and manifestation that, that, that?

Speaker 2:

not so much manifestation. Okay, I was definitely a lot of this was already there. I was helping people with a lot with anxiety and depression, mostly anxiety, um, and I mean manifestation is everything right.

Speaker 2:

We manifest our life and every and all of our experiences good or bad right yeah, exactly, we manifest all the time you know it was more around really just well-being, emotional well-being, as it also translates, of course, into health or, you know, success or relationships.

Speaker 2:

But really, and in that sense it hasn't changed, like I always say, well-being is a skill that you can practice and master.

Speaker 2:

This I said from the very beginning and I really, really believe that I know it to be true this is a skill that we can practice and master. This I said from the very beginning and I really, really believe that I know it to be true this is a skill that we we can practice and master, and then well-being just translates into whatever well-being my main, you know, means for, for you. So we all, it all starts with health anyway, right, because if you can have many goals and dreams, but if you're unhealthy, then you only have one. So, uh, it's always, it's always at the, that's the, the main foundation, our well-being, and then you know well-being in all of all aspects. So, yeah, as you said, it's more like, as I upgraded, my teachings upgraded and the, the processes upgraded, so some definitely remained and I'm still using many of the tools that I've used in the first year of my and that I've got that. I've learned in my own journey um, but then the processes and the tools.

Speaker 1:

Keeps upgrading that was like okay, so you've done your first year of business burnt out and then you took some time when you were rebuilding your business. You've mentioned that you went and did some courses and more learning. Yeah, Did you then use those practices to help you build the business that you now have?

Speaker 2:

100 percent, did you go?

Speaker 1:

well, this is the experiment.

Speaker 2:

Let's see if we can put all of these things into practice, absolutely, I and I, yeah, 100%, and I, I regard my business as my art, you know. So I used to do music and I used to, you know, write, write music and lyrics and then record them and produce them and put them out there in the world and then perform with them, and it's very much, it's very similar actually. It's very similar actually. It's just a slightly different language and you know and exchange, but it's my art, it's the expression of who I am and I use all of these tools to create my business. You know my service and the value that I share and what I manifest for myself and for the people in my world, my family, my team, my clients, my community. Yeah, absolutely, of course.

Speaker 1:

Cool, I'm really interested to hear about some of the actual things that you do because, um, you, what you? You use neuroscience and you've explored neuroscience in your practices and you kind of have drawn on a number of things I believe to to create a kind of a unique approach as part of your creativity. Yeah, and are you currently working with Joe Dispenza? No currently not.

Speaker 2:

Currently not, so I basically at some point there were two kind of interactions with him along those years. One was when I, you know I went to my first week-long retreat.

Speaker 1:

He runs week-long events.

Speaker 2:

So I went to the first one. For me at the time that was 2022. So I went to the first one for me at the time that was 2022. And he was. We did this incredible, incredible meditation and coherence coherence meditation, actually giving healing to other people that were there in in the space with us, and it was the most heart opening, really life-changing experience. And when that was over and I was with most heart opening, really life changing experience, and when that was over and I was with my heart cracked open, you know.

Speaker 2:

He then went on stage and talked about the study that he's doing and how they did coherence healing with children with autism and how they did coherence healing with children with autism and also with cerebral palsy this one kid with cerebral palsy and he shared how you know, the changes and the effects of the coherence healing on these children and what I had mentioned here before, that the seeds to this passion were planted in me in my even when I was born. Here is where we can connect those dots together. I was born to a family with a child with cerebral palsy, so my middle brother had cerebral palsy and he died when I was six years old and he was actually later in life. I found out that he was buried on my sixth birthday on that date. I found out that he was buried on my sixth birthday on that date and his life and death and soul play a really, really big part of my journey. And and so, you know, when he said that and I just was a puddle, I was, just I was, I felt it struck, it struck my core, you know, when he shared that and it was like I have to, it hit me that I have to be part of this in some way. I have to offer all this talent and drive and energy and you know, like my go, go, go thing to this, like I have so much to give. I have to give this to this cause. I have to be part of this. I have to, you know, contribute to bringing these tools and this information and this healing to children with special needs and with cerebral palsy in specific.

Speaker 2:

And I tried to approach him. It's quite difficult to approach Dr Joe, so I couldn't get to him, but I got an email of the team blah, blah, blah. I even bought a. It's known about him that he loves whiskey and red wine, so I bought a whiskey, a good bottle of I think it was Jack and Daniel's or something in the hotel where this was going on. And I, and they told, I heard that he likes receiving gifts and if you transfer a gift through the team he will receive it and he will notice it. So I wrote my story on a letter and I and I didn't know how to get to him and of course I emailed the team after that and I just got, you know, polite replies because you know.

Speaker 2:

And then I found out that there is a much smaller event with him once a year in Costa Rica, with only a hand, not a handful, but like maybe a hundred participants versus hundreds and hundreds of participants in those week-long events. And so I signed up to the waiting list and even though it was COVID and I live in the other side of the world and somehow things led to me being there, and then I approached him and the first thing I said which is a really good sales tactic, even though I wasn't even aiming for that I was like do you remember you got a jack down. He's like I remember that, you know. I kind of like that was me, but that got his attention, you know, because it was like, oh, I want to thank you, blah, blah blah. I was like, do you remember the Jack Daniels? So I got his attention and I told him I'm here and this is like I put all of my, my intention in in that moment and he got it. He, he, he saw it, he could see, um, he could see me and, uh, he connected me with his research team and, uh, which was a really, really big achievement for me, and I actually I I've put up, uh, I've I've put up a page and I've reached out.

Speaker 2:

I'm connected to a community of families with cerebral palsy in Israel because, yeah, I was for many years with a partner, with a son with cerebral palsy that's another story and so I've gathered up a group of participants with cerebral palsy and they were a study group and they'd done so. Dr Joe's team have done a few weeks, like a few months, coherence healing with a study on this group, which was an incredible step forward in my, you know, in my, on my, with my mission, with this. But this had to pause because we realized during this experiment that it's really important that the people who participate or either the parents or, you know, whoever is the connecting if the children are not. Really Someone in that constellation has to be familiar with the work of Dr Joe and with the meditations, otherwise there was not enough commitment or understanding or consistency. It was really hard to really, you know, make that happen, and so I will. I will circle back to that.

Speaker 2:

And then at another time I basically applied and was accepted to go through Dr Joe's training to become a neuroscience solutions consultants, which is basically to be so. I was coached by him, with a small group of people, to teach his material in a very specific way. So you can't just go out and teach Dr Joe's material. You can teach a very specific course in a very specific way. He's very adamant as to how people can teach his material and use his name. So I've done that. But I don't actually deliver that course because it's more for organizations and corporations and actually I'm very focused on working with individuals and you know, I kind of continued and developed my own, you know my own kind of processes and so it's not something that I continued pursuing. But yeah, those were my experiences.

Speaker 2:

Wow, yeah, very valuable experiences with him, amazing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, can you talk to us a little bit about heart coherence? I'm sure that some of the listeners will have heard of it, but potentially not. I mean it's relatively like I've heard. I've I've been to a joe dispenser um one day event um a couple of years ago and followed him and, you know, read his books and done some of the practices um, and you know I've heard about heart coherence with heart math foundation um, read a couple of books so, but it's been quite recent my oh and the intention experiment as well. I think they talk about heart coherence in that book, but it's, yeah, it seems quite new, yeah relatively well, I mean, it's been around for for a long time.

Speaker 1:

But like yeah the yogi, more yeah bring is is getting more aware.

Speaker 1:

More attention, more awareness, um so like I'd love to know three things um, or maybe two, maybe two, possibly a third, but I think you might have already answered the first one is, like when you did that big um heart coherence meditation with a big group when you're on your week retreat, and you said that you were um, you were potential, you were, were focusing your attention on some people there for healing, I'd love to know what the outcomes of that were. Um, and what heart, heart. If you could explain what heart coherence is, that would be amazing.

Speaker 2:

So, one way or the other, well the, the, the outcome of that, of those healings. I don't remember specifically with the specific people that were there, but I can share in general that you know coherence healing, uh, it has remarkable results. Uh, and we know that uh and um, you know, in specifically for Dr Like in Dr Joe's uh website and you know YouTube and like, if, if anyone listening is is drawn to to this specifically, there are incredible stories of all sorts of all sorts of healings, uh, through this, uh and and basically, because we know that and this will lead to your other question as well we know that, um, everything is first created in the field. So we know that there is an electromagnetic field around our body and that goes far beyond our body and basically is part, if you can say that, of a unified field where there is no separation of time and space. So it's all energy, it's all frequencies and we know that everything in the physical, in the materialistic, physical level of reality that we experience with our bodies, is first created in that field. To illustrate that and you know, and a lot like to give an example of that or make it a bit more tangible to understand, there is research, there was a research that was done.

Speaker 2:

They took a group of women with a certain type of cancer and they scanned the electromagnetic field around their bodies with a certain type of cancer, and they scanned the electromagnetic field around their bodies and all of them had the same pattern, the exact same pattern in the electromagnetic field around their body. And then they took another group of women without the cancer, scanned the electromagnetic field around their bodies. Some of them had the same pattern, some of them didn't. And then this experiment or research went over some years yeah, so some years, after they've scanned the electromagnetic. Sorry, they took the group of women without the cancer and those women that were without cancer at the time but had the same pattern in the field as the women with the cancer from the other group, those specific women developed the same type of cancer. Wow, group, those specific women develop the same type of cancer, which is incredible, it's mind blowing. So it shows us that the cancer was already there as a pattern, as a blueprint, as an energetic blueprint in the electromagnetic field around their body. It wasn't materialized yet. It hasn't materialized yet in the beginning, in the first stage of this research, until it did.

Speaker 2:

And so whatever is the pattern, the blueprint, the energetic pattern that is present and active in the electromagnetic field, is what then is projected into physical reality. Those frequencies are transmuted into physical realities, into an energetic blueprint that is condensed enough for us to perceive with our physical senses and experience physically in our body and so on. Senses and experience physically in our body and so on, and that is true for everything, to our physical body and for our money and for our relationships, everything in the physical world. That's basically how reality is expanding and evolving from energy to matter, from energy to matter, and so, in coherence, healing when you, and even more so when a group of people, are focused on a specific potentiality, a specific locality in the field, in this case the healing of a certain person, right, right, and they, they focus on that with their mind, so with their thought, they give their attention to it, their focused attention to it, and tune into the vibration of the healing. How do you do that? You feel it Right and I mean we all the time we hear it right, that the feeling is the secret and you need to feel it. But what does that really mean? Our feelings are frequencies, like everything, right, but the way we feel gives us the indication of the vibration or the frequency we are tuned into. And so that's why, when we say emotions are energy in in motion, every, all energy is in motion. Energy is always in motion. It cannot be, it cannot not be in motion. It's its inherent nature. But when we feel emotions, we move the energy, or we know to what movement, to what frequency of energy we are tuned into. And so if I'm able to focus on a certain frequency and tune into it vibrationally meaning feeling the feeling of my intention, so to give it my attention and tune into the intention, then I'm moving energy to that. So this goes for any manifestation, but in the context of healing and coherence.

Speaker 2:

Healing, if a group of people do that and all focus on a certain potentiality and all focus on a certain potentiality and raise their frequency to match the healing with feelings of love, of gratitude, of, yeah, these elevated emotions that are basically very high frequencies, um, then they create a blueprint in the field, in the electromagnetic field of that person that is receiving the healing, and that's basically how it works. And this relates to the heart coherence that you asked about, right. So when we do that, we basically create coherence in the heart and between the heart and the brain. So we focus on his frequency with our brain. I mean, the brain is the physical tool with which we do that. We first do it with our thought, right, but it has an effect in our brain. That's the physical instrument with which we do that and we bring into coherence that frequency with the frequency that we're tuning into with our heart, with our emotions. And this is not done with these organs, but it affects the organs of our body. So the body is already a manifestation of energy but as such, when we do that with our mind and with our emotion, it affects the body and these organs in our body brain and heart which are also energetic centers, hormonal centers in our body that are very powerful.

Speaker 2:

This creates coherence that if you measure the frequencies, literally measure the electromagnetic field and the neurochemistry in the body, you can see and the, and you know the, the electromagnetic waves in the brain and you, you can literally see through, of course, certain instruments. You can see the field and the coherence that is that is created, which creates magnetism. So I mean, we can talk about that I'm on a rampage here, but you know. But just like the earth is magnetic, right, we have polars in the earth. If you look at the electromagnetic field, it's polarized and it's coherent, right, there is coherence there. It's not disordered, there is perfect order. So it's the same thing when you bring coherence to your brain and heart, you polarize the electromagnetic field and you bring coherence which amplifies your magnetism. So I'll pause here.

Speaker 2:

But I think I answered your questions though, yeah, you did, thank you.

Speaker 1:

It is amazing, and that's one of the things that I love about Joe Dispenza's work, because you know people can go. Oh, you know, meditation, manifestation, it's all just woo-woo, nonsense, blah, blah, blah, blah. Or you know part belief. But Joe Dispenza, through his extensive work, has done all of the tests. He's put the you know things on people's brains to see the brainwave changes. He's done the blood tests. You can actually, and like when we, when you say that, uh, you know your thoughts create your reality, um, when we're in that perpetual cycle of of, you know, thinking the same things all the time, we release the same hormones and so we get the same outcome, and so it's that, and so it's like the fact that he's proven that time and time again.

Speaker 2:

it's just like it's a no-brainer absolutely, and that's why there are so many, so many millions of people really that follow his work and apply it, and so countless of incredible healing stories, um, and other stories too, of, you know, transformation.

Speaker 2:

And that's what I always say. I think the his greatest gift to the world is this bridge between spirituality and science, in a way that there are others that have done that and that are doing it. Yes, absolutely, and that's yeah, that is the gift that they bring to the world, that they bring this bridge that makes it so tangible and reasonable, right To understand, because we are so programmed to rely on the physical evidence and the scientific proof, and so it's hard for many, many, many people to open up to spirituality or to these ancient wisdom and tools really, or to these ancient wisdom and tools really, um, because it doesn't have that proof and that validity that we, that we need. So it's a great, great gift that dr joe and, and, you know, his peers in this field, are bringing to the world as scientists, to, to, yeah, to fulfill that.

Speaker 1:

Help more people. Essentially, exactly. It's incredible. And the world, yeah, one person at a time. Yes, exactly so let's talk about your work specifically.

Speaker 1:

We've probably got about 10 minutes left and so I've left this literally to the last bit, but I think we've got a good sense of you know what you do. Um, in terms of your practices, we talked at the beginning about all of that, but how do you draw on those kind of practices from jada spencer and other practices in your specific work? I've been following you on Instagram. I know that you're talking about people, you know, allowing people to manifest their, you know, whatever they want, I guess, and yeah, so like, what's your process with the people you work with?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sure. So thank you for asking and for following me on Instagram. Yeah, so I really. I mean, you've already said it quite well when you say that you know that I bring a lot of different tools and practices from different teachers, great teachers that I've had the honor of working with, and education that I've received, and I bring that together. So there's a lot of Dr Joe's influence, for sure, also a lot of Bob Proctor, who was my mentor, regan Helier was my mentor, and others, and it's and of course, my own personal journey and you know the learnings that I support people through. I say you know, I consider us, you know, as human beings. We are spiritual beings and we have this human instrument. I call it right. So, as humans, we are a spiritual being, or energy. If you don't like, if you're not like, if someone listening like blah, blah, blah spiritual being, or energy. If you don't like, if you're not like if someone listening like blah, blah, blah, spiritual being, you are energy, you are a form of energy.

Speaker 2:

We just discussed that it's proven yeah, yeah, you are a consciousness, it's proven and you have this, this instrument. The instrument is not only the body, is also the mind, right, it's the human instrument through which we create. We are, you know, the perpetual creative process is happening to and through us, and when we have an idea of something that we want or that we would like to create or that we would like to create, if we are able to bring that forth. But in order for that to happen, and the reason why so many people are held back in those cycles that, as I have shared, that I was held back in, is because this instrument is operating on a program. It's just a big part of its nature is that it operates on a program that is very much like a computer program, if you will, or on an autopilot program is even a better analogy, right. So this instrument like a plane that can take you anywhere around the world and there is infinite supply of fuel that's the energy right, or spirit, if you like that, and so you can go anywhere. You can set a destination and go there, but there's an autopilot system and that is set on a certain course from one place to the next, to that, to the destination that's been set, and if you don't update the program this marvelous instrument is operating on, you're not going to get to the new destination, you're not going to be able to create, to bring what you desire into life, and you're going to be held back on this cycle, because that's where the autopilot system is set. And so what I help people do through this process that I have created is to really master the instrument. As I said before, it's a skill that you can practice and master, and so it's really about mastering the instrument and the skill of using this instrument to create what you want. And the big, big part of that is how to go into the operating system and update and upgrade the program to match the new destination and embody that version of yourself that is living in that destination.

Speaker 2:

Right, there's a quote that I love, love quoting from the book as the man Thinketh by James Allen. It's a very old book, it's a classic from 1903. And it ends with the words the sunny shore of your ideal awaits your coming. Keep your hand firmly upon the helm of thought. At the bark of your soul reclines the commanding master. She does but sleep, wake her. Of course it was written he does, but sleep, wake him, because at the time it was all men, men, men. But I read it and I read it for me. So I love this and I have it on my wall.

Speaker 2:

It's all about that. It's about awakening the commanding master and mastering this ship, this instrument, and the sunny shore is awaits our coming. It's just that we are asleep and we don't master this instrument, so it is tossed and turned on the waves and winds of you know circumstances, conditions, other people. And when we awaken that master and we master the instrument or the vehicle, we can go to the sunny shore of our ideal and then choose another one and another one and continue our journey. And so that's what I do. I help people through different processes and tools that, uh, that combine a lot of the things that we touched on today, uh, and others, um, yeah, that's that's my passion, that's my mission, one person at a time, exactly.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, one person at a time. Um, you mentioned I've I've read in in when I was writing my notes the modern day woman is who you help. Now I would love to just hear your thoughts on that. Like, who is that modern day woman? Because, for me, I work in health and fitness and the modern day woman that I come across most of all is the one that's busy, tired, hustling, not got enough time for themselves, you know, pleasing all of the other people and not really taking care of themselves. Are you I don't want to say targeting is not the right word Do you work with specific people within that women, within that category? Are they like, are they go getters like you, or are they women that just need to be pulled out of a hole, like what's going on? And who is that modern day woman that you work with?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, it is a wide range, I have to say. I love working with everyone, not only women. By the way, I'm working with men too. It's true that mostly it's women that come to, you know, to my world and to my programs, but we do have a couple of men, a few men, uh, and also on my team, and I love working with men, uh, as well. But, yeah, it's mostly women and, um, and yes, I would say most of them are the in the, you know, in the kind of go getters, the go getters, the tireds, the hustlers.

Speaker 2:

Most of them are women in their around our age, right, so I'm in my mid 40ies, you're 50, you said so around this age, 45, 50, some are older, some are younger, for sure, um, I love when, when, when young women come and join, join my programs, because, wow, I mean, if I had this information when I was 20 and 30. Oh my God. So, yeah, but most of them are moms, busy kids are also ready, you know, teenagers or older, they've been at it for a long time as moms, giving, giving, giving and having a very big dream, or even just in knowing that they're meant for more and they're ready to do it. You know they're ready to just go for it and to go for themselves more than anything else. Amazing yeah.

Speaker 1:

Cool. Yes, we've got a free training I believe that we're going to share with the listeners. We've got you in our guest directory on the website so that free training is going to be included on your profile page.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I love this training. We actually just updated it to a newer version of it with more updated. A newer, you know, a newer version of it with more updated. You know I've I have I do a lot of work myself and I always have mentors and I always go through. So we just updated the training to new, to new, to new videos and it's really good. I love it. I really recommend.

Speaker 1:

Yeah thank you so much. That's a really great opportunity, like. Obviously, having this conversation with you and finding out more about you is a really great way for people to find out whether you're the right fit. But having that training, they'll be able to check that out and if they have big dreams and they want to break free from the cycles of the monotony then absolutely, and there's a lot of other free things.

Speaker 2:

I mean, there are free meditations. If anybody listening you can, you're welcome to find me on Instagram Probably the links will be in the notes of the episode and you can send me a message, and I'm very happy to offer other resources as well, and just some direction.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, brilliant. Thank you so much for joining us.

Speaker 2:

it's been a great conversation and um, yeah, I really appreciate your time likewise. Thank you so much thank you.